The new world, Skul Island.

Xia Lin and Jasmine found the island according to the eternal pointer given by Xue Zi. Not long ago, this was the area ruled by Captain John, but now John has disappeared, and the island has become a no-man's land again.

However, because various pirate forces and even naval forces have kept their eyes on this place, the island has formed a strange balance in the chaos.

The various forces are wary of each other and divide the range on the island.

This range is not formed by deliberate division, but formed invisibly. When a force with enough power is stationed on this island, the area of ​​that range will naturally become a place that ordinary people dare not approach.

However, everyone knows that this balance is very fragile. It only takes a small change to destroy it in an instant.

"Is this the destination?" Jasmine couldn't help asking when the ship approached the port.

"It's just a transit station." Xia Lin stood at the bow, watching the various ships that had already docked, and sorting out the news he got along the way.

Their ship had been sailing for two and a half days, and when they arrived here, many pirates had gathered.

"That's the symbol of the Flying Pirates. Sure enough, that guy Shiki will come to get involved." Xia Lin looked over and almost understood all the forces that gathered here.

Except for Whitebeard, the old men on Rocks' ship did not come, and the others did not miss a single one. In addition to them, there is also the ship of Bondi Waldo, who is called the World Destroyer...

These are just a microcosm, barely considered to be the people Xia Lin is more familiar with, and there are countless other pirates active in this era. Although he did not see the ships of the Navy and the World Government, Xia Lin did not think they would not know what happened here. It's just that they didn't show up in the open.

Captain John's treasure, this is a treasure that even the navy is tempted by. Before, when the guy Zhan Guo paid the final payment for the ruins guard, he hesitated, as if the navy was about to go bankrupt. If they could get Captain John's treasure, the navy's funds would be much more abundant.

In fact, the navy is not really short of money, but the amount of their military expenditure depends entirely on the face of the world government. If they can get more funds, it will be very useful to them.

"Hey, I think I saw the Inazuma logo." Jasmine grabbed the railing on the deck with one hand, and made a distant gesture with the other hand. One foot was raised, and half of her body stretched out.

Her upper body was pressed on the side of the ship, which obviously made the side of the ship bear an unbearable weight.

"Really, Lord Xia Lin, should we go over and say hello?"

"No, let's observe the situation in secret outside first." Xia Lin shook his head and said.

He didn't know what would happen next, but his observation gave him a bad feeling. This matter was definitely not that simple.

"Hide in the dark?" Jasmine's eyes lit up and became a little excited.

This was a very exciting thing for her. When she was in Jiuli, the days were always the same. No matter how hard she could endure the hard training, she would feel a little boring.

Only when Xia Lin went back to Jiuli every month could she do something interesting.

For example, watching fireworks...

"Go ashore over there." Xia Lin directed the boat to sail into a more remote harbor.

Strictly speaking, this place is not suitable for ships to anchor.

The shape of Skul Island looks like the head of a huge wolf. The harbor that is really suitable for anchoring is in the jaw and neck of this "giant wolf". The inward-curved coastline forms a natural barrier that can block wind and rain.

The place Xia Lin chose not only had no safe shelter, but also had very turbulent currents. The prevailing winds created waves on the sea, causing the ship to shake.

Moreover, the coastline here was a straight and steep cliff, and it was impossible for ordinary people to even go ashore.

Xia Lin had put away the sails early, as Inazuma's ships had never relied on wind power.

"Just wait here, and I'll let you know if anything happens." Xia Lin ordered. The sailors on the ship nodded solemnly and switched the ship to diving mode.

Special wooden boards rose automatically, and the ship was

The gaps in the boat became impenetrable, and the bottom of the boat suddenly opened up. After a large amount of seawater poured in, the boat began to sink slowly.

It was also very simple to float up, just drain the seawater in the boat. But how to drain the water was a problem. A proper submarine uses compressed air to drain the water, but the boat transformed by Xia Lin with the Door Door Fruit has a simpler method.

"Let's go." Xia Lin put his arm around Jasmine's waist and jumped into the sky before the deck of the boat closed. Jasmine was held under his armpits, and before she could react, she found that she was already in the sky.

"Flying up?"

"It's just that the jumping power is very strong." Xia Lin landed lightly on the top of the cliff. Don't think he said it so easily. In fact, the altitude of this steep cliff is more than one thousand meters. He stepped on it several times with the Moon Step and borrowed the cloud of Ame-no-Mura for some strength.

Before entering full reception, Xia Lin could only use a small part of the power of the devil fruit. After entering a certain form of full reception, it becomes more difficult to use the abilities of other fruits.

He slowly put Jasmine down.

Jasmine's waist is very thin, which is a typical example of a thin branch bearing fruit.

After landing, she immediately lay on the edge of the cliff and looked down. At this time, their ship had sunk into the sea, and only the waves on the sea surface kept hitting the towering cliffs.

The location where they are now is the back of the "Giant Wolf" and the highest place on the island. Looking in the direction of the port, the eyes will pass through the dense forest that looks like a long silk, and then there is the settlement on the island.

The two did not stay for too long. Even in such a place, pirates would come from time to time.

No one knows where John will put his treasure, maybe it is under their feet. Therefore, those pirates are eager to dig the island three feet deep!

On the way down the mountain, Xia Lin's eyes were constantly observing the overall picture of the island. The "Giant Wolf" was looking towards the east, and across the sea from it was another island.

Hati Island.

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