The wound was so severe that the wound was still there.

Half of Yayoi's wings were stained with blood, but the pain did not make her frown. She pressed the Vulture Fruit user with one hand and stabbed the blade into the other's heart, stirring it vigorously.


The other party first roared in pain, and then his life slowly faded away, his struggling wings drooped down, and he lost his breath.

Yayoi tried to vibrate her wings, but because of the wound, her wings were difficult to open, and Yayoi could only fall to the ground with the other's body.

'Am I going to fall to death? '

She thought of this in her mind. She had flown too high before, and now her wings were injured. If she fell from this height, she might die. But Yayoi didn't want to die like this.

She adjusted the angle in the air, so that the body of the dead Vulture Fruit user was facing down, wanting to use him as a cushion, and at the same time spread the uninjured wing on her left side to try to slow down the impact.

There was a rush of wind in her ears, and the weightlessness of falling made her dizzy.

She was getting closer and closer to the battlefield, but the sound of fighting in her ears seemed to be getting farther and farther away. Those sounds seemed to be transmitted to her ears across the middle of the summer, making her feel like she was in another world.

At this time, Yayoi thought of the days she spent in Jiuli during this period, and began to miss them in advance.

Although it can be said that she left her hometown and her identity became someone else's slave, this period of time was her most carefree time. She knew the use of the black curse mark on her body, but she had no resistance in her heart.


Her whole body fell completely into the soft snow, and the white snow piled up thicker than the house, swallowing her in an instant.

Yayoi finally got out of the snow pile. She took a big mouthful of snow and looked at the woman with light steps with her black eyes.

"Miss Yukiko?"

"Are you okay? You can't die here." Yukiko laughed. She used her ability to create snowflakes to catch Yayoi. However, even with the ice and snow as a buffer, the body of the pirate under Yayoi was crushed into a meat pie by the tension.

"I'm fine." Yayoi recovered and folded her wings. She didn't even plan to leave the battlefield. Even without wings, she was a powerful female swordsman.

"By the way, Shutenmaru seems to need help." Yayoi jumped out of the snow, and the clean snow washed away some of the blood on her body. Part of her armor was broken, but Yayoi still planned to continue fighting.

When she was in the air just now, she caught a glimpse of the situation over there. Shutenmaru and Jialuo were almost completely at a disadvantage.

"Even them...?" Yukiko's expression became serious. Although the overall situation on the battlefield is more in favor of their side, the opponent's John has the possibility of reversing the situation.

"... I'll go over to help, you find a place to rest for a while." After Yukiko finished speaking, her whole body was scattered like ice and snow, and the whole person seemed to have turned into the wind and rolled up into the sky.

Yayoi watched her leave, but did not choose to rest. She drew her sword and was about to continue to kill the enemy, but she heard July's shout.



In the distance, a green dragon ghost leaped over. She was agile. Although she had dinosaur-like limbs and tails, and her face was also fierce, she had a different kind of beauty.

July originally planned to return to the ship, but the powerful recovery ability brought by the ancient species made her injured right foot soon fine. Just then, she saw Yayoi falling from the sky again, so she rushed over in a hurry.

"Are you okay, sister?"

Nanyue in the dragon demon form is much taller than Yayoi. She bent over with a worried look on her face, looking like Beauty and the Beast.

"I'm fine, let's go together!"


John used a slash to repel Shutenmaru and Garo. There was an essential gap in their fighting power. Even if it was one against two, John did not reveal any flaws at all, and it could even be said that it was more than enough.


Garo took a deep breath and held his breath. He seemed to have entered another mode. His skin turned red and his body temperature was rising.

"Oh? Is there anything new?" John grinned. It seemed that Garo's new mode brought him a little fun. He pretended to be expectant, but in essence he was disdainful.

Hot air was steaming from Jialuo's body. The principle of this mode was very similar to that of a car engine. Under the same consumption, it could make his body's performance stronger!


After about half a minute, he exhaled the gas he had just inhaled. At this time, the exhaled gas was almost boiling steam. He did not hold his breath, but slowed down his breathing frequency.

Inside his body, the heart beat more strongly, just like a water pump, frantically transporting blood to every corner of the body.

"Captain, don't you have any tricks to hide? I can't hold on to this form for long. It's better to use all my strength at the same time." Jialuo stared at John, as if he was afraid that the other party would suddenly attack.

"Although I can't say there is no, but don't expect it too much!" Jiutenmaru supported the ground with a knife, and then stood up. His body also underwent some changes at this time.

The cherry-like long hair grew behind him like a creeping plant, almost dragging to his waist and back. His originally fat body seemed to become stronger, and most importantly, his thin legs became thick and strong.

Short bone spurs grew on Jiu Tianwan's back, and a thick and strong tail grew out of thin air at the end of the spine. The skin of his arms became rough and wrinkled, and two sharp horns grew on his forehead!

In fact, not only the forehead, but also a very short horn grew on his nose, and even his mouth became a shape like a bird's beak.

"Is this, an ancient species?" Jia Luo was surprised. He really didn't expect Jiu Tianwan to be an ancient species of devil fruit ability.

"Triceratops form." Jiu Tianwan said lightly.

But in fact, he is a dragon ghost in the form of a triceratops, just like July, not an ability user who can't swim. This ability was given to him by Xia Lin before the start of this war.

If you look at it from the front, Shutenmaru at this moment looks like the legendary red demon with red horns.


He stretched out his hand to pinch his shoulder, moving his cervical vertebrae, and the sound he made was like a broken bone.

However, it is not easy to break his bones in this form.

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