The two islands are facing each other across the sea like two wolf heads, but apart from that, there should be something special, right?" Xia Lin said. "Considering that John was faking his death, why did he choose Hati Island as the 'place of death'? I heard that the island is now in ruins." "And now, why has Skul Island become a place where pirates gather again?" These are Xia Lin's questions. In the past two days, he has observed nearby, and there is no trace of any ambush on Skul Island. Could it be that John intends to use the method of pulling off a trick to make other pirate groups quarrel?

This is obviously too naive.

If the real interests are not in front of us, then even if there will be friction between different forces, it is impossible for it to become a big conflict first.

"He can't be unprepared, unless he really intends to retire with this incident." Xia Lin said.

This is another guess of his. Captain John may really intend to retire, but he is worried that he will always be remembered, so he simply released such a news.

He knows that there must be few people who will believe it, but when the world's attention is focused here, maybe he has gone to the other side of the world to live happily.

If the real John does not appear until the end, then the "rumor of Captain John's death" will slowly become a reality.

As for his treasure, it can only become a legend circulated on the sea.

"Will it be that simple?" Kaido is a little unconfident now.

"Who knows..." Xia Lin shook his head, "But for you or other forces, this result is acceptable. After all, John's people can disappear, but his territory will not disappear. As long as you occupy his territory, you can also gain benefits."

But Kaido was not happy after hearing this.

Compete with Golden Lion for territory?

This is a bit stupid.

Territory is different from treasure. It is not something that can be taken away. Even if it can be snatched for a while, whether it can be kept is another matter. He doesn't want to be dragged into the quagmire of war at this time.

Kaido's territory in the New World is very small now. He only occupies one or two inconspicuous islands and develops quietly.

"Jin, do you have any information about these two islands?" Kaido thought about it and turned his head to ask.

"These two islands look similar, but they are actually opposite. Not only are they facing opposite directions, but the climate and terrain on the islands are also completely different. Skul Island is a summer island, but Hati Island is a winter island." Jin had flown to Hati Island to investigate before, so he still had some information in his hand.

"There are traces of fighting on Hati Island, but it seems that there is no ambush. If you want to talk about the special features..." Jin looked at Xia Lin with a shrouded gaze, as if he was hesitating whether to tell this information in front of him.

"It doesn't matter, tell me."

"I know, Mr. Kaido." Jin's tone did not change at all, and he continued, "These two islands will have polar day or polar night in March, June, September and December every year. That is to say, there are two days a year when these two islands have no night, and there are also two days when they have no day."

"Polar day and polar night? The North and South Poles are far away here!" Xia Lin said in disbelief.

Of course, this world also has the South Pole and the North Pole. In the original book, Ribagi and Red Hair quarreled when they were young because of which side was colder. However, both the South Pole and the North Pole are very far away from the Grand Line.

In fact, if you look at the map of the earth, the location of the Grand Line is probably near the equator.

It just so happens that the Earth's doldrums are also on both sides of the equator. The sun shines almost directly there all year round. Because the horizontal distribution of temperature is relatively uniform, the horizontal pressure gradient is very small, the air flow is mainly convergent and rising, and the wind speed is weak, so it is called the equatorial doldrums.

"The climate anomaly of the Grand Line can also be linked to the magnetic field, but the two phenomena of polar day and polar night are caused by the movement of the sun's direct point. How could they appear on the equator? Not to mention that they are two separate islands...


“It seems that the problem will probably occur on these special days, and it just so happens that it is already September.” Kaido doesn’t know much about magnetic fields and direct points, but he can think of the problem.

The time and place can match, and all impossibilities are eliminated, and the only possibility is left.

“I’m afraid something will happen on that day, and now we can only wait.” Kaido is not as entangled as Xia Lin. He doesn’t know much about natural science, but he knows the Grand Line and Devil Fruits very well…

In his opinion, as long as it exists in reality, it is reasonable.

There are too many magical things in this world. Except for someone who can comprehend the internal destruction of armed color, the entanglement of domineering color, and the awakening of fruit ability after being hit three times, which require years of practice to achieve, nothing is impossible.

Xia Lin didn’t know what he was thinking, otherwise he would definitely hold his hand and tell him, “Teacher Kai, you are too modest. With your teaching, nothing is impossible. "

He thought that when Buggy and Enel grow up, Kaido will have to hit them a few times.

Now think about it, if Ace had been hit by Kaido when he went to Wano Country, his Haki wouldn't be so bad. What a loss!

Not only Buggy and Enel, Shutenmaru also needs to find an opportunity to be hit twice.

'No, forget about Shutenmaru, I'm afraid that the tower will be killed by a bomb accidentally...'

People's physiques cannot be generalized. Some people will not die even if they are hit by thunder and their upper body disappears, while others will die if they are hit by a bomb casually.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me with strange eyes?" Kaido looked at him suspiciously.

"Nothing." Xia Lin shook his head, "Now we can only wait and see. I'll go out for a walk. "

He planned to go and see the situation of other pirate groups.

Kaido did not stop him: "If there is any situation, come here to meet. Although there is no trust between us, at least we are allies now."

"Don't worry, I will not keep it secret. I am not interested in money." Xia Lin said with a cold face.

But in fact, he really has no interest in money now.

Inazuma's annual income and expenditure figures are now so large that it is unimaginable. If he wants, he only needs to interrupt the research funding for one year and spend the extra money to easily destabilize the economy of the sea.

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