After the construction of the submarine port, the progress of Kurozumi Orochi's accumulation of strength immediately accelerated a lot.

However, this is also relatively speaking. In the original work, he became a general and cooperated with Kaido and made Kozuki Oden dance for nearly five years. This matter cannot be rushed. If you really want to accomplish a big thing, you can't be impatient.

However, Xia Lin didn't care about the situation on Kurozumi Orochi's side.

In Xia Lin's view, everything is based on strength. Although he has a very strong strength now when he exerts his full strength, as long as there is room for improvement, he should continue to move forward.

Compared with his fruit ability, his domineering is completely a shortcoming. Although the Armament Haki has reached the level of internal destruction, and the Observation Haki has also been enhanced by the Thunder Fruit, it is still not enough.

As for the Domineering Haki among the three colors of Haki, he has almost no way to consciously practice it because there is no reference at all. However, he also found that his Domineering Haki is constantly improving.

In terms of Haki alone, Xia Lin is still a long way from the top of this world.

The power of Haki is the power of the heart and the power of will. If it is in battle, it can often achieve a rapid breakthrough. However, there is basically no opponent in Wano Country who can make him go all out.

After receiving the Thunder Fruit, Xia Lin originally wanted to focus on the Great Mouth True God, but at this time, Kurozumi Muchan sent a message that she found a devil fruit.

——Animal system·Bat Fruit·Mythical Beast·Vampire Form.

It is now on the way back.

"Did you find it so quickly?" Xia Lin asked in surprise. Actually, it was not very fast. Almost a year had passed since he first mentioned this fruit to Heitan Muchan. However, Xia Lin originally expected to find it within two or three years, which was considered fast.

"Yes, Muchan said that when she was selling the gold from the Golden Country on the black market, she met some archaeologists, and later found the location of this fruit with the help of their knowledge." Xue Zi roughly recounted what Heitan Muchan had fed back at that time.

"The key is that you, Lord Xia Lin, originally provided a lot of information, including the location of Shuigu Town. As long as you are willing to look for it, you can always find it."

"That's true, but in this case, the acceptance of Dakou Zhenshen will be put on hold for a while." Xia Lin smiled. He didn't feel that his appearance had changed in the past two years. It might be that his situation was very special, so he would not age easily.

But others were different.

Xue Zi had changed a lot in the past two years, and even her body had grown a lot.

At this point, Xia Lin remembered that Xue Zi was exactly eighteen years old this year. This age is not special to Yukiko herself, but in Xia Lin's opinion, only after this year's birthday, Yukiko can be considered an adult.

Since it is such an important day, he should prepare a gift for him carefully.

For this reason, he went to Onigashima to bring the piled animal-type devil fruits, intending to pick one to create a fantasy creature for her.

The strength of the creature is secondary, the most important thing is to be beautiful. In the end, Xia Lin chose a bird-bird fruit, the form of a bird of paradise.

The one who was about to eat this fruit was a Komainu caught from the Guardian Forest. This fox did not have any special skills, but the hair on its body was very elegant, and the hair on its four legs and tail was as fluffy as clouds, looking a bit like a lion.

This Komainu was very small.

But before feeding, Xia Lin suddenly thought of something.

"If we extract the animal souls from the devil fruit directly instead of feeding it, can we create someone who is not afraid of water like me?"

This idea is equivalent to letting other people have the ability to receive. And if it really succeeds, maybe we can create a real "magic beast"!

"Xuezi, I have another idea. Go get me a few more devil fruits, the most useless ones." Xia Lin put the Komainu down, and Saori, who was standing aside, immediately bent down and picked it up, "Saori, you also go get some animals."

Xuezi nodded and picked up some common devil fruits. Some of them were dog-dog fruits, and some were lizard fruits.

Saori brought a group of pigeons.

"What are you going to do, Master Xia Lin?"

"Just a little experiment." Xia Lin did not answer directly, but picked up a fruit, and at the same time, a magic circle with purple light lit up under his feet. Saori and Yukiko could both recognize that this was a sign that Xia Lin was going to receive it.

But they didn't understand why Master Xia Lin wanted to receive these fruits.

But soon they knew.

Xia Lin pulled out a constantly twisting translucent object from the devil fruit. This thing looked like a sticky mass of mercury at first glance, but it was in a mass and slowly turned into the shape of a puppy.

"It's an Akita dog." Saori whispered.

Then they saw Xia Lin stuff this thing into the body of a pigeon.

Soon, the pigeon's body began to change, constantly changing from an Akita dog to a half-bird and half-dog. After adapting for a while, its form has remained half-bird and half-dog, which looks very funny.

"Because the pigeon cannot defeat the animal soul of the dog, it can only maintain a semi-receiving state?"

"Ah, so ugly..." Saori said in amazement.

Then Xia Lin took the seastone again, proving that the pigeon in this form would not be affected by the seastone. However, just when Xia Lin wanted to try to stuff the animal soul of the second fruit into its body, an accident happened.

The pigeon's body exploded as if it was filled with fireworks.

"Can't two animal souls be used at the same time?" After all, Xia Lin is the only one who can use the receiving magic, and other people cannot receive multiple demon souls.

"So, what if you receive one and then eat a devil fruit? Or don't use the devil fruit but use the real animal soul directly?"

Xia Lin had several ideas that he wanted to verify, and he took this opportunity to try them all together. As for those ordinary animal-type devil fruits, he didn't feel bad. But...

Looking at the blood that just splashed out, Xia Lin decided to change the test site.

"Let's ask someone to clean it up."

Xia Lin moved the test field to the training field. Jasmine was practicing swordsmanship with Ayame and the Yayoi sisters. When they saw Xia Lin, they stopped and surrounded him to say hello.

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