After a long time, the two of them were still very busy.

Saya finally paid the price for cheating. Later, she didn't even know when the fireworks show ended. She was bullied by Xuezi and Xia Lin as if she was crawling with ants.

And the feeling of being neither up nor down made her happy and painful. It was like she wanted to go to the toilet but had to hold it in.

So much so that when Saya returned, she was completely paralyzed in the sedan chair as if she had no bones.

If it weren't for the fact that there was an outsider named Ahe at the scene, Xuezi might have gone a little further and asked her to lie down on the spot and use her as a plate for food.

The fireworks continued for an hour, and long after it ended, the crowd of Jiuli stopped by the river and looked into the distance, unwilling to leave. For some people, this is almost a view they have never seen in their previous lives. It is a dreamlike beauty that cannot be imagined even in imagination.

So far, Jiuli's first fire festival night has finally ended successfully.

"It's finally over." After sending Xia Lin and others back to the daimyo's mansion, Jiu Tianwan breathed a sigh of relief. It was as if something tickled his chest and mouth, and the alcohol bug that had been dormant for a long time was about to crawl out.

"Brothers, let's go drink! Drink to your heart's content today!" Jiu Tianwan shouted, holding the wine order given to him by Xia Lin in his hand. Without this wine order, he couldn't touch a drop even if someone gave him wine to drink.

"The night of the fire festival is really a good day!"

He laughed and rushed to the town to buy wine with a group of warriors who had not drunk wine for a long time. These people are even worse than Jiu Tianwan. At least Jiu Tianwan drank a lot at the general's banquet when he went to the flower capital last time. The last time the others drank was in the mountain stronghold.

"Hahahaha, Lord Jiu Tian Wan is really a drunkard!" Someone laughed,

"Well, I am a drunkard!" Jiu Tian Wan did not deny that he was addicted to alcohol, but now that he followed Xia Lin, he suppressed his desire to drink.

"Life without alcohol is really not a life for human beings, but as long as we can endure it for another two years, Lord Xia Lin has promised us that we can also receive some salary after three years." Jiu Tian Wan laughed.

"Really? Then I have to go to Youguo for a good look. I heard that our Jiuli Youguo is the best and cleanest Youguo in the country." A warrior said excitedly.

"What's so good about Youguo? Once you enter that kind of place, even the lightest alcohol dares to sell at a high price. Didn't Xia Lin bring back some official prostitutes from overseas some time ago? Those women are unforgivable bastards like us before, and there is no need to pity them at all." Another person shook his head.

Although this statement is agreeable, Xia Lin did not bring back many female pirates last time. Female pirates are a minority on the sea, and even fewer are pretty.

Not every female pirate is an empress, Nami, or Robin. Most of them are strong and ugly women like Katarina in the Black Group. Even women who are not ugly will look very old after being weathered on the sea.

It is common to leave scars in battle.

How can such a rough woman compare with the delicate girls in Youguo? Just how to please people is not on the same level.

In the evening of the next day, Xia Lin heard that Shutenmaru and the original gang of thieves were exiled to the Zhenshou Morixiu Reservoir by Yukiko.

The leader of the Tenryo Bugyo was actually exiled to a remote location in Jiuli by Yukiko, the leader of the Kanjo Bugyo. Xia Lin laughed dumbly. He didn't know how Shutenmaru offended Yukiko again.

"What's going on?"

"Master Xia Lin, I'm not questioning your decision, but we really can't let that bastard Jiu Tian Wan continue to drink." Xue Zi huddled in Xia Lin's arms, gritting her teeth and said, "That drunkard got drunk last night, and ended up not even completing today's security patrol with a group of people. When we found him later, this guy was still soaking in the wine jar!"

"It's rare for him to relax once and he dared to neglect his duties. If he relaxes frequently, something bad might happen."

"He really has no self-control at all." Xia Lin shook his head and didn't continue to ask about Jiu Tian Wan's affairs. It was also okay to let them go to repair the reservoir and reflect on it.

Well, although he agreed to let Shutenmaru drink once, he couldn't delay work because of drinking.

"By the way, Kozuki Oden is also in the Guardian Forest now. If he knows that Shutenmaru is also there, he will definitely visit and ask Shutenmaru not to be exposed."

"Well, I have already told you about this." Yukiko said. She is now very good at handling things. Although she can't say that she can handle everything, she can still consider this little thing.

Xia Lin nodded, but seemed to suddenly remember something and said, "Very good, by the way, let Keiko come over now."

"Do you want to go with two people today?" Yukiko asked with a red face, "Although it's a bit difficult for me to bear it alone, I don't have to go to find Keiko specifically, the maid outside the door can also do it."

Xia Lin: ? ? ?

"No, I'm going to ask her to write a letter to Bai Wu's lord. It's time to talk to him about the Qiangang Port." Xia Lin explained, "As our power continues to grow, it becomes more troublesome for Kurotan Muchan to go out to sea or return every time. The Golden Country has been brought back for several months, but it has not been fully shipped out until now. This efficiency is too low."

"I know." Yukiko nodded, then walked to the door and ordered a maid to find Keiko. When she came back, she was worried, "But can Shimotsuki Yasuie agree to lend us the Qiangang Port?"

The people of Wano Country are very rigid and old-fashioned.

They are used to the days of seclusion and have a fear of everything in the outside world. They are very afraid that the outside forces will come to Wano Country, and they have no confidence to fight against invaders.

"Give it a try. If it doesn't work, just use Kozuki Oden to convince him."

"In my opinion, just control him directly." Yukiko said, "It would be best if all these daimyo and that stupid general become your servants!"

"That would be too boring." Xia Lin shook his head.

It's just like turning on the invincible mode when playing a game. It may feel great at the beginning, but it will feel very boring after a long time. There is no sense of accomplishment.

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