The enemy was in chaos, but the enemy's main battle was in chaos.

"Retreat, don't get affected. I don't want to waste time with them here." Kaido lowered his head and dodged a missile attack. The island of Skul is in chaos now, but the differences between the different forces can still be roughly distinguished.

Just like the Golden Lion, the batch of ruins guards he bought are golden in appearance, with not only numbers on them, but also the pirate logo of the Flying Pirates.

Other forces are similar. The ruins guards and ruins heavy machines on the navy side have all turned blue and white, and the stripes look like underwear under a girl's skirt.

Blue and white stripes are a classic style in Japanese comics.

Some of the changes were made by Inazuma according to their requirements when they left the factory, and some were made by them after they bought it back.

Of course, the most peculiar ones are the ruins guards in the Big Mom Pirates. After being endowed with souls by Big Mom's fruit ability, the ruins guards seemed to be really alive.

Katakuri led the ruins guards and several ruins heavy machines to charge continuously. Since Charlotte Linlin can also give life to elements, some of the ruins heavy machines are still burning with flames or wrapped in thunderclouds, which looks very destructive!

Apart from anything else, at least Katakuri thinks these guys are much more useful than his brothers and sisters. Although he loves his brothers very much, he has to admit the terrifying combat power of these machines after they "come to life"!

"Still like this?" Xia Lin was a little surprised. Big Mom's soul fruit was indeed quite useful, but the problem was that if all the Homies she made were attached to the autonomous organs, wouldn't all the autonomous organs on the sea belong to Big Mom's group indirectly?

'No wonder Big Mom's orders have decreased a lot recently. Most likely, she has snatched a lot of ruins guards from other forces and directly turned them into Homies. '

Since the ruins guards themselves have strong attack capabilities, Charlotte Linlin doesn't even need to use high-level Homies when making Homies. Only medium-level Homies are enough.

If other small forces find that the ruins guards they bought with a lot of money were snatched away by Big Mom's people and turned into Homies, it is likely to greatly affect Inazuma's business.

Xia Lin thought, if this situation really happens in the future, Xia Lin will have to consider whether to get rid of the Big Mom Pirates.

After all, cutting off someone's financial resources is like killing their parents. Inazuma has huge expenses for research every year, and it is not okay if the income cannot keep up. The most important thing is that Xia Lin does not want the self-regulatory mechanism that he has created with great difficulty to be betrayed by Big Mom's ability in the end. This is very helpless.

After all, the self-regulatory mechanism is a dead object. No matter how well the program is set, there may be problems.

'I still have to study alchemy...'

Yes, there are actually magical things like alchemy in this world. Some people even refine the legendary pure gold that can stop people's lives and achieve eternal life!

However, this technology seems to have been lost.

Of course, this so-called alchemy is actually very likely to be a difficult-to-understand technology.

Considering the strange concept that all technology originated from ancient times, Xia Lin thought that perhaps the giant kingdom would have more useful technology. After all, Vegapunk created artificial devil fruits, seraphim, and his own clones by studying this technology.

This kind of artificial human technology similar to cloning may be a good development direction.

The Ruins series or autonomous organs, no matter how huge they are, are just a mobile artillery platform.

Of course, this does not mean that Xia Lin will end the existing plan. In the future, whether it is the Megadramon, the Ruins Guardian that is bigger than a mountain, or the Gundam of the scattered soldiers, they will continue to be developed.

Especially the latter two, which are essentially controlled by humans, so there is no need to worry about being controlled by Homies.

'Elkemi has disappeared in history. Although I know that two people were swallowed by the sea kings, the probability of encountering them is too small. In comparison, it is more reliable to start with the technology of the giant kingdom. '

As Xia Lin thought, he approached them.

The pirates repelled them. They were all very restrained, controlling their strength to avoid being discovered by those big pirates.

Especially Kaido, who had a simple Qiao Zhuang on his face, and was still covered with sackcloth, and he didn't even take out his mace. It can be said that he has taken the Gou to the extreme.

This seems a bit contradictory to his possession of the Overlord Color, but the reason why Kaido chose to hide was not because he was afraid, but to choose the right time. He never thought that he would be worse than anyone else. Even if his current strength is not as good as Shiki, if he really faces each other, he dares to confront him head-on.

He will not be like Doflamingo, who is stubborn and dares not to fight, but insists on saying that he doesn't want to fight.

"Momo Hundred Times Cannon!"

A huge shadow in the distance suddenly enveloped the entire island. Bondi Waldo flew in the air, arched his body backwards, and threw the cannonball that suddenly appeared, which was bigger than a mountain, at Shiki!

He is the ability user of the Momo Fruit, which can increase the speed and volume of an object to a maximum of 100 times the original!

This huge cannonball was created by him enlarging a cannonball, and he activated his ability after throwing the cannonball. In other words, this cannonball is not only huge in mass, but also a hundred times faster than the original one!

In this case, even if it is a lead bullet, it can sink an entire island as long as it hits it!

"Don't underestimate me, you newcomer!" Shiki raised his hand to the sky and said arrogantly. With his qualifications, he is indeed qualified to call Waldo a newcomer. This has nothing to do with strength, just like Roger is just a little-known new pirate in front of Brook.

Roger, Shiki, not worth mentioning!

Shiki slashed down with a sword, and instantly cut the cannonball that could sink the island into pieces!

He seemed to have only swung a sword, but the sword energy was released vertically and horizontally towards the inside at the moment of cutting the cannonball, completely shattering it!

The fragments of the cannonball that exploded all over the sky were scattered like a group of dragon stars.

Seeing this, Waldo's pupils shrank, but the next moment he saw a golden lion shadow pounce in the dense fragments of the shells, kicking Waldo in the abdomen, smashing him back to the ground like a meteor.

"The sky is not a place for people like you to step into, idiot!"

"That's my territory!" Shiqi silently exhaled the smoke from his cigar, stepping on Waldo, who had several broken ribs, and showed a very arrogant expression.

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