The boat was in a hurry, but the boat was still in a hurry.

"Lieutenant General Zefa, those people have escaped."

As soon as Xia Lin left, the navy found him. Zefa turned his head and looked back, and after thinking about it, he still didn't catch up. On the one hand, the ship flew up on the cloud, and their warships couldn't catch up even if they had high performance.

Even if he could use the Moon Step, the Moon Step was definitely not a move that could be used for long distances, and the higher in the sky, the thinner the air became, and the more difficult it would be to use the Moon Step.

This move essentially relies on the reaction force generated by stepping on the air to achieve the effect of flying. If the air density is not enough, it will naturally be difficult to fly. And even if they catch up...

"Forget it, let's catch these pirates first." Zefa said, but the cloud that can lift the ship is a troublesome ability, and we need to pay more attention to it.

The pirate hunter is obviously a person with special abilities, but we don't know what kind of ability it is.

"Is it a natural ability user?" Zefa suspected. But there is no use to doubt now, Xia Lin's ship has already flown away on the cloud.

Shortly after Xia Lin left, Jeka was captured by Zefa's adjutant.

This guy is as reckless as the future ship king. Normal pirates should know to run away as long as they see Zefa standing on the bow, no matter how rampant they are.

You should know that Zefa is in the limelight these days and is considered a star in the navy. There are very few pirates in the New World who don't know him.

But these have nothing to do with Xia Lin. Now he is going to the Golden Country of Sky Island to transport the gold of the Golden Country back to Wano Country. This was originally one of the purposes of his trip.

There is a lot of gold in the Golden Country. If such a castle can be brought back, it will be enough to make the treasury of Wano Country very abundant for decades.

Money is also one of the most important forces in this world. If he can control money, Xia Lin can even control the parasites among the Celestial Dragons. Of course, this is also based on his sufficient strength.

If he is not strong enough, it will only attract the covetousness of those jackals and tigers, and then he will probably be bitten to pieces without even a bone left.

Now, his personal strength is enough to gain a foothold in the New World, but his subordinates are still a little weak. Most of the people under Xia Lin's command do not have very commendable strength.

Now only Shutenmaru is stronger, and the strongest one among the remaining strength is Kurozumi Orochi. This kid is a bit impressive to Xia Lin. However, Kurozumi Orochi's talent is not very strong, and it is impossible for him to reach the level of the Three Disasters in the future.

A person with no talent at all can become stronger by hard work alone, but it is difficult for him to stand at the top. Just like Izo and Kikunosuke who were picked up by Oden, these two children were just ordinary wandering children, but later they became warriors named "Nine Red Scabbards".

However, this is probably the limit. Even among the Nine Red Scabbards, the strength of each person is very different. The strongest is naturally Shutenmaru, followed by Cats and Dogs, and Izo and Kikunosuke are ranked much lower.

This is why Xia Lin wants to bring Enel back.

Children are new blood. Unless Xia Lin has the power to surpass the whole world, he can't fight alone. After all, he is not a lone ranger like Hawkeye or Red Earl.

Moreover, even Hawkeye chose the path of alliance in the gradually changing sea and times.

There is no need for Xia Lin to fight alone. No matter how strong a person's power is, as long as it does not exceed the upper limit of this world, there will still be times when he is powerless. Although the weak are still weak after gathering together, the strong can form a stronger force after gathering together.

Not everyone is qualified to join Jiuli Kindergarten. Xia Lin has been targeting those future strong men since the beginning.

The spaceship is sailing on the clouds.

Xia Lin's current destination is Sky Island, which is Apayard. 400 years ago, Apayard on Sky Sea was originally part of Gaya Island in Qinghai. 400 years ago, it was brought to Baibai Sea by a huge ocean current.

The people of Sky Island have hardly seen the land. When they found Apayard, they immediately regarded this land as a holy land, expelled the Shandia people who originally lived in Apayard, and regarded Apayard as a god's island.

For four hundred years, in order to seize

Back to their homeland, the remnants of Shandia have been fighting with the people of Sky Island.

Their lives are very hard, but this has nothing to do with Xia Lin.

This world has always been a world of the jungle, and the things that people without power have are as easy to lose as sand from their fingertips. However, Xia Lin still doesn't hate the Shandia people.

At least, they are a nation that has been fighting and resisting.

Inheriting the will and promises passed down from their ancestors, and shedding blood to regain their homeland, it is difficult for him to feel disgusted with such people.

It's a pity that they don't have enough power. After being brought to Sky Island by the huge surging sea current, their manpower was originally insufficient. The soldiers of Sky Island are very strong, and there are rulers like "God".

This time Xia Lin's target is the gold of the Golden Country. With this goal, he will definitely conflict with the people of Sky Island. Whether he can seize the opportunity depends on these people themselves.

The ship rushed to the bottom of the White Sea on the cloud. Jasmine, Yuriko and others had already hidden in the cabin.

There are also some strange marine creatures in the White Sea. If a ship sails in the White Sea or the White White Sea, the danger of these creatures is even greater than that of some powerful enemies. Once they drag the ship to the bottom of the sea, the ship without the ability to fly will immediately fall below 10,000 meters. The only outcome at that time can only be the destruction of the ship and the death of people.

Not everyone has a terrifying body like Kaido who jumped from the Sky Island without any injury.

Most people may not even have a body left after hitting the sea.

Xia Lin returned to the cabin. With his domineering color and the spreading electricity, those creatures in the sea dared not approach.

"We are going to the Sky Island again!" Jasmine said happily, and at the same time, she took out the wing decoration from the things she bought before. She bought a lot of this thing before, and some of them were to be taken back as gifts for other people in the daimyo's mansion.

Jasmine was nostalgic for the scene she saw and the food she ate last time on the Sky Island. She had always stayed in Wano Country and had no way to imagine that there would be an island in the sky.

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