The two of them were in a state of panic.

"Women? What's going on?" Xia Lin asked in surprise.

Originally, when Jiuli was first built, many merchants would buy some women or directly send money and goods here in order to do business safely, but later they found that Jiuli's public security and business environment were very good, so this behavior no longer happened.

"Those people are a bit strange..." Xue Zi thought for a while and said.

Under normal circumstances, she would handle such trivial matters by herself, not that they would accept things if someone sent them, but this time, both these merchants and the women who were sent here were a bit unusual.

"I don't think they are businessmen." Xue Zi thought for a while and said, "Those women also have traces of martial arts training. Could it be that someone is targeting us?"

Xue Zi actually had a suspicion for a long time, but she did not take action because she had no evidence, and Xia Lin was not in Jiuli during this period.

"Let's go and take a look."

What exactly happened, this kind of thing can actually be known as soon as you ask.

Xia Lin followed Xue Zi back to the pavilion and summoned the women who were sent.

There were two women in total, of different ages, the oldest was estimated to be around 21 years old, and each of them was no worse than the oiran.

"My humble lady, Ayame, greets the daimyo."

"My humble lady, Yayoi, greets the daimyo."

The three women knelt down under Xia Lin's scrutiny.

"Ayame, Yayoi, right?" Xia Lin slowly walked to their side, looked down at the two women sitting at the bottom of the ground, and said softly. At the same time, the zoom of his clothes had changed, and the sleeves and long belt seemed to come alive, turning into a cold snake body.

However, because the two women were lying on the ground at this time, they did not see this horrible scene at all.

Instead, Xue Zi, who was standing aside, recalled the first time she met Xia Lin. At that time, Xia Lin was in this posture, which scared her half to death.

The snake body with bared fangs and claws, the roaring fangs and trembling tongue, and the purple pupils with red scarlet light, even if you look at it ten thousand times, you will feel that it is a handsome monster that devours people.

"I ask you, who sent you here, and what is your purpose?" As soon as Xia Lin saw these two people, he could feel that they were not weak women who were powerless. Not to mention how strong they were, at least they were as good as Jasmine.

It was certainly not a problem for those so-called businessmen to send these two women here. The problem was that they concealed the fact that these two women knew martial arts.

"Yes, it was Master Huashan who sent us here. He hopes that we can serve Master Daimyo and take care of his business in Jiuli..." The oldest woman pretended to be weak and said.

Xia Lin walked in front of her. She could only see Xia Lin's feet when she looked down at the ground.

"Your name is Acorus, right?" Xia Lin bent down, pinched her delicate chin and lifted her up.

"Yes, I am willing to serve you..." Acorus' words got stuck in her throat. As her eyes moved up, she also saw the white snakes swimming behind Xia Lin. Being stared at by such things, her heart seemed to stop beating and her pupils shrank violently.

"Humph." Xia Lin sneered, and before she could react, one of the snakes suddenly bit her neck. As the power of the Great Snake Seal was released, a black snake mark was imprinted on her slender neck.

"Okay, tell me again, who are you, who sent you here, and what is your purpose?"

Xia Lin let go of her hand, and the woman instantly collapsed to the ground, her eyes became cloudy as if covered by a layer of veil, and she spoke mechanically.

"My name is Suzuki Ayame, the leader of the Suzuki underworld, the wife of Suzuki Kaito..."

"What did you say, Ayame!"

"Why did you expose the plan?"

Hearing this, Xia Lin had no reaction, but the other woman immediately jumped up and asked loudly.

She never thought that Ayame would expose herself. Originally, they were arranged to enter the mansion of the Daimyo of Kuri as a backup for the assassination plan. Now the plan has not started yet, and Ayame, the leader of the two of them, has directly rebelled.

If she continues to talk, it will be troublesome.

Suzuki Kaito is not the only mastermind behind this operation. If she continues to talk like this, her mastermind behind the scenes will be...

The person who was involved would also be exposed. If the plan failed, then her family...

Since it has come to this, Yayoi can only try to kill Ayame first and then try to escape. If she can't escape, she can only commit suicide.

But before Yayoi can make any move, a pair of ferocious snake eyes appeared in front of her. After looking into the snake eyes, her whole body seemed to be paralyzed by an electric current and she couldn't move at all.

"Big snake stare."

After paralyzing Yayoi's body with his eyes, Xia Lin also used the seal of the big snake on her.

Ayame continued to speak.

"Yayoi is the newlywed wife of the underworld leader of Hime..."

She has basically said all the plans. These two women can barely be considered samurai. Now the underworld leaders of the three villages of Suzuho, ​​Hime, and Usagi have joined forces to send assassins to assassinate Xia Lin on the occasion of the New Year.

For this reason, they are willing to sacrifice their beautiful wives, hoping to find out the path to the daimyo mansion before the New Year. And even if the assassination fails, there are still the two of them who can continue the assassination.

But if it really comes to this, even if they kill Xia Lin, they will definitely not be able to escape.

"Mafia? These social parasites..." Xia Lin sneered.

"Master Xia Lin, do you want to do it now..." Xue Zi became furious after hearing what Acorus said, and she wanted to rush to the three villages immediately to wipe out those mafia.

"Don't be so anxious, these guys actually sent their wives here to assassinate me, how can I not have fun with them?"

At this time, Acorus also recovered from that chaotic form. But at this time, she has been completely controlled by the Great Snake Seal and has become Xia Lin's slave. "Daimyo... Master..., we deserve to die, but if the plan fails, my daughter's child will..."

"Master Xia Lin, what should we do now?" Xue Zi asked.

"Let's leave these two people in the Daimyo Mansion first. Oh, let them proceed according to the plan."

"Yes..." Ayame raised her head, "They actually obeyed those people's orders and came to assassinate you... You can do whatever you want to us, but we just hope you can save my daughter and Yayoi's sister."

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