The island was built on the site of a huge ship, and the ship was built on the site of a huge ship.

Kaido, led by Kurotan Muchan, arrived at Onigashima. Looking at the island made up of dark reefs from afar, Kaido felt that the name "Onigashima" was so appropriate.

It was not only because of the amazing appearance of Onigashima - a skull shape of a long-horned ghost that was almost naturally formed. It was also because the environment of the island looked like a hell island formed after an underwater volcanic eruption.

Apart from the black rocks that looked like they were burning your feet, there was no other scenery.

This made Kaido wonder if there was any other life on the island.

Kaido was quite satisfied with the appearance of the island, but it was difficult for him to accept the empty environment on the island. This also made him look at Kurozumi Muchan with more dissatisfaction.

This old woman, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have the ability of another old guy to protect you. If you really want to deal with her, Kaido is not without a way.

Just burn them to death with the energy of the heat breath. Kaido doesn't believe that the barrier can even block the heat. Even if he can really do it, he can first use the domineering color domineering to stun the old thing, and then beat them to pieces.

Because there are many ways to kill them, this makes Kaido not so eager to do it.

Anyway, if he is really not satisfied, he can wait until he sees the Kurozumi Orochi and then clean them all up in one go.

The boat slowly approached the shore.

When Kaido was on the boat, he saw the purple-haired man with a big face like a millstone. He realized that the island was modified a little by the big snake in details, at least it would not be so uncomfortable to live in.

But compared to these, what attracted him more was the Kurozumi Orochi himself.

Kaido narrowed his eyes. He could feel the power emanating from Orochi. This person's strength was surprisingly good.

'First it was Kozuki Oden, and now it's Kurozumi Orochi. It seems that the old woman didn't lie to me. The samurai of Wano Country are really strong. '

In fact, Orochi now has the strength that is no less than the big boss of the Beast Pirates more than 30 years later. He even mastered the high-level Ryuo, which is the power of internal destruction. At the same time, he is also an animal-type ability user and a swordsman.

But for Orochi, his end is only here.

Due to the limitations of his own talent, it is difficult to continue to become stronger.

But for Kaido, this strength is just right. If he is as strong as Kozuki Oden, Kaido feels that it is difficult to control the other party.

At this moment, Kaido really wants to take the Orochi in front of him under his command.

His calculations were so good that even Xia Lin of Inazuma almost heard it. If he really accepted Orochi, it would not only add a capable assistant to him, but also directly obtain Wano Country itself.

However, Orochi didn't know Kaido's plan. He himself was much taller than the original, which made his grinding plate face look less inconsistent. But compared with Kaido, he was still a little bit of a small witch compared to a big witch.

"Are you Kurozumi Orochi?" Kaido looked up and looked at him with his nostrils. He originally planned to use his own power to see if he could make Orochi surrender. But after thinking about it, he gave up.

Kaido took a look at the samurai following Orochi. They were indeed elite. I'm afraid they were all at least at the level of swordsmen.

Kaido was not afraid of them, but he didn't want these people to just obey him superficially. That would be meaningless.

"Mr. Kaido, I've heard a lot about you." Kurozumi Orochi didn't care when he saw Kaido's arrogant look, but he didn't think of lowering his posture.

After all, the two are just partners, and Orochi doesn't need to be hypocritical to Kozuki Sukiyaki like before.

"The people of Wano Country are too stupid, so I can only set up a banquet on this remote ghost island to entertain you. Please don't mind." Kurozumi Orochi did not directly talk about the cooperation, but just stretched out his hand to Kaido and made a gesture of invitation.

This made Kaido, who originally wanted to say that he minded, a little speechless.

"Although the location is not gorgeous, the wine and beauties are not bad at all." Kurozumi Orochi led Kaido and others inside. When Kaido's followers heard about the wine and beauties, their eyes almost popped out, and they couldn't help drooling.

A group of people followed behind Orochi and walked into the huge rock skeleton that looked like a ghost from hell. This

Kaido was a little surprised that the interior of the island was actually hollow.

It seemed that many facilities were already prepared inside the island, and it had even been transformed into a strange building, which was not as bad as Orochi said. This made him feel that the national strength of Wano Country was indeed very strong.

The cave was brightly lit, and the dim light shone up, as if lighting up the head of the ghost skeleton.

After walking further, Kaido discovered how spacious the space inside Onigashima was.

"This Onigashima can accommodate up to tens of thousands of people without feeling crowded." Orochi said. In fact, the hall of Onigashima alone can accommodate thousands of people for a banquet, and it can also accommodate tens of meters tall numbered people, which is enough to prove the size of Onigashima.

Not to mention that there are various rooms inside Onigashima, even Yuguo and women's baths.

Kaido followed Orochi around and felt quite satisfied.

Then, Orochi took them to the most gorgeous room.

At the front of the room stood two huge chairs, which were obviously prepared for Orochi and Kaido. There were also tables filled with banquets on both sides, and the aroma of food and wine made the pirates swallow their throats.

"Please take a seat." Orochi said casually, and then sat in the two most honorable seats with Kaido.

Then, he clapped his hands, and the pleasant sound of the zither suddenly rang out from behind the screen in the room. The shamisen, a characteristic of Wano Country, slowly sounded, and it sounded quite special.

Then some dancers slowly walked out from behind the screen and danced for them. These women were the girls that Orochi had found from the Yukaku in the Flower Capital.

What surprised Orochi was that Kaido seemed to particularly like this tune, and he actually shook his head to the music.

"Mr. Kaido, how about these songs and dances?"

Kaido nodded, but he was not blinded by these enjoyable things. He ate some food and wine in silence, then filled the big red bowl that Orochi had specially prepared with sake, and drank it in big gulps.

"Gudong gudong——"

After drinking the wine glass which was bigger than the average person's bathtub, Kaido burped. Then he said: "Kurozumi Orochi, I think we should just talk about cooperation directly."

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