The different villages in Wano Country are separated by very deep and wide waters. The only way to cross the river is to take a boat or cross a bridge.

In previous years, only one side of the bridges leading to Jiuli was guarded by personnel. But now Xia Lin has sent some people to guard the passage of the bridge.

Usually, the only people who come to Jiuli are wanted criminals. Xia Lin does not refuse these people. Anyway, as long as they come, they will be arranged by the Great Snake Seal and kept here for honest labor reform.

What criminals?

These are free labor!

Xia Lin sent people to guard the main roads, not because he was afraid of people coming in, but because he did not want those scattered thieves who escaped into the mountains to find an opportunity to leave Jiuli.

After setting up the defense line, the guards at the other end of the bridge could naturally see each other. In this way, the changes in Kuri naturally spread slowly. This is not a trivial matter. Soon, under the deliberate promotion of Xia Lin and Kurozumi Orochi, the general Kozuki Sukiyaki in the Flower Capital also learned about this matter.

After all, they had never heard of Xia Lin. The guy who suddenly appeared actually subdued Kuri quietly and even named himself the daimyo of Kuri, which made it difficult for them not to take it to heart.

If Xia Lin was replaced by Kozuki Oden at this time, it would naturally become another scene.

"What do you think?" Sukiyaki actually does not have much talent. It would be better to ask other daimyo when encountering these problems.

"In fact, the pacification of the Kuri thieves is a good thing for our Wano Country." Shimotsuki Ushimaru said. His territory is in Linghou and does not border Kuri, so there is no worry.

Shimotsuki Ushimaru looks very similar to Solo, and it is very likely that he is a relative of Solo.

"Kuri has a vast area. If it can really develop, it will surely become prosperous in a few years, and the country's wealth will increase at that time."

Kozuki Sukiyaki nodded. This is also his idea.

If Kuri develops, the Flower Capital will get a tax for free, which is a good thing for him. The key problem is Xia Lin, who they don't know at all.

"I don't think it's possible. Since ancient times, there have only been five daimyo families: Tianyue, Shimotsuki, Fuyue, Ugetsu, and Kurotan. Now the Kurotan family has been expelled, how can this person with an unknown origin become a daimyo?" Today's Usagi Daimyo retorted.

"Anyway, from the information we have obtained, that person has indeed pacified the thieves in Kuri. Now there is a large number of samurai in his hands. If the legitimacy of the other party's existence is suddenly denied, it may evolve into a war, which is really a loss for the country."

Someone said.

This sentence made everyone silent.

The warriors of Kuri are desperate men who have fought for their lives. If they really start a riot, even if they can be quelled, they will definitely have to pay a heavy price. And the key is who should be asked to quell it?

Several daimyo signaled each other with their eyes, but no one was willing to go.

Who would be willing to do such a thankless job?

If Kozuki Sukiyaki promised that whoever quelled Kuri would belong to him, then they could give it a try. But this is not realistic, otherwise Kuri would not have been a lawless area for so many years.

"Kanji, why don't you say anything?"

Sukiyaki looked at Kanji strangely and asked.

In his opinion, Shimotsuki Kanji was a relatively calm person, so he cared about his opinion.

"General." Kanji nodded, "I was thinking, I seem to have heard of this person from somewhere."


Hearing this, several people immediately looked at him.

"Some time ago, I seemed to hear some people talking on the streets of Baiwu, a man and a woman said they were going to pacify Jiuli. Those people thought it was just a joke, but they didn't expect the news of Jiuli being pacified so soon." Shimotsuki Kangjia picked up the newspaper, which showed Xia Lin and Xue Zi standing in front of the Daimyo Mansion.

"So, are these really the two people?"

Kangjia nodded: "Before I came, I specifically found the residents who saw the two people at the time and asked them, and they were indeed correct. Afterwards, I also specifically investigated their identities, and it seems that there is no problem."

"So, there should be no big problem." Ximei's Daimyo said.

After thinking for a while, she suggested: "General, don't

For example, if you first admit that the other party is the daimyo of Kuri, and then wait for Lord Oden to arrive in Kuri, then let him go to see if the daimyo of Kuri is qualified. This is also a good opportunity to let Lord Oden and you restore the relationship. "

"That's good." Shimotsuki Ushimaru nodded. If there is anyone who can pacify Kuri, it must be Oden. "If Lord Oden feels that the other party is not a qualified daimyo, he can also take this opportunity to eliminate him, and then let Lord Oden take over the position of Kuri daimyo."

Hearing this, Kotsuki Sukiyaki nodded.

Thinking in this way, it is better for the daimyo of Kuri to be unqualified, so that when the time comes to restore the father-son relationship between Oden and himself, it will be more convincing.

Although Kozuki Sukiyaki broke off relations with Oden in anger before, everyone actually knew that their relationship would be restored in the end. Kozuki Sukiyaki has no other heirs, and the daimyo of Wano Country in their eyes can only be Kozuki Oden.

"Where is Oden now? "Kozuki Sukiyaki asked.

"He has already gone south from Hime some time ago, and should be in Udon now."

Hearing this, Kozuki Sukiyaki nodded, then paused and said: "Then, let's first give the title of Kuri Daimyo to the man named Xia Lin. "

Actually, he didn't think much of Jiuli. Anyway, in his opinion, this place was just a piece of meat that he couldn't eat. Now that there was a ruler, he could get some benefits. Why not?

As for the question of Xia Lin's surname, considering that Jiuli had so many samurai and soldiers, he felt that it was not important.

Although those samurai seemed vulnerable in front of Xia Lin, in fact, Xia Lin's strength at this time would not be worse than Doflamingo. With such strength, he could completely rule a country violently in the New World.

Soon, the fact that Kozuki Sukiyaki recognized the legitimacy of Xia Lin Jiuli's name was published in the newspaper.

People living in Jiuli suddenly felt as if they had changed their lives from the past. In the past, everyone lived in thatched houses and had no clothes to cover their bodies. Now there is enough food. Even the houses have been helped by those people in the heavenly magistrates, and every household has moved into a new house.

For a time, Xia Lin's reputation in Jiuli has become very high.

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