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Xia Lin placed the two fruits on the top of the tower.

Speaking of which, the last time he thought of using ordinary animal fruits to create some strange creatures, he forgot about it. Now that the bird fruit in his hand has been sent to Onigashima, this matter can only be postponed for a while.

After playing in the hot springs with Yuriko and Yukiko yesterday, Yukiko returned to her job today, and Keiko got a little rest after working continuously for a long time.

Now Keiko is by Xia Lin's side, reading quietly.

After more than two months, Qi Jizi has become very good at handling the matters that were determined and pursued. She is even better than Xuezi in this regard. Keiko is actually very smart, and can often find a balance point, and there will be no shortage of finances for the expenditure. Unnecessary expenses can often be saved.

This job is not too difficult for her, but it will give her less time to study.

Xia Lin feels that Keiko may be more suitable for learning ancient knowledge than Yuriko. Neither of them studied martial arts, but they each had their own strengths in literature and art.

Yuriko actually knows more about customs and etiquette, as well as skills such as tea art and folk art.

Xia Lin felt that if Keiko was sent to O'Hara to study, she might really become a scholar soon. But it would be too inconvenient to send her there. Keiko didn't have much ability to protect herself, so he didn't feel at ease sending her out.

"Well -" Keiko felt a little tired, so she stretched slightly, then covered her mouth and slapped him.

"Master Xia Lin, can I sleep for a while?" She slowly walked to Xia Lin's side and then leaned over.

"Go to sleep." Xia Lin nodded and let her head rest on his lap.

However, after lying down, Keiko was no longer sleepy. She sniffed the breath coming from Xia Lin and pushed her face towards him.

Keiko likes this feeling of peace and quiet, as if all her worries have suddenly disappeared. But actually she didn't have too many worries. Keiko is very contented, and her life today is much better than her life in Tudon.

If she had any wish that she wanted to fulfill, it would be to take revenge on Tudon, the wealthy family that ruined her family.

However, she couldn't do this on her own, so she could only wait for Black Carbon Orochi's plan to proceed slowly.

"Phew, I'm so tired." Kinemon wiped off his sweat, placed a huge stone on the ground, sat on it and rested, "That daimyo from Kuri always assigns us such hard work, it's really abominable. "

"But, the wages of this job are very high." Kanjuro said. Now they are working on the construction of the reservoir. During the time when Yukiko went to the Flower Capital, the explorers had been looking for a suitable location, and finally decided to build in the mountains on the south side.

Relying on the terrain of the mountains, building a reservoir can save a lot of manpower and material resources. Moreover, the terrain of Jiuli is that the north, south, high, and middle are low, and the mountains in the south are just upstream of the river.

"But this is too hard, and it also leaves Yingxiang Town and travels such a long distance to go to that guard forest!" Kinemon said dissatisfied.

The Guarded Forest is the mountains and forests in the south. This name was later changed by Xia Lin. In order to build this reservoir, these people traveled long distances across the distance from north to south to the guard forest, which was already very hard work.

More importantly, most of Jiuli's population is concentrated in the north, with scattered villages and large areas of farmland in the middle, and only the most natural jungle in the south. This also means that there are very few entertainment facilities in the south. Now that I come to work here, I can't even find any fun. The living conditions are also much worse. No matter how much money I make, I am not happy.

"Hey, Kin'emon, don't forget that we still have to pay back the money." Denjiro said angrily. Kin'emon is the biggest spender among them. He spends a lot of money every time he goes to Yuguo, which is seriously delayed. Their repayment progress.

"What if I don't pay you back? We have passed through so many towns, and only Guri has a lot to do! If you want me to just leave, who can stop us?" Kinemon pouted. Nostrils said, "I don't believe that this famous person from Jiuli can go to other villages to arrest us."

"But the environment in Jiuli Youguo is much better than other villages." Lei Zang said sheepishly. He is born with it

The big-faced man is very unpopular with women. Although there are few prostitutes willing to have fun with him in the Yukaku in Kuri, there are always one or two if you are willing to spend money.

"I say, can you stop thinking about these things all the time?" Oden sighed. Although he would go to the Yukaku, the number was not very large, and he would not think about that kind of thing all the time in his mind.

Compared with these, he was more concerned about going to sea, but he could only start from Xia Lin in this regard.

Originally, he planned to find an opportunity to test the daimyo's mansion after Xia Lin returned from the Flower Capital, but before he could take action, he was exiled to the border by Yukiko.

Now he can only work honestly and finish the project quickly before going back.

Such a huge project naturally requires more people than just a few of them, and there are many ordinary people in Kuri who are willing to come to work. Everyone knows that the daimyo of Kuri always pays a higher price than the market price when recruiting workers. Although it is hard to work here, the working period is very reasonable. As long as you rest well, you will not get sick, and the wages are not bad.

In addition to men, some women also apply for some odd jobs, and some men come directly with their wives.

"I heard that there are still some scattered thieves in the Guardian Forest. If we can catch one, it can be equivalent to several days' wages for several of us."

When the thieves were arrested, some people ran to the forest in the south and hid. These people were rewarded by Xia Lin. If they caught one, they could get a lot of money.

For Oden and others, it was just a few days' wages for several people, but for ordinary people, the amount of work they do every day is far less than that of Oden and others. It takes them several months to earn the wages of Oden and others for one day.

"Those people, I don't know if they are still alive." Kin'emon said helplessly. The strength of those thieves may not be as good as that of wild beasts. Those who are alone may have been exposed to the wilderness.

"Well, I still have to keep working." After taking a break, Kin'emon knew he could stand up and continue moving the boulders. Every time a boulder was moved, someone would register it. The more people moved, the more money they made.

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