The old man was very happy.

"Pfft, hahahahaha!"

Kozuki Sukiyaki was lying on the tatami, and after listening to the servants talking about Oden's recent situation, he couldn't help laughing.

"Really? That Oden actually worked honestly in Kuri, it's really incredible, it seems that the daimyo of Kuri is really very resourceful."

Kozuki Sukiyaki didn't care at all that Oden was forced to work in Kuri to pay off his debts. It's better to say that it's a strange thing that Oden can really be patient and work honestly with his personality. It seems that the travel in the past two years has made him grow up a little.

In fact, Oden was arrested for committing a crime before. He was only ten years old at that time. Later, he was taken to a stone cutting field, but he became the head stone craftsman.

The Kozuki clan is actually a craftsman passed down from generation to generation. For example, Kozuki Sukiyaki, if there is anything worth mentioning in his life, it is his sword forging skills.

Among the two large swords in Oden's hands, the Ame-no-Habi-zan was made by him, and there is also the Sandai Kitetsu. Maybe he has other works, but the fact that he can make a large sword is enough to prove that he is an extraordinary craftsman.

With such a relationship, Sukiyaki doesn't care about Xia Lin asking Oden to do hard labor. It is better to say that Oden can settle down honestly. This is what he wants to see.

A lawless devil can now use work to exchange money to make up for his mistakes. This should be a matter of course, but because of Oden's past and identity, it will become precious in the eyes of others.

If he publicizes it again, the people of Flower City will think that Oden must have turned over a new leaf, and their evaluation of him will rise. In this way, as long as he finds the right opportunity, Sukiyaki can reasonably restore their relationship and pass on Wano Country to him.

In addition to the large amount of grain taxes sent by Kuri at the beginning of the year, Sukiyaki has a lot of interest and goodwill in Xia Lin, the daimyo of Kuri, whom he has not met yet.

However, if he knew that Xia Lin planned to let Oden go to sea as a tool for him, he would probably not have such an idea.

"Lord Xia Lin, this is the financial bill for this month."

Yukiko presented the financial accounts. Now Yukiko's work has been much lighter than when she first started. Xia Lin asked her to serve as the general manager of Kanjo Bugyo, which is in charge of finance among the three bugyos, and it can be said to be an important position. If someone else is in this position, he can use the convenience of this position to obtain a lot of wealth.

Now Kuri's finances can be said to be quite good, because he has enough sources of income.

Many of the fields in Jiuli were newly reclaimed, and the crops grown on these farmlands were his property. In addition, Xia Lin's taxation on agriculture was relatively light, but on the contrary, the commercial tax was very heavy.

However, since there were not so many corrupt links in Jiuli, merchants only had to pay the part of the tax they should pay, and they did not have to spend more money, so in fact, for merchants, Jiuli could make more profits.

In this way, the merchants' profits increased, and Xia Lin's wealth also increased, and slowly formed a virtuous circle.

"Has Bai Wu's debt been paid off?" Xia Lin asked.

Jiuli actually had a difficult period when it was first established. At that time, although he used his ability to ripen the grain to solve the problem of food and clothing, it cost money to build Jiuli everywhere.

For example, infrastructure, medical and road construction, etc., all cost money to hire people to do it.

Otherwise, how many people would those thieves have?

Some work cannot be done by strength.

At that time, Jiuli had no money at all, and also no enough manpower, so it could only borrow people and money from other villages.

However, except for Bai Wu, most of the other villages did not help Xia Lin. Seeing that Jiuli was finally pacified, the Kang family generously contributed money and manpower, and most of this was persuaded by the big snake.

However, one thing is one thing, since the Kang family helped in times of need, Xia Lin did not mind showing goodwill. So later, when everything was on track, Xia Lin repaid the borrowed money from the other party twice.

At that time, the manpower was also converted into gold and silver and repaid together.

In addition to Bai Wu, Linghou actually contributed some manpower, but this was exchanged by Xia Lin for food, so there was no need to worry about it.

. As for the other villages, they can't be said to be indifferent. If you have to say it, they can't take care of themselves.

"It has been paid off." Yukiko nodded.

Since she has been in power for a while, Yukiko's temperament has actually changed a lot. She was just a little maid beside Xia Lin at the beginning. Now her status has become noble, and her temperament is naturally different. The whole person has become much more fierce, but in front of Xia Lin, she seems to be the little maid before.

"When you trade with Bai Wu in the future, you can give some discounts appropriately."

"Lord Xia Lin, what about Oden?" Yukiko slowly approached a little, leaned on Xia Lin, and frowned, "Will there be no trouble if I leave that guy in Jiuli?"

Yukiko knew the plan of Xia Lin and Kurozumi Orochi. In this case, letting the other party stay in Jiuli always feels like a hidden danger.

"Don't worry, he's just a fool." Xia Lin shook his head.

"Kozuki Oden, this man seems to be generous and unrestrained, but in fact he does not have much courage, he is naive and stupid. He only wants to go to sea and has no ability to take responsibility for this country."

Xia Lin stretched out his hand and held Yukiko in his arms, and suddenly a faint fragrance lingered around Xia Lin.

Yukiko's face was slightly red, and she suddenly became shy, looking like a white plum with a faint blush, and her fair skin became pink and cute.

On the other side, Oden and others who had just finished a day's work sat tiredly in a wooden hut. Considering that they would live in Kuri for a long time, they did not sleep in the open, but bought logs and built houses overnight.

Today, they worked all day, and now they are naturally very tired.

"That abominable Kuri Daimyo actually asked us to do hard labor!" Kin'emon said unhappily. He moved a pile of stones today, and he was even more tired than a dog.

"But the reward is also a lot. We earned ten gold today. If we continue like this, it will only take a hundred days to collect a thousand gold." Denjiro said excitedly.

"You guy, do we have to go without food and water for a hundred days?

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