After a brief conversation with Redfield, Xia Lin went to the location of the "Wolf Eye" with him to check it out.

The land in that forest was very humid, the soil on the ground was soft, and the tree trunks were covered with algae growing on the bottom of the water. As Redfield said, this was indeed a lake, but the area of ​​the lake was shrinking rapidly.

Xia Lin also saw some fish trapped in shallow puddles because of this.

"It's interesting, isn't it? But they are safe in the puddles. After that day, the lake water will flood again, and this short period of time will not let the water in the puddle dry up." Redfield said.

Xia Lin rolled his eyes silently.

No one would worry about the safety of a fish, not to mention that the fish might not be safe in a puddle. Xia Lin broke a branch and pierced the fish in front of Red, then turned his head and asked.

"Do you eat grilled fish?"

Fish: 6!


Although he had verbally agreed to cooperate with Redfield, Xia Lin did not intend to terminate his cooperation with Kaido. In fact, his cooperation with Redfield is now hidden in the dark.

Next, if it is not necessary, the two people will probably not have direct contact.

Originally, Xia Lin planned to take this opportunity to find Shutenmaru to see the situation, but with Redfield's observation Haki, I am afraid that everything on the island cannot escape his perception. Although the guy seemed to have known something, Xia Lin still did not expose himself directly.

So he had to go straight back to the tavern. As expected, Kaido was also drinking in the tavern today.

"Still drinking, Kaido, don't get drunk when something unexpected happens."

"How is that possible? This little bit of wine is not even enough to fill the gaps between your teeth!" Kaido said dissatisfiedly. He is extremely tall, more than eight meters tall. When sitting down, he is almost twice as tall as Xia Lin.

In fact, if Xia Lin wants to change his height, it is not difficult.

Since he completely received the Great Path Fruit, he has the ability to transform into a giant. If it is fully received, the maximum size can become larger than a mountain.

Even if the power of the Great Path is not used, Xia Lin's body can be adjusted slightly under normal circumstances, and the size can be changed between two meters and six meters at will.

It's just that he has generally adapted to his original height, so he basically maintains his original height.

In the past few days, Kaido is not completely stingy with the information he has obtained. In fact, he is very happy to share some not-so-obscure information with Xia Lin.

Xia Lin also told Kaido about his discovery.

"The lake is decreasing? If so, wouldn't an underground cave be formed?" Kaido stood up. He didn't expect that it was Xia Lin who brought him useful information.

The reason why Xia Lin was willing to tell Kaido the information was, on the one hand, as Red said, traps are meaningless if there is no prey caught. So even if Kaido hasn't discovered it yet, it will surely be discovered when the lake is completely dry.

In fact, even now, many people have discovered the problem of that place. Kaido's intelligence was actually one step slower than other forces. In order to survive to the end, he has never made a big fuss.

John's treasure is not whoever discovers it first.

Only the one who stands at the end is the winner!

Thinking of this, Kaido looked at Xia Lin with his eyes again, and in his mind, he was thinking for a moment whether to cross the river and demolish the bridge in the end. But this idea was quickly dispelled by him.

Kaido is not only scheming, but also short-sighted.

But he didn't say whether he had the strength to turn against this partner in the end and take the stolen part of the treasure for himself. Even if he did, it was not worth it in his opinion.

No matter how much treasure John had, it was not as valuable as a real strong man.

Kaido thought that if he could recruit Xia Lin into the pirate group, then even if he didn't get anything from this operation, he would still make a profit. Even just establishing a longer-term cooperative relationship would be very exciting for him.

So although Kaido was on guard against Xia Lin, he actually had no intention of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

"Undersea cave, Yang tree and Moon tree... This is really, I heard that the Moon tree was identified as hundreds of years ago.

Extinct plants. "Kaido said, "Well, there are so many islands in this world, and there are many ancient islands. It's not surprising that a moon tree appears now."

Xia Lin nodded. Due to the independence of the islands in the Grand Line, there are many islands that are completely opposite, such as the ancient island or the future island.

Many times, creatures that are considered extinct on most islands can occasionally be found alive on some remote islands.

It's just that there is no precious animal protection organization in this world. Those creatures that are considered extinct will disappear even if they are discovered again. In the end, they may really become extinct.

"Is there anything special about the moon tree?" Xia Lin is not a plant expert and doesn't know much about it. But Kaido is different. When he was considering building his own ship, he specially went to learn about some famous plants.

The best material is of course the treasure tree-Adam.

"In terms of sturdiness, it seems very ordinary, but I heard that it has a very special ability. "Kaido stretched out his thick fingers to scratch his hair, and recalled carefully, "The branches and leaves of the moon tree can absorb light, just like the sun tree Eve. But its trunk does not conduct light."

"The light absorbed by the moon tree will be stored, and branches and leaves emitting silver light will grow on the branches of the moon tree, but I don't know what the specific branches and leaves are used for."

The fact that Kaido knows so much about the moon tree is enough to surprise Xia Lin.

As for the use of the moon tree, you will know it when you see it with your own eyes.

"Compared to this, you probably don't know yet. The navy has come to the island." Kaido also shared the information he got today, "It's not a secret operation, but a real fleet has been sent. The leader is the new admiral of the navy who took office two years ago, Zefa."

"Is Zefa the only one?"

"At present, he is the only admiral." Kaido nodded and said, "But there are quite a few vice admirals in the headquarters, there are several. "

"It seems that the navy can't sit still anymore. I guess he won't be the only one there when the time comes."

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