The snot started to flow out of Baji's round red nose because he was frightened. As soon as he saw Ayame, he started to tremble like a stressed cat. As for the spider monster... this is related to Ayame's ghost form. Animal spider fruit, spider form. That is what people usually call the black widow spider. There are two kinds of ghost forms of Ayame. One is a form similar to the upper body of a human and the lower body of a huge spider, and the other is a form closer to human form with several spider arms extending from the back. Xia Lin originally thought that the ghost created by receiving magic could only have one form, but later it was proved that this view was incorrect. If a ghost successfully mastered the secret of the six styles, life return, then some changes can be made based on the original ghost form.

However, the difficulty of life return is far greater than the difficulty of the six styles themselves, and even now there are only a few people who have mastered this move.

Putting these aside, it is obvious that Ayame left a very terrifying impression on Buggy and Enel, so that the two little ghosts dared not move after seeing her.

Ayame snorted coldly, and then said coldly: "I don't know who told you that when sneaking in, you can get away with just pretending to meow, but I heard your two little ghosts' plan when we were at the foot of the mountain!"

Ayame obviously exaggerated the facts, but she did discover Buggy and Enel as soon as they sneaked towards the high pavilion.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"Walk, take a walk..." Enel hurriedly whispered.

"Walk?" Iris' bright lips curled up, she looked very beautiful, like a rose with poisonous thorns. However, Buggy and Enel were not old enough to appreciate beauty, they only felt the spider's poisonous sting getting closer and closer.

"I tell you, it doesn't matter what you want to say, but I will decide how to deal with you based on your answer."

Hearing this, Buggy and Enel's eyes suddenly turned into four poached eggs in fear.

"This time it's dead, it's all your fault, you hateful red nose, I told you not to go!" Enel began to tell on him without loyalty.

Buggy's nose turned red with anger at his words, and he kicked his two short legs wildly in the air and reached out to pull his ears.

"You actually betrayed, this hateful long ear!"

Iris was in no mood to watch the two funny guys playing tricks here in the middle of the night, so he tied them up with the spider silk that grew out of his hands and hung them on the eaves.

"You should reflect on this first. It's best if you can answer me honestly tomorrow morning." Ayame left this sentence and turned away.

Watching this terrifying female monster leave, Buggy was relieved this time. He would rather be hung up all night than face her.

"Baki, what should we do now? You still can't escape tomorrow." Enelu is obviously smarter than Buggy.

"How dare you say that, you traitor!" Buggy gritted his teeth and stared at Enelu. The more he looked at this kid, the more he disliked him, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he got!

So he simply swung in the air and smashed towards Enelu.


The next morning, Buggy and Enelu, who had been hung up all night, began to be publicly executed.

Now not only Ayame, but also Yuriko, Jasmine and others have discovered them.

"Okay, now you can tell me what you two brats are up to, right?" Ayame was wearing a black kimono with bright red patterns embroidered on it, which looked like blood.

Iris, who was a few years older than Buggy and Enel, followed Ayame and covered her mouth to watch their jokes.

"We want to find those fruits with strange patterns... Buggy said they were devil fruits." Enel's eyes were filled with tears. It wasn't the worst thing for him to be hung for a whole night. The worst thing was that Buggy, that bastard, opened his mouth and bit his ear after swinging over on the spider silk.

There were already a lot of tooth marks on his earlobes in just one night.

"Devil fruit?" Yuriko was surprised. She didn't expect that the goal of these two brats was actually this. In the past few years, Xia Lin has indeed found a lot of devil fruits.

Under the premise of intentional search, a lot of superhuman devil fruits and natural devil fruits have been found, and even one of the mythical beast species has been found.

These fruits

Some of them were indeed prepared for Buggy and Enel, but Xia Lin originally did not plan to make them superpowers so early.

However, since the two little ghosts were interested, Yuriko thought that they could choose a fruit in advance.

A sharp spider arm stretched out from behind Ayame, and the spider arm, like a spear tip, passed through the black shadow in the air and cut off the spider silk that bound Buggy and Enel.

The two little ghosts fell to the ground immediately, covering their heads and screaming.

"Jasmine, go to the ninth floor and bring those psychic devil fruits." Yuriko ordered. She only mentioned psychic because there was no need to eat animal fruits, and Xia Lin would find a suitable time for the two of them to become demons.

"I know." Jasmine nodded and turned to walk up to the attic. Saori followed her, intending to help.

Soon they came down with several fruits.

"Look, long ears, I told you there are devil fruits!" Buggy excitedly poked Enel with his elbow after seeing those fruits.

Enel was still angry about his aching ears and ignored him.

Buggy didn't care and said to himself: "Look at their appearance, they are evil at first glance!"

"Just like you said, this is the devil fruit. As long as you eat this, you can get the power of the devil." Yuriko said.

"Devil's power?! With this power, wouldn't Uncle Buggy be invincible?" Buggy clenched his fists, his eyes shining, he had planned to eat all these fruits, not leaving a bite for the traitor Enel.

Even Enel showed a longing expression.

"From the left, they are, Explosion Fruit, Slippery Fruit, Swallowing Fruit, Phantom Fruit, Gold-Gold Fruit, Split Fruit, Flower-Flower Fruit."

In fact, Xia Lin's harvest during this period is more than these, but some fruits have been consumed.

"After eating the devil fruit, you will gain the power of the devil, but you will also be cursed and become a landlubber. It's up to you whether you want to eat it or not. Iris, the same goes for you." Yuriko reached out and touched Iris's head.

"Do I need to ask? Master Buggy will definitely gain the power of the devil, and then go out to sea with Master Xia Lin to help Master Xia Lin rule the world, hahahaha!" Buggy reached out and grabbed the Split Fruit, then took a big bite.


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