The sky was covered with dust, and the sky was covered with dust.

The Lord of the Sky wreaked havoc, relying on its huge body and strong scales to act recklessly.

As long as it was pressed by its body, no matter what it was, it would be overwhelmed in an instant, and its scales could resist the attacks of the guards. In addition, the venom that continued to spurt out like a fountain made those flying in the air not so safe.

Almost in an instant, the Lord of the Sky beat the army of up to a thousand people to pieces with absolute power and posture. Countless people were injured and fell to the ground. Their ribs or arms might have been broken. Some people's armor was corroded by venom. The venom that penetrated into the body mixed with the wounds and took their lives in an instant.

Now there are only a few hundred people left in the Sky Island Guards who are still struggling. They flew high into the sky and opened up enough distance to ensure that the venom of the Sky Lord would not fall on them.

The injured Gan Forer was one of them. He was forcibly pulled up by the captain of the guards.

"Lord God, I think we should evacuate first. Now the Sky Lord is angry, and we have no way to calm his anger." His idea was very simple. The angry Sky Lord could be said to be invincible. At that time, although the injured soldiers could not escape, the lives of invaders such as Xia Lin would definitely end here.

This battle suffered heavy losses, but this is not all the troops of Sky Island at present. As long as God and the Holy Land can be preserved, it is enough.

But Gan Forer did not think so. Compared with the Holy Land, he cared more about the wounded soldiers. If they had already sacrificed, it would be fine, but now there are still many people alive, holding their wounds and wailing.

Since he is the god of this sky island, how can he abandon his people like this?

"We have to rescue those people first." Gan Forer said, but he couldn't rescue so many people alone.

"I will lead the Lord of the Sky away, and then you can take this opportunity to rescue them." Gan Forer said, this is the best plan he can think of now.

"No, how can I let you do such a dangerous thing?" The captain of the guard immediately retorted, letting the god be bait, this is absolutely not okay.

"No need to say more!" Gan Forer was very determined. Seeing those injured warriors constantly dying because of the destruction of the Lord of the Sky, he couldn't wait a moment. Immediately let Pierre take him to rush towards the Lord of the Sky.

He threw the spear he picked up with all his strength, trying to attract the other party's attention.

The spear did penetrate a scale of the Lord of the Sky in an instant, but in fact it was just as light as a mosquito bite for it.

The Lord of the Sky didn't even turn his gaze towards him, which made Gan Forer feel a little powerless.

If it were normal, he might not be so passive, but he was injured in the battle just now, and now he can't exert much strength at all. And the weapon in his hand is not good enough.

Fortunately, although the Lord of the Sky didn't keep his attention on him, he was attracted by another person.

It stared at Xia Lin.

The huge body swam over, and the cold eyes stared at Xia Lin with erect pupils, and the head that was bigger than the rock was raised high, which was a sign that it was going to attack.

It seems that its beast instinct felt the power of Xia Lin, but the confidence in its own strength made it choose to fight instead of surrender.

Xia Lin was originally watching the battle of his Sky Island people, but he didn't expect that this guy would actually look for death and stare at him. He was originally thinking about whether to accept it. But now he decided not to accept it.

He already has a stronger Yamata no Orochi for the soul of snakes, so there is no need to absorb such a guy who is only huge in size and useless in other aspects.

Since this powerful sky master has set his sights on him, let its life end here.

Xia Lin put his hand on the weapon on his waist. The sword he was carrying at this time was "Xuezou", which he bought from a weapon shop in Rogue Town at a high price. He planned to bring it back to Wano Country as a gift for Yukiko, so he carried it with him temporarily.

Although Xuezou was only a good sword and seemed a bit low-grade, there were too few big swords in the world, and even he himself did not have a big sword.

Those famous warriors in Wano Country, even

Looking at history, there are very few people who can wear big swords.

Good swords and fast swords are exactly the same level. However, good swords refer to the better ones among the fast swords.

Speaking of which, Xuezou's grade is good sword, while the third generation of Kitetsu is just a fast sword, but because the third generation of Kitetsu is a demon sword, it feels more powerful.

The Lord of the Sky has made an offensive gesture, but Xia Lin still stands there motionless, just leisurely pulling out the blade, which seems to be more than enough.

"That guy, is he looking for death?" The captain of the guard frowned. He didn't care about Xia Lin's life or death. It would be better to say that it would be better for outsiders like this who broke into their holy land without permission to die.

His serious expression was simply because he was thinking about what to do now.

Compared to his belief that Xia Lin was dead, Jasmine and others did not have much worry.

In their eyes, the name "Xia Lin" itself is equivalent to "invincible". Although the giant snake in front of them looks scary, it is amazing that it can withstand Xia Lin's attack.

"I heard that Kozuki Oden cut the mountain god in half with one knife in the Flower Capital a few years ago. Lord Xia Lin can definitely do it!" Jasmine stared at Xia Lin intently, intending to witness Xia Lin's next style.

At this time, the Lord of the Sky stood up, opened its huge mouth, and then the whole body suddenly smashed towards Xia Lin.

Xia Lin's vision suddenly became dim. The opponent's huge body cast a shadow that blocked the light. The mouth could easily swallow him whole. In the eyes of the Lord of the Sky, Xia Lin was not even as big as a mouse.

The fishy wind blowing in his face made Xia Lin frown. He slowly swung the blade, and the tip of the snow blade seemed to condense a little frost. His movements looked slow, but in fact they were not.

The Lord of the Sky had no time to react before he saw the casual sword coming.

The next moment, his vision began to roll, and the upper half of the snake head was cut off by the cold sword energy that had shot out, and the red ice opened like a lotus.


The snake bodies at both ends of the corpse kept twisting, and the Lord of the Sky's head was still opening and closing for no reason.

At this time, he suddenly felt the cold and stinging pain coming from his neck.

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