The golden bell is so luxurious!

"A huge bell made of gold, what a luxury!" Jasmine exclaimed.

Even the generals of Wano Country would not spend so much money to build a huge bell. Such an item, even its historical value is no less than the value of its own gold.

"This is the lamp of Shandora." Xia Lin said, even now he would feel romantic when talking about this story. Shandian people have not forgotten their promise with their friends for four hundred years, and they have been fighting to regain their homeland and light up the promised lights.

How can this not be considered a man's romance?

It's just that the friendship between Shandian people and Nolando is sincere, but people's hearts are greedy.

If it weren't for the huge sea current that washed the Shandians onto the Sky Island, I'm afraid that the people of this race would have died at the hands of the two thousand soldiers of the Kingdom of Lubnilu.

Xia Lin slowly told this story to Jasmine and Yuriko, and Jasmine was moved to tears.

Because they came to the Sky Island by flying directly from a distance, Jasmine did not stay on Gaya Island below the Sky Island, and did not know these past events. After hearing Xia Lin say that Nolando was finally executed as a liar, and that his descendants are still looking for the eyes of the skull on the sea, I felt very uncomfortable.

"Nolando didn't lie at all. If it weren't for the sea current, he wouldn't have died unjustly."

"But after Nolando returned to his hometown, he told his king about this. If it weren't for the sea current, what awaited the Shandians was a massacre. This is not a true friend at all, right?" Yuriko said. She had experienced the coldness of the world after her family fell into decline, and she was not so naive.

"Mom, you're such a spoiler." Jasmine pouted.

"You should be more careful." Yuriko wondered if she had protected her too well in the past.

However, Nolando might not really have deliberately attracted the enemy. Perhaps he was just too naive. There are many naive people in this world.

"Lord Xia Lin, should we 'light up the lamp of Shandora'?" Jasmine's eyes sparkled, and she looked expectant.

"It takes a lot of strength to transmit the sound to Qinghai." Xia Lin said. At least the entire golden bell must be broken to transmit the sound to Qinghai.

The value of pure gold and the complete golden bell cannot be compared.

Hearing this, Jasmine suddenly felt lost.

The value of pure gold must be reduced by at least half. Although it is a bit difficult to choose, it is impossible for a little money-grubber like her to give up thousands of platinum.

However, Xia Lin changed his words and said, "But if the power of the Great Path is used to amplify the sound waves, the sound should be transmitted without destroying the golden bell."

"Can this really be done?"

"Maybe, but let's go down first. I don't want to provoke the Shandians just after dealing with the Sky Islanders." Xia Lin thought about it and decided to take the entire Arpaiado away.

In fact, Arpaiado is of no use to him. This island is just a small part of Gaya. Now he has no shortage of land. The reason why he decided to take it away is just to end the fight between the Shandians and the Sky Islanders.

This is Xia Lin's reward after taking away the Golden Country, although these two races may not be so grateful.

But they have been fighting for this "Jerusalem" for too long. Those Shandians who have already grown up don't care, but the new children don't have to bear this mission and grow up hard. If it weren't for this grudge, I'm afraid the Shandians would have slowly merged with the Sky Islanders.

The current leader of the Sky Islanders is Gan Fowl. With him, the two sides should be able to get along in a friendly manner.

However, with Xia Lin's current strength, it is not an easy task to bring the entire island to the new world. Some advance preparations are required. The first thing is to create enough Ame-no-Mura clouds to hold up the island.

This is not very difficult. Xia Lin's fruit has awakened. As long as the clouds continue to spread, they will soon cover Arpaiado.

The real difficulty lies in his physical strength. To hold up the island, he needs to maintain a high density of Ame-no-Mura clouds for a long time, not to mention returning to the new world of Wano Country.

Maintaining clouds requires physical strength. If the distance is not very far or the object is not very heavy, it will take a long time to maintain the high density of Ame-no-Mura clouds.

If it is serious, it will not have a big impact, but the matter of transporting islands is a legendary existence even among the huge giants.

According to legend, a giant five hundred years ago, called Oz the Demon, would transport his favorite islands, so he was also called Oz the Transporter.

Oz's body size is far larger than that of ordinary giants. His height is 67 meters, several times that of ordinary giants. However, this size is not the largest among the giants.

For example, his descendant, Little Oz, is 80 meters tall. Blackbeard's seventh captain, the giant battleship San Juan Wolf, is an incredible 180 meters tall, taller than three Ultramen Tiga stacked together.

Xia Lin took Jasmine and Yuriko back to the ruins of Shandora and found the original historical text.

"This text is..." Yuriko frowned as soon as she saw the text, and stretched out her slender fingers to brush the grooves on the blue square rock.

What bothered her was that she didn't recognize these words at all.

"These words seem to be a little different from the words I learned before. Only a few words are the same as the words of Wano Country." Yuriko showed a regretful and apologetic expression. She originally thought that she could help Xia Lin a little. Unexpectedly, she couldn't do anything in the end.

"It seems that the words of the giant kingdom are still different from those of Wano Country. Now only the Kozuki clan should still have the ability to interpret the historical text."

"I'm sorry, Lord Xia Lin, I'm so useless..."

She lowered her head and said sadly. It was rare that Lord Xia Lin gave her a devil fruit and took her out to sea to see so many amazing scenery, but she was useless in the end, which made her feel very disappointed.

But Xia Lin didn't think it was a big deal.

Originally, he was not very interested in this historical text, and if he remembered correctly, it seemed that the historical text of Sky Island was still about the content related to the Sea King. And the Sea King of this generation has not been born yet.

"Don't blame yourself Yuriko, I said, I have no interest in past history or weapons or Raftel. In this world, only the one who survives to the end is considered a winner."

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