The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next check.

"We are the navy, and we are going to check you now."

Zefa's adjutant stood beside him and shouted at Xia Lin. He even planned to jump over directly, but he was stared at by Xia Lin and didn't dare to move.

He looked at Xia Lin's pair of pupils with a faint purple color, as if he saw an endless abyss, trapped in it, as if swallowed by a black quagmire. When he came to his senses, he suddenly realized it, and sweat had already soaked his temples.

"Don't get closer, navy." Xia Lin whispered across the sea. Although his voice was not loud, for some reason it could be clearly transmitted to Zefa's ears across the sea.

"This is a routine inspection. Don't worry. As long as you can prove that you have no problem, we will not make things difficult for you." Zefa took a step forward and stood firmly on the edge of the warship's guardrail.

To be honest, he really didn't have much malice. Zefa was still very firm in justice, and Xia Lin had a good impression of him. It was okay to let him check, but the problem was that there were still many pirates on the ship.

In addition to Xiaduo, other female pirates were not selected, but they might also be recorded. If they were recognized, it would be very troublesome.

Although Xia Lin planned to send these people to Yuguo in Wano Country, he didn't care about them. These people are also a force that cannot be ignored if used well, such as obtaining intelligence.

Intelligence is a very important resource in any world. Charlotte Linlin, one of the future four emperors, controls a very large intelligence network. There is also Stussy, the queen of Happy Street, who relies on the business in Happy Street to obtain intelligence.

These people will be a spider web for Xia Lin to obtain intelligence in the future.

Xia Lin used them as tools. Anyway, these people were not good people. They had also participated in the burning, killing and looting with the pirates. Moreover, women who went out to sea as pirates were not the kind of women who would take care of their bodies.

Or, they may have taken care of them before, but as time went by, both their bodies and minds were inevitably assimilated by the thinking of pirates. Boring sailing on the sea, not knowing when the end of life would come, enjoying themselves in time is what they should do.

Now that Xia Lin has planted the Great Snake Seal, they have already had the idea of ​​devoting everything to Xia Lin. What's more, even if they do that kind of thing, it is actually not much different from before, and the danger is greatly reduced.

"I don't like being checked." Xia Lin looked at him coldly.

He had no intention of provoking the navy, but he didn't want to be stepped on by the navy. What's more, Xiaduo is still in the cabin now, how can he let them check?

However, it would not be a good thing for Xia Lin to annoy the other party here. Zephyr was able to be promoted to admiral in a few years, and his current strength is not much worse than Garp and Sengoku. It is a powerful enemy.

In this ocean, strength still counts. If it were another navy with no reputation, it would probably have been sunk to the bottom of the sea by Xia Lin to feed the fish. Anyway, no one in the vast ocean knows that he did it.

So he eased his expression a little and said, "You are the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Zephyr of Black Arms. I can't be considered your enemy. I just sent a pirate star to the naval base in the New World two months ago."

"Two months ago? You are the pirate hunter who captured the Night Fire Pirates?" Zephyr was surprised. However, his expression did not relax his vigilance. Strictly speaking, pirate hunters cannot be said to be in the same team as the navy.

Zephyr actually doesn't like pirate hunters.

Many pirate hunters are also evil parties. In places where no one is watching, they may do no less bad things than pirates. But no matter what, pirate hunters are indeed a force against pirates. And the other party was not a bounty target.

This changed Zefa's attitude.

At least, he was already considering the pros and cons.

For him, forcibly inspecting Xia Lin's ship was not a problem. The problem was whether his action would completely push this pirate hunter, who might still be in chaotic neutrality, to the side of the pirates.

If the other party was suspicious of Huai Jun because of what happened today,

Zefa didn't want to see that they were degenerated into pirates because of hatred.

The two sides stood at the bow of the ship and confronted each other. Both of them were very powerful, but Zefa was a navy after all, and he had to consider many things, so he was already at a disadvantage. Jasmine stood beside Xia Lin with a knife in her arms, looking just like Yukiko in the past.

Fortunately, this stalemate did not last too long. It was not that one of the two sides took the initiative to show weakness, but that the third force broke the deadlock.

In the distance, a pirate ship that Xia Lin had never seen was actually sailing towards them.

Zefa and Xia Lin looked into the distance at the same time, and tacitly opened up the unpleasantness just now. And the pirate ship heading straight towards the warship in the distance had already fallen into the eyes of both of them.

"Vice Admiral Zefa, it seems that your navy doesn't have much prestige among the pirates." Xia Lin didn't know that the other party was actually coming towards him, but it was obvious that these pirates didn't seem to take the Paradise Navy seriously, "Do you want me to help?"

Zefer's face was not very good.

"You don't need to worry about this, I will arrest them myself." Zefa turned around and took a step, while commanding the helmsman to turn around. The huge navy warship slowly turned its head and sailed towards the pirate ship that was getting closer and closer.

Xia Lin was unmoved and looked like he was watching a show.

In fact, he didn't need to do it. If there were pirates coming to the door, Zefa would need a pirate hunter to deal with these pirates, then he wouldn't have to be the admiral of the navy in a few years, and he could go home to farm early.

Those pirates have not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

They are Jacka and his group who chased all the way from the New World.

A few minutes ago.

"Captain, there is a warship!" A crew member said in horror.

When the pirates saw the navy, they were like mice seeing cats, but Jacka didn't feel any fear.

"It's just the navy of Paradise, what's there to be afraid of!" He opened his mouth and said disdainfully, his sharp teeth showing like saw teeth.

"We have defeated countless guys like this, haven't we?"

"Don't forget who we are, bring the ship over!"

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