"I know." Garp responded absentmindedly. Of course, the navy could also guess what Katakuri and Perospero could guess. The islands in front of them were not the real Inazuma at all, and there was no point in wasting troops to attack them. However, Garp was also unhappy. If he was asked to deal with Xia Lin, he would definitely be the first to agree, but they did not have the opportunity to catch up with that war. After seeing those war machines, the World Government obviously had new ideas. They did not want to see such weapons in the hands of pirates, so the purpose of their trip became to trade with Inazuma. This means that the World Government intends to compromise with Inazuma. This is what Garp was unhappy about. "We actually want to cooperate with that kind of war criminal!" Garp said forcefully, breathing out of both nostrils.

"Don't act on impulse, Garp." Zefa also came up to persuade.

"Since this Inazuma appeared on the sea, it has been selling a large number of weapons to the New World. It can be said that their shadows are everywhere in the current war." Garp said angrily.

"But even without the weapons sold by Inazuma, the war will not decrease." Sengoku said helplessly, "This is determined by the situation in the sea. Without Inazuma, there will be other weapons manufacturers to replace them. And don't forget that our navy was originally one of the customers of 'Inazuma'."

"But the appearance of this machine will undoubtedly lead to the escalation of the war." Garp rarely thought about these issues, and the three of them fell silent.

The approach of the warship did not attract much attention.

The navy itself has transactions with Inazuma. The person in charge of the outlying island port put the warship into the port according to the original process, and then began to receive them. Garp, Sengoku and Zefa walked down.

"Vice admirals of the navy?" The person in charge of the port was quite knowledgeable and recognized the three mainstays of the navy at once. Putting aside the hero Garp, Zephyr and Sengoku were also well-known among pirates.

Many people believed that the three of them would become admirals of the navy in the next few years.

"I want to see your boss." Sengoku said gloomily without any politeness.

"Come here."

Garp and the other two followed the person in charge to Xia Lin, who had basically not left the island during this period.

"Are you the 'Thunder' Xia Lin? Doesn't he look different from the one on the wanted poster?" Garp looked at Xia Lin, as if doubting whether Xia Lin had the ability to compete with the Golden Lion.

Xia Lin at this time was in his original posture, which was quite different from what Garp and others had seen on the wanted poster.

But in fact, Xia Lin's domineering level has been improving over the years. Even if he doesn't use full body reception now, his strength is definitely in the first echelon among pirates.

Xia Lin was a little surprised when he saw the three people standing together. He thought the navy was preparing to attack the island.

But Zefa was more surprised than him.

"When were you..." Zefa's eyes widened when he saw Xia Lin's appearance.

"Why? Do you know each other?" Garp asked in surprise.

"It seems that Mr. Zefa has a good memory. He only met once at that time, but he can still remember it now." Xia Lin smiled.

Hearing this, Zhan Guo and Garp looked at Zefa strangely.

"You guy, you were obviously a pirate hunter at that time, why did you become a pirate?" Zefa stared at Xia Lin and asked.

"Pirate hunter?" Zhan Guo heard this and seemed to remember something. He also began to look at Xia Lin with great effort. After a while, he found a trivial news from his memory, "So that's it. The person who sent a pirate star to prison a few years ago was you."

"It's true." Xia Lin did not hide it and admitted it directly.

As for the question raised by Zefa...

"You asked me why I became a pirate? It's a strange question, isn't it? I didn't rob anyone, nor did I attack the navy. I just took back my own things from the Golden Lion, and then I was inexplicably rewarded by your navy." Xia Lin said with his hands spread out.

"Instead of asking me why I became a pirate, I would like to ask you navy, why did you reward me at that time?"

Zefar's face darkened when he heard this, and he obviously remembered a meeting at that time. At that time, the three of them were very upset about the current marshal defining Xia Lin as a pirate.

All of them have complaints. But this matter is not something they can control. The bounty order was actually issued by the World Government.

Seeing that the three of them were silent, Xia Lin did not continue the topic.

"I don't really care what happened. Whether it is a pirate or not has nothing to do with me at all." Xia Lin said. Even if it is a pirate, it is a pirate defined by the World Government.

And how long can this shaky World Government last?

"I think that there should be more important things for the opportunity to come here today? It's not really to go to war with me, right?"

Xia Lin said slowly. When he said the word "go to war", his words became much sharper, and the sound he uttered was like an electric current.

Zhan Guo took a deep breath, and then said: "The kind of weapons you used when fighting the Golden Lion before, our navy wants to purchase a batch."

Zeffa and Garp stood on both sides in silence. Although Sengoku is better at this kind of thing, to be honest, if they came here with the purpose of buying Ruin Guards from the beginning, Garp would not have been sent out at all.

"Ruin Guards?" Xia Lin nodded, "Of course there is no problem. Although we are a little unhappy, business is business. Now the Ruin Guards that can be sold only cost 1 billion Baileys each."

"1 billion? Why don't you rob them?" Garp jumped up and almost grabbed Xia Lin's collar to question him.

"This kind of war machine is very expensive." Xia Lin showed a helpless expression. From the outside, it can't be seen that the price he offered to Sengoku and others is twice that of Katakuri and others.

Xia Lin felt that he was very honest. He could have robbed them directly, but he still sent Ruin Guards to the navy.

If the navy knew the truth, they would be moved to tears.

"One billion Baileys is impossible! This price is too high." Zhan Guo rejected the price without thinking, "We can offer 500 million at most."

Xia Lin pondered for a moment and said, "... Let's do this. I don't want your 1 billion either. I only want 999,990,000 Baileys. How about that?"

Zhan Guo: ???

"999,990,000, is there any difference between this and 1 billion?"

"In terms of universal theory, 999,990,000 is indeed 10,000 less than 1 billion."

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