The old man was very busy, and the old man was very busy.

Compared to other countries in the pirate world, Wano Country is very large, otherwise it would not take Oden two years to travel around the country.

Xia Lin was not in a hurry to travel, he walked and stopped, left Baiwu and then passed through Tuwan, it took almost half a month in total.

There are some samurai guarding between the two different towns, these people are not very powerful, they are just here to register the information of passers-by.

In this era, Wano Country is not a mess, although there are not many conflicts between the daimyo of each town, but they are not a solid block, they are naturally unwilling to let their people go to other towns in large numbers, and they also do not want to accept refugees from other towns. These samurai are equivalent to gate guards.

Several people looked at Xia Lin and Xue Zi who were walking towards them carelessly, and they immediately perked up.

It's not that in order to retain the population, migration between villages is completely prohibited, but it's common to move to the Flower Capital, and even Suzuho, ​​Hime and others can understand it, but the guards have never seen anyone going to Jiuli.

In Jiuli, except for those unlucky people who were born in Jiuli, basically only fugitives will go there.

After all, it is a lawless area. Even if it's a bit hard to escape, at least you can avoid being chased by the government soldiers. But if it's a fugitive, I think he should sneak out at night, why would he walk on the bridge openly?

"I think that man is quite young and well dressed. Is he planning to go to Hime, so he wants to borrow the road from Jiuli?" A samurai whispered.

"Borrowing the road from Jiuli, are you crazy? Even if you borrow the road, normal people will go to the Flower Capital, right? The road is close and safe. What's more, Udon and Hime are adjacent to each other." Another warrior shook his head.

While the two were talking, Xia Lin had already approached Yukiko.

He was not afraid of someone checking his identity. As a servant of the Kang family, Orochi could do more than just steal a little money. Now that he is stronger, the Kang family can use him in many places, so there are many things he can intervene in.

Xia Lin handed over a document, and the two warriors opened it and took a look, then returned it and stood on both sides.

All the procedures were correct, and even if they were confused, they did not dare to stop Xia Lin.

"Let's go, Yukiko." Xia Lin looked around and found that the bridge was still solid. Everything was not as shabby and desolate as the anime he had seen before. This was no wonder, after all, it was not forty years later.

Kozuki Sukiyaki may be incompetent, but at least he is not cruel. Even if he eats, drinks and has fun in the Flower Capital every day, it is not a big deal for this country. Even if countless poor people are about to starve to death on the roadside, it will not affect the prosperity of the upper-class nobles in the Flower Capital.

Xia Lin took Xuezi across the long bridge. When he walked to the center of the bridge, Lin Mu saw the barren land of Jiuli.

In fact, the natural environment of Jiuli is not very bad among the islands of Wano Country. At least it is not as barren as Usagi Don and Hime, nor as cold as Suzuko. The climate of Jiuli maintains the scenery of summer all year round, and the sunlight is very sufficient. The only shortcoming is that it is sometimes rainy and sometimes dry, which is unpredictable.

The agriculture of Wano Country still depends on the weather. Under this climate, rice can be grown three or four times a year. If drought and rainstorms can be overcome, the harvest will definitely not be low. Unfortunately, Jiuli is a lawless place full of ronin warriors.

Those who lived here managed to grow some food, but most of it was robbed away.

In the midst of war and chaos, even if the weather was good, it would not be able to develop at all.

Jiuli does have some villages and villagers. Although those ronin warriors are murderers and criminals in other places, they basically won't kill villagers easily here. This broken place has a small population, and the majority of them are criminals. If those farmers die, who will farm for them to rob?

If those people die, where will the women come from for them to catch and play with?

Compared with the prosperous Baiwu, Jiuli looks like a hell on earth.

Those criminals do not produce anything, and they all flee here. Even the richest people are not enough for them to rob, let alone the poor here. So they not only rob the poor, but also rob each other.

For these people, they fight for real. After the blades are facing each other, they are not just playing house. There is rarely a second ending for the loser except death. As a result, the entire Jiuli Plain was littered with corpses.

The rotting corpses were crawling with maggots, and the air was filled with a foul odor.

Yukiko pinched her nose in disgust and walked around the road.

She was right. These rotten corpses exposed to the outside could easily cause diseases such as plague. Xia Lin himself didn't care. The Eight-Headed Soul he received had the power to control the plague to a certain extent.

However, the nausea and stench still made Xia Lin move away.

In addition to this, there was another reason why Jiuli was so desolate.

That was that the hungry people kept gnawing on the grass roots, and did not let go of anything edible. Over time, the vegetation on this land would decrease, and naturally the imbalance of precipitation would be aggravated.

This kind of thing is actually very troublesome to manage, but it is not difficult for Xia Lin to solve.

As long as he waits until the fruit ability of the Great Mouth True God is received, he can freeze the heavy rain in the rainy season and store it underground, and wait until the dry season to melt and pump it up. If it doesn't work, he can also transport the snow from Linghou.

Melted water from ice and snow is also one of the important sources of water.

It can be said that the people of Wano Country have completely wasted a piece of precious land. If such a place is well developed, it can bring an unknown amount of food to the entire country. In fact, the same is true for Hime, which is known as the most desolate.

"Here, it's like hell on earth..." Yukiko followed Xia Lin closely and couldn't help saying.

Although she was poor before, she was in Baiwu after all. Even if she couldn't eat, her family still had a lot of debts. The worst case scenario should be that she was bought into a brothel. For people living in Jiuli, I'm afraid that being entertained by others in a brothel is already a paradise-like life.

"This is the current Wano Country. Under the surface prosperity, the people are actually suffering." Xia Lin shook his head and said.

Let alone Jiuli, is there no darkness under the prosperity of the Flower Capital?

The prosperity of this country is only the prosperity of those upper-class people. Even the lowest-level samurai are not in the same class as farmers.

"I believe that Lord Xia Lin will definitely change this country!" Xue Zi pinched her nose with one hand and clenched her small fist with the other hand, saying forcefully.

"Don't think too highly of me. All I want is to rule." Xia Lin rolled his eyes.

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