"I'll go first, you guys hurry up and follow me."

The mechanical sea beast was nothing to Ye Zhuo.

He jumped onto the island.

Any obstacles could only barely touch his afterimage.

"Prepare for battle!"

The vice-captain, the Empress, kicked the head of the mechanical beast into stone with a flying kick.

It was easy for the Demon King Pirates to land on the mere Egghead Island.

Even the Red Earth Continent could be blown up at any time.

"I'm sorry!"

Shirahoshi punched out, and the Power Fruit immediately smashed the sea beast's mechanical head.

"What is the devil doing here? Is father here?"

Bo Ni possesses the magic energy of the mountain, but because of the perfect version, his body does not expand.

However, his physical strength is extremely terrifying, and any mechanical sea beast bites him for a long time without any reaction.

They are all fighting with all their strength to kill Egghead Island.


Egghead Island.

Future Kingdom.

A huge eggshell suspended in the air, it is actually the brain of Vegapunk, the user of the Brain-Brain Fruit.

Ye Zhuo looked around after arriving here.

Air conditioning, holographic projection, food maker, everything that should be there.

According to the current timeline.

Pacifists and Seraphs should only be semi-finished products.

The mechanical sea beast also seems to be lacking in combat power.

"Where are Lilith and York?"

Ye Zhuo's observation Haki instantly covered the entire island.

Super long-range observation Haki is targeted and very useful for long-range attacks.

He used the lightning magic energy to drive it in all directions, and used Enel's skills to quickly cover the entire island. It produced a telepathic effect.

This not only allowed him to quickly scan everyone's strength, but also heard them talking.

"Found it, it's above my head."

The island of the Future Kingdom is divided into two parts.

One is the ground, which is composed of Zhan Taomaru and the scientific forces, as well as a large number of robots.

The other is the sky, which is the big head of Vegapunk, divided by an energy net.

It can block a large number of attackers, and even animal-type ability users will be instantly burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

""Open the defense, everyone prepare for battle!"

A large number of tall mechanical armors and small robots appeared, forming a defensive layer.

The surrounding buildings quickly changed and became attack ports.

The ground floor seemed to have entered the strongest defense mode.

A familiar voice appeared.

Ye Zhuo looked at it and found that it was Zhan Taomaru!


Like Kizaru, they are all wearing the same clothes.

They should also be hiding inside the semi-cyborg and controlling it.

"Demon King Ye Zhuo, if you don't take the road to heaven, you will break into hell.

This is the most heavily defended future kingdom! It is a place that can make the Four Emperors return in defeat. This time, you, as the Four Emperors, will definitely die!"

Zhan Taowan received the news from the Navy Headquarters early.

The Demon King Pirates of Beehive Island are attracting much attention.

As soon as the Demon King left the port, some people began to speculate on the route.

"The Four Emperors will never return in defeat again."

Ye Zhuo made a gesture to start.

He has recently been studying the advanced use of Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki.

Combining the Wind Magic and the Moon Magic, he deduced the legendary martial arts secrets.

"You are so confident.

The Future Kingdom stands in the New World and is coveted by countless forces.

The reason why it can be fearless is that it has extremely terrifying defense."

Zhan Taowan was full of resentment.

In the cockpit of his cyborg, the original body that was transformed into a pig was waving its pig's trotters.

It kept scolding and roaring to express its strong dissatisfaction.


"You misunderstood, I meant that there are only three emperors left.

After I replaced that old woman BIGMOM.

The Red Hair Pirates and Hawkeye went to practice together."

Ye Zhuo felt sympathy for people like Zhan Taowan who didn't know how to count.

"That's right.

Your pig's hoof should only have four toes.

It's normal to count the three emperors as four emperors."


"Open fire, and kill this guy!

You are nothing but a piece of waste paper in front of powerful technological weapons!

Witness the transformation of the times, Demon King!"

Zhan Taowan raised his brand new alloy axe.

He watched as attacks hit Ye Zhuo one after another.

Cannons, lasers, long-range slashes.

None of them had any effect.

You know, this series of damage is enough to defeat thousands of pirates in a short period of time.

"You just won't listen to what I say.

It seems that not only one finger is missing.

There's also a missing string in your brain."

What harm is there to Ye Zhuo's body afraid of?

Just the"Iron Balloon" and"Mountain Magic Energy" are enough to protect him from injury.

What's more, he has the"Body of the Holy Lord" as the basic attribute and the"Body of the Demon King" with double amplification.

It's a bit bullying to bring out the twelve talismans, the eight magic energies, and the three colors of domineering.

Ye Zhuo didn't even use his domineering aura when he stood in front of Zhan Taowan.

He didn't have any moves.

He blasted the cyborg's head into pieces with one punch.

He pulled out the piglet hidden inside.


The translator on his neck quickly converted the sound

"Damn demon king! Don't even think about being so arrogant!

After the navy found out your route, they have sent out the nearby G-14 branch and CP0!"

The piglet's eyes were very wise.

"Moreover, there is a powerful person on this island who may take action at any time!"

"Big Bear? It's not Fat Tiger, what's so scary about it?"

Ye Zhuo's words immediately made Zhan Taowan look ashen.

He didn't expect that Ye Zhuo would also know the whereabouts of Tyrant Bear.

"The look in your eyes shows ignorance!

It's a sense of domineering! Stupid pig!

Eating your pig brain will definitely not make me better, but worse."

Ye Zhuo picked up Zhan Tao Wan and threw it directly at the island's mid-air defense layer.

Immediately, lightning and thunder flashed.

Zhan Tao Wan, who was blasted to a crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, spit out a mouthful of black smoke and his eyes rolled back.

"You are such a novice and you love to play.

Who else?

If there is no one, I will chop them up."

Ye Zhuo looked up and was about to step onto the upper floor.

A cloud of smoke appeared in front of him.

Waves of smoke quickly filled the surroundings.

A figure condensed into a solid, holding ten hands of seastone.

It was a strong naval officer from the nearby G-14 branch!

"Demon King Ye Zhuo, do you still remember me?

Ever since you left Rogue Town, I was sent to the Grand Line for emergency treatment.

After recovering from my injuries, I applied to become the head of G-14.

I practiced hard to become stronger, just to defeat you one day!

I swear, I will never let you beat me with one punch again!"

Smoker, the smoking man, has been recovering from his injuries for a long time, but he is still wrapped in bandages!

He was puffing smoke from his mouth and staring at Ye Zhuo with gloomy eyes.

Just one punch, he recovered from Chapter 17 to Chapter 65!

And the bandages were not even untied!

"This is my favorite episode. A great collection of defeated opponents."

Ye Zhuo looked at Smoker jokingly.


You are definitely not someone I can defeat with one punch. At most

, I can just blow your head off. But I don't need to do anything to defeat you."

Smoker rushed over quickly, his legs turning into a puff of smoke to speed up.

""Protect the emperor!"

Four figures appeared at the first moment.

Violet kept an eye on Ye Zhuo's call.

Dashiki brought a few people here with the teleportation fruit.

The moment Rebecca lifted her invisibility.

Tina used the kankan fruit to form a big net.

Smoker, who avoided the obstruction with a smoke body, felt confused.

The next moment.

Dashiki slashed with a sword!

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