"Let's make the decision with swordsmanship."

Ye Zhuo drew his sword, and Red-Haired Shanks and Hawkeye Mihawk did the same.

However, they were all absolutely confident in their swordsmanship.

They didn't think Ye Zhuo could fight two of them alone.

"That's exactly what I meant!"

Hawkeye saw that Red Hair had used his Conqueror's Haki to compete with Ye Zhuo before.

He took the lead and tried Ye Zhuo's sword skills.

The body of the Black Blade Night sword was pitch black, and there was a sense of dominance that suppressed the world with his sword.

With one sword ,

Ye Zhuo appeared beside him.

Holding the sword with one hand, the First Generation of Kitetsu slashed and collided with Black Blade Night!

The two swords were separated by air, and their domineering auras were comparable.

Both were the world's strongest swordsmen!

Therefore, if you want to compete for a winner, it is either based on personal perception or a pure comparison of strength and speed.

Under the same conditions for all active and passive skills, whoever has stronger basic attributes will inevitably have stronger skills!


The slash in the air shattered the sky and the dark clouds dispersed.

The waves were cut in half by the shock wave!

Hawkeye's previous missed sword also flattened a mountain.

Hawkeye did not hold back from the beginning of the test!

The real strong man knows how much strength he should put in to compete with the opponent.

"Boss, is his swordsmanship so strong?"

The gun in Jesus Bu's hand did not fall, and he kept aiming at Ye Zhuo.

However, he only aimed at Ye Zhuo's figure.

His aura was always hidden by"Seeing and Hearing Killing".

"At least not weaker than Mihawk and me."

Red Hair's comment proved everything.

If his swordsmanship is not weaker than theirs, doesn't that mean he is at the top of the world?

Can a person really add all the strengths to the maximum?

"Legend has it that his strongest skill is the Copy Fruit."

Ban Beckman said cautiously.

"This is the first time I have seen a guy who is more terrifying than the boss's domineering Haki."

Lajilu said unhappily.

You know,

Ye Zhuo's Demon King Pirates are still on guard without any injuries.

Now that the whole group is fighting, even the strong Red Hair Pirates will be defeated.

"His lion roar can make the Conqueror Haki even better.

It can even add Armament Haki.

But the more this happens, the more excited I am."

The red-haired man was not afraid, but wrapped the two-color Haki around Griffin. He walked quickly towards Ye Zhuo.

He jumped up and slashed with a sword.

""Mihawk... you have already fought.

It's my turn!"

Mihawk was unhappy the moment Red Hair drew his sword.

He was fighting, even though Ye Zhuo only used Haki and swordsmanship.

With the advantages of physique and basic attributes, he had a certain sense of oppression.

But on the sea, there are always people who are stronger than you in all aspects.

BIGMOM's defense, Kaido's physical strength and recovery, Whitebeard's power, Red Hair's domineering color.

It is precisely because the enemy is strong that we have to keep getting stronger.


When the sword energy met, an X was directly split on the ground.

Red Hair was surprised at Ye Zhuo's speed and strength.

He actually suppressed him!

"No wonder BIGMOM was suppressed, the information was true."

Shanks was surprised and slashed out with his sword again.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhuo still blocked it easily.

On the contrary, after Ye Zhuo slashed out with his sword, he seemed to have some difficulty in blocking it.

""You have one arm, so you still have some flaws, and you are at a disadvantage in swordsmanship."

Hawkeye Mihawk said, blocking the red-haired man and fighting with Ye Zhuo.

He was not trying to save the red-haired man.

He just felt Ye Zhuo's rare swordsmanship strength and wanted to become stronger.

"One arm is enough!"

Red-haired Shanks knew Hawkeye's thoughts, and he would not give up such a good opportunity!

"You two should come together.

In a one-on-one fight, no one can beat me."

After the fight, Ye Zhuo had perfectly adapted to his sword skills.

He blocked all the swords of Red Hair and Hawkeye and fought back one by one.

Before they knew it, the two of them had joined forces to fight Ye Zhuo.

That's right, with the same skills.

Ye Zhuo, with a stronger basic attribute, was fighting two at once!

"The boss is suppressed!"

Lakilu helped the crew members to the wall and looked at the scene in disbelief.

Even the strong ones like Hawkeye Mihawk and Red Hair Shanks could only take the attack together, and it was getting harder and harder!

"That guy is using his swordsmanship to suppress the two strongest swordsmen on the sea!"

Ben Beckman took a puff of his cigarette and felt that this scene was simply a scene in a dream.

"It's so fast that I can't even trace his body."

Yesub couldn't trace Ye Zhuo's breath in the first place.

Now even his body is so fast that he can't be seen.

Only the afterimages of the three people are left, and two of them are still retreating.

Only the aftermath of the battle continues to erupt, setting off waves of storms.

"It's meaningless."

Ye Zhuo didn't waste any more time.

He used all his strength to strike back the red-haired man, and then used his backhand to strike back the eagle-eye.

The two were going to lose.

They were panting, having consumed a lot of their domineering energy and physical strength just now to block Ye Zhuo's sword.

It had been many years since they had such a refreshing battle!

But in the end, they were unilaterally suppressed.

"Can you be stronger with your arms?"

Ye Zhuo looked at Shanks with boredom.

"Are you humiliating me?

If that's all, it's far from enough."

The red-haired man smiled and looked at Ye Zhuo. He would not be angered by such words.

"I admit that your swordsmanship is very strong, but as a swordsman, why do you have to attack others' weaknesses?"

Eagle Eyes looked at Ye Zhuo with dissatisfaction.

"This is not my weakness! Mihawk!"

The red-haired man shouted heartlessly to Hawkeye.

""Shut up, Shanks!"

Hawkeye retorted, the black knife in his hand becoming more stable.

"You go all out, and the three of you come together."

Ye Zhuo hasn't had a good fight in a long time.

Even within the scope of swordsmanship, he didn't want it to end so boringly.

He stepped forward and stretched out one hand.

The horse charm activated, and the red-haired man's broken arm glowed.

Then Shanks looked at his left arm in disbelief.

One arm was recovering visibly, and it healed in a breath.

He looked at the arm that was lost and recovered in disbelief.

The double-blade swordsman who once faced Whitebeard Newgate once again held the sword with both hands.

"Even the lost arm can be restored?"

Hawkeye was shocked.

Red Hair looked at him in surprise:"Is this the ability of the fruit you copied?"

"It doesn't matter, all five of you can attack together, I don't want to waste time."

Ye Zhuo picked up the First Generation Kitetsu and took out Smoothie's sword.

He held the sword in both hands and opened his arms and said:

"I will use Liu Xuande's double sword Gu Ying swordsmanship and Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi swordsmanship.

If your sword ringing can't even last 60 seconds.

Then everyone will have their arms cut off!"

60 seconds!

Ye Zhuo looked at Red Hair Shanks, Hawkeye Mohawk, Ben Beckman, Jesus Bu, and Lakilu.

Before that, he had knocked down the other crew members of the Red Hair Pirates with Lion's Roar.

"What is Tai Chi swordsmanship?

Hawkeye Mihawk heard the key words

"Gu Ying Sword Technique!"

Red-haired Shanks also heard of this sword technique for the first time.

"" Boss, I'm going to shoot!"

While Jesus was speaking, Lakilu and Ben Beckman had already walked up to Ye Zhuo.

"Let's begin! Next is the 60 seconds of fighting with the strongest in the world!"

Red Hair is completely sure.

If Ye Zhuo uses the power other than swordsmanship and domineering, he will definitely be the strongest in the world!


Ye Zhuo's figure disappeared.

Everyone was shocked. Is this his real speed?

With a sword slash

, Jesus Bu's gun broke, and he flew backwards.


Lakilu quickly made a move and punched the place where Ye Zhuo's sword came out.

However, he only hit a residual image!

The blade turned over, looking left and right!

Lakilu was defeated by a powerful force.

His stomach was sunken because of the hit, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, the armed color domineering was broken forcefully.

The balloon-like body turned into a cannonball and flew out!

"Fast and powerful."

Beckman appeared in another corner first.

Ye Zhuo swung his sword and tried to cut off his gun-like weapon.

Red Hair took advantage of the situation and slashed with his sword.

Ye Zhuo fought back, and Hawkeye Mihawk's sword quickly appeared behind him.


Armament Haki and Domination Haki were entwined in his hands.

Ye Zhuo used his hand as a sword to block Hawkeye's black knife Night

""Use your hands as swords, Tai Chi Shao Yang!""


Ben Beckman looked up in surprise.

His gun broke into two pieces!

Ye Zhuo can not only use his hands as swords, but his entire body can also be transformed into swords!

"Transform your body into a sword, Tai Chi Sun!"

The visual effect of this scene is extremely vivid.

"A little effort can achieve great results!"

""Use the opponent's force to counterattack!"

Ye Zhuo's fist and sword changed, and his domineering power reversed.

Hawkeye and Red Hair, who were originally blocking him, actually slashed their swords at each other!


The evenly matched swords directly triggered waves of shock waves!

But it had nothing to do with Ye Zhuo.

When he looked back, only the people who were both injured were left.

"How long did they last, Hancock?"

"Exactly 60 seconds."

The empress said obsessedly, her eyes turning into hearts.

"Barely passed."

Ye Zhuo picked up the wine on the table and drank it all.

The system prompt sounded in his ears.

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