The night slowly spread from the western sky, and soon only a little dim light remained on the distant eastern horizon.

Yingxiang Town was not swallowed by the darkness. On the prosperous streets, every household along the way was decorated with lights. The dazzling lanterns seemed to be particularly bright on the last day of the fire festival, as if they were going to burn out all the light and heat.

Today's atmosphere is much warmer than the previous few days. Perhaps it is because it is the last day. The adults who have been exhausted by the long festival seem to cherish it and return to this night with the children.

In addition, it is because people are looking forward to the fireworks festival.

The people in Jiuli have never seen fireworks before, so they are naturally full of expectations for mysterious things. Moreover, people who came to settle from Jiuli away naturally knew the beauty of fireworks.

Fireworks cannot be set off casually in Wano Country. They are only allowed to be set off on the most important festivals. Therefore, even people from other towns can only see fireworks once or twice a year.

The rarer the things, the more precious they are. Fireworks are like snow. Even if you have seen them many times before, when the first snow falls every year, you will feel as if you have seen them for the first time.

The soldiers of the Tenryo Bugyo carried the sedan chair to the viewing point prepared before Shutenmaru.

The view here is very open and the terrain is relatively high. If you look back, you can see the brightly lit Yingxiang Town, and if you look far away, you can see the dark wilderness.

There is a very wide river in the wilderness, and the place where the fireworks are set off is on the other side of the river. When the fireworks bloom, the wide river surface will also reflect the brilliant light, and the sparkling lake surface will become a scenery.

"Are the Naganohara family's fireworks ready?" Xia Lin asked. After all, this was the first time that Jiuli held the Fire Festival Night, and it was one of the two most important activities, the Fire Festival. It would be bad if something went wrong.

There are two very important activities on the Fire Festival Night, one of which is to release sky lanterns, which are actually Kongming lanterns. This link usually starts on the first night of the Fire Festival Night.

At that time, people would light up the Kongming lanterns prepared in advance, and then let them fly into the night sky, burning out as they continued to rise, thus expressing their nostalgia for the deceased.

The other is the closing fireworks festival. When the fireworks are in full bloom, the emotions born with the explosion are joyful and exciting, perhaps meaning that the living should keep moving forward.

Of course, this is just Xia Lin's personal opinion.

In any case, the quality of the fireworks is directly related to whether the Fire Festival Night can end successfully.

The Naganohara family, who now specializes in making fireworks in Jiuli, were originally residents of the Flower Capital. Yukiko paid to invite them from the Flower Capital. In Wano Country, there are not many people who know how to make fireworks, and this craft itself is not very friendly to the people.

Of course, the surname Naganohara was given by Xia Lin.

Except for the annual fireworks festival, it is actually difficult for craftsmen who make fireworks to make money on weekdays.

Generally speaking, these craftsmen are naturally paid by the Shogun's Mansion, but the number of fireworks craftsmen in the Flower Capital is really a bit too much. The craftsmanship of young people like Naganohara Tsunesuke was not favored by the Shogun's Mansion.

In fact, Naganohara Tsunesuke's craftsmanship is very good, but he always wants to develop some novel fireworks, so he always causes explosions, making those people think that this guy is completely half-baked. As a result, he lost his job.

Later, after Yukiko recruited craftsmen from various industries in the Flower Capital, he simply followed to Kuri.

Looking back now, he still feels that the choice he made at that time was not very wise. At that time, the price of land and houses in Kuri was very cheap. After arriving in Kuri, he bought real estate in a slightly remote place.

Because it is far from the city, even with his assets, he can afford to buy a house.

The remote location is not a problem, in fact, it is the best for him. Developing new types of fireworks is not a simple matter at night. Even if you ignore its danger, it will make a lot of noise, so a slightly remote location is just right.

Moreover, the daimyo of Jiuli is very different from the general of the Flower Capital. He supports his own development of new types of fireworks and even gives him some subsidies for developing fireworks every month. This makes him fill the gap in his life.


In fact, Naganohara was not poor. The fireworks from this fireworks festival alone made him earn more money than many people could earn in several years, but developing fireworks was a huge expense.

"There will be no problem. We have already randomly selected a batch for inspection." Yukiko said. She looked at the distance and saw that the soldiers of the Tenryo Bugyo who sent them here had already withdrawn.

Shutenmaru led these people to guard the periphery to prevent ordinary people from breaking in and disturbing Xia Lin. He himself was not very interested in the night of the fire festival or fireworks, but he was very pleased to see that the people of Jiuli who originally lived in hell now lived such a happy life.

More importantly, after the fireworks festival was over, he could go back and drink. This was specially allowed by Xia Lin. After all, it was a festival, and they should be allowed to relax.

Shutenmaru was already thinking about whether he should just buy a jar of wine and then soak in it and drink it.

"Huh, it's finally quiet." Jasmine breathed a sigh of relief and moved her body. She had been sitting in a sedan chair all the way, and she didn't even dare to move. She was already exhausted.

"Would you like some apple candy, Jasmine?" Saori came over and asked her with a red apple candy. A lot of food had been prepared here, whether it was apple candy, squid-yaki, or sake, they were all prepared in advance by Shutenmaru.

However, cooked food like squid-yaki would not taste good when cold, so Yukiko specially asked Ahe to come here to make desserts.

Ahe made a lot of money on the night of the fire festival. After coming to Jiuli, the number of guests she saw in one day was almost the total number of guests she had seen before. Therefore, she was actually very grateful to Yukiko.

It was just that something happened a few days ago, which made her a little absent-minded.

"Master Xia Lin, Master Yukiko, please have it." Ahe brought the freshly prepared food and sake over.

After Yukiko reached out to take it, she found that Ahe seemed to be worried about something.

"What's wrong with you, Ahe?"

"I'm fine. Maybe I'm a little tired because business has been so good recently." Ahe shook her head quickly and handed over a bowl of red bean soup. Although she was troubled by something, there was no need to tell Yukiko about it.

Yukiko didn't ask much, but just asked her to take a rest.

"The fireworks display is about to start, you should stop and watch it together."

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