
Ye Zhuo saw Dashiki standing next to Garp again.

"You finally came to see me!"

"I'm here to chase you!"

Dashiqi was angry and annoyed. She didn't expect that the person Bogart wanted to chase was Ye Zhuo.

More importantly, the owner of this ship was the famous Garp!

"Still want to escape? Or fight to the death, young man."

Kapu clenched his fists and waited for Ye Zhuo's answer.

"Of course it's a fight!"

What's so scary about Ye Zhuo?

"Hero Garp, Dragon's father, a naval hero who was given many titles throughout his life."

Robin analyzed seriously.

"I think I saw it when I was a kid and went to the World Conference with my father."

Weiwei thought about the scene in her memory.

At that time, there was an old king of the Drum Kingdom, who had a son who looked very stupid and looked like a hippopotamus.

"He has chased Roger's pirate group countless times and forced Roger into desperate situations many times!"

In Kalifa's eyes, Garp is also invincible.

"Are we going to be enemies with legends?"

Nami always felt a little terrified. She was holding a long stick made of gold, which was easy to smelt with the Thunder Fruit.

What's more, there were plenty of Bailey and gold on the ship.

"No matter how strong he is, he is still an old man. In my eyes, he is not even one tenth as good as the captain!"

The empress is arrogant and there is nothing to be afraid of in her eyes.

As one of the few female heroes who possesses the domineering aura of the king, how could she be afraid of strength?

"It seems that your crew members are very confident in your ability."

Garp jumped up and jumped directly to the Demon King.

"Sorry, my ship cannot become a battlefield."

Ye Zhuo snapped his fingers.

The magic energy of water was stimulated, and the sea turned into a battlefield in an instant.

"You can't affect my crew."

He stood in the air, lightning fell from the sky, turned into a huge cage and intertwined with the sea water.

It formed an unbreakable cage.

The magic of fire burst out, and he was wrapped in domineering and flames.

He looked at Garp who was in it but had no fear.

""Did you copy Ling Ling's ability?"

Garp said when he saw this scene.

According to his information, Ye Zhuo is a copy fruit ability user.

And this scene is sea water, lightning, and fire.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like BIGMOM's Soul Soul Fruit.

"You probably guessed wrong."

Ye Zhuo used all his strength to bless with both fists.

The rabbit spell and the ox spell were pushed to the extreme at this moment.

The three magic powers of water, fire, thunder and lightning.

Flowing cherry, predicting the future, super long-range, and domineering were all activated.

"I hate flying around when others are fighting. It's as annoying as the golden lion."

Kapu grinned and stepped on the sea water.

"Really? Karp.

Everyone has his own era.

And now.

Your era is over!"

Ye Zhuo took a starting pose, stepped on the sea water, and was slightly suspended in the air.

""Xingyiquan, Bengquan!" The two of them burst out in an instant and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The next moment, the two appeared at the same time.

Their fists collided, causing heavy waves.

No one could step into the cage.

Adjutant Bogart nervously held the railing with one hand and a long sword in the other.

Garp was indeed powerful, but in his opinion, he was old after all.

Ye Zhuo, who had a bounty of 2.2 billion berries, was in the limelight.

The most important thing was that the mission was not to chase Ye Zhuo.

Instead, it required Garp to invite Ye Zhuo to talk to Sengoku.

If he was willing to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he could remove the fruit abilities left on Akainu, Kizaru and others.

How could the hot-tempered Garp tolerate this ?

"This old man is still so powerful?"

The Queen had to admit that although Garp was old, his aura and domineering power were still terrifying.

In a blink of an eye, the two had thrown punches hundreds of times.

""It feels so good!"

Garp appeared in a corner of the battlefield, his domineering aura flowing, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

He didn't expect that Ye Zhuo's domineering, speed, and strength were already at the world's top level. He was no less than the legendary pirates in their prime.

Over the years, Roger died, the Golden Lion disappeared, and Whitebeard drank all day.

There are fewer and fewer people who can fight him.

I didn't expect to meet a young pirate with such powerful strength in my lifetime.

On the other side of the battlefield.

Ye Zhuo didn't expect it either. It seems that he still underestimated the real strongest combat power in the pirate world.

Whether it is domineering, strength, or speed, it is not at the level of humans.

Garp is really strong as he gets older.

What's more, domineering is above everything in the pirate world, and can even be immune to and restrain devil fruits.

If Ye Zhuo is really a devil fruit ability user, he will be stretched to the limit.

He can't try it next, he must show his trump card

"Your physical skills are very special, where did you learn them from?"

Kapu was more curious about Ye Zhuo's physical skills. The physical skills called"Xingyiquan" have many variations, and the fighting is simply incredible.

"I learned it in my hometown."

Ye Zhuo changed his posture again.


Facing the enemy again.

Ye Zhuo's whole body swelled up a lot.

He turned into the body of the Holy Lord, and the power amplified by the Bull Talisman also rose rapidly.


The thunder under his feet served as a propeller to accelerate.

The flames behind his hands also served as a boost.

In this case, the combination with the Rabbit Talisman will make the speed reach a higher level.

Sure enough.

As soon as the two fought, Ye Zhuo was one step faster.

Karp also punched at the same time.

What surprised Ye Zhuo the most was that Karp used Xingyiquan this time!

He was learned!

Even if he only mastered the basic postures and routines, it was enough to surprise people.

"Your physical skills have changed again."

Garp was surprised by the momentum of Baguazhang.

He thought he had reached the pinnacle of physical skills. Until he met Ye Zhuo, he realized that there are more physical skills in the world.

Every move seems to have been polished for a long time.

Under normal circumstances, speed and strength determine everything.

Any skills will become a fancy move.

However, when the strength of two people is almost the same

, whoever has better skills will be the final winner.

"Your strength, speed, and skills seem to be inferior to mine!"

Ye Zhuo turned around and changed to Tai Chi. His aura also changed accordingly.

He had long guessed about the Ryuu of Armament Haki, and it was very likely to be the Huajin and Anjin in traditional martial arts. The usual Armament Haki should belong to Mingjin.

But how could anyone cultivate to the realm of Huajin in the Dharma Ending Age with thin spiritual energy?

Not to mention the physique, it is even more impossible to be the same as the monsters in the pirate world.

After his continuous practice these days, he finally mastered it.

"Tai Chi, banlanchui!"

"The third physical skill!"

Garp was surprised. He could see a faint connection between the three physical skills.

But at this critical moment, it was his chest that took the blow.

He didn't have time to think about it. He flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

"What kind of power is this?"

Karp forced himself to stand still and asked

"Kung Fu!"

Ye Zhuo said in a decisive tone.

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