"You are living a life of drunkenness and dreaming, do you know how many people are sharpening their knives now?"

Zefa was about to make a few sarcastic remarks. But

Ye Zhuo threw a bottle of wine to him.

The bright moonlight was as flawless as jade, and the wine was reflected on the ground, reflecting a faint light.

This wine is very good, and it tastes soft and gentle.

It is the one Zefa likes the most.

"What are you afraid of? Which of the strong men on the sea doesn't want me to die?"

Ye Zhuo clinked his bottle with his own knowledge.

Smoker on the side was angry and didn't say a word, just blowing out smoke rings.

"Smoker, don’t want a drink?"

"I'm not interested. Drinking after smoking is very bitter."

Smoker was about to say something when Ye Zhuo stood up.

"If they dare to cause trouble, just kill them all."

He staggered and leaned against the outside of the cage.

"No matter how strong you are, can you defeat countless villains?"

Zefa has seen countless strong men who thought they were invincible die.

Before being defeated, any strong man does not believe that there is anyone stronger than himself.

The strongest and the first are all false.

One day, there will be a latecomer who will surpass him!

This is the fusion of cruelty and romance of the sea.


Look and laugh.

See when I stop coming and when I go crazy!"

Ye Zhuo raised his wine and sang to the moon.

He couldn't help but think of an ancient poem he learned when he was young.

It was written by Li He.

He was moved and sang:

"I don't know how high the sky is, how thick the earth is, I only see the cold moon and the warm sun, burning people's life…"

【The main chain mission has been opened: Demon King Conference Part 3, The King Cannot Be Insulted, Defeat the Beasts Pirates in Three Days】

【Mission Reward: History Book (3/8)】


Suffering in previous life, but crazy in this life. Let's have some cigarettes and wine!"

Ye Zhuo's body swayed, and his domineering aura made Zefa and Smoker stare at him.

They couldn't believe that this seemingly young boy had such a mottled and vicissitudes of life in his heart.

He was lonely and needed to drink with others.

He was sad and had no confidant in the world. He seemed to have everything, but in fact he had nothing.

In the alley, when Ye Zhuo was far away, a group of beautiful figures walked out.

The empress and others were holding a glass with mountain and river patterns.

The light wine in the glass was shaking.

"The captain always likes such a person to lie"

"Doesn't he know how to tell us?" Khalifa said sadly.

"What a stubborn guy."

Nami was unhappy. He couldn't bear to see Ye Zhuo like this.

Everyone in the world loves beautiful women, but only Ye Zhuo makes beautiful women love him.

"After this war, where will we be?"

Dashiqi smiled and looked at everyone, then lowered her head.

Her eyes, covered by her bangs, stared at Ye Zhuo.

"The demon king seemed to have a loneliness that had been hidden for a hundred years, which made people want to cut him open."

Robin's words were as dark as ever.

They also wanted to get into Ye Zhuo's heart.


Today, the sorrow and joy of all parties seem strange.

Impel Down, the sixth floor.

This place is unknown to the world, but it also hides a group of guys with special identities.

A poisonous dragon wrapped in bandages walked past the corner.

He threw a newspaper to Tenyasha.

Doflamingo looked at him and didn't laugh.

Not long ago, CP0 sent by the Five Elders almost succeeded. If Magellan hadn't taken action, he would have died on the spot.

Killing the donkey after it has done its job is simply the standard of the world government.


Is the ocean so outrageous now?

Is your newspaper fake?"

Doflamingo looked at the newspaper with a confused face.

He was sent to Impel Down by Ye Zhuo with the Black Shadow Corps.

Looking back on those years, he really seemed ignorant.

How many of Ye Zhuo's later opponents were living a life worse than death, with their bodies scattered in different places.

He was already treated as a VIP.

But the strange thing is that the newspapers nowadays are becoming more and more abnormal.

Doflamingo even suspected that the Five Elders did not kill him, and specially sent people to write fake newspapers.

Their intentions were so sinister!

"Newspaper Reader!

What's the news today?

Is the story of that damn demon king serialized again?"

The sixth floor of Impel Down was particularly cheerful.

They had long seen that someone was making up stories in the newspapers Doflamingo read every day. The things in the newspapers were more outrageous than the last.

"If Whitebeard goes to attend this Demon King meeting! I will stand on my head and eat Ole Ge!

That old guy is quite unruly!"

The chains rang, and someone laughed like crazy.

"Will Garp be mad to death?

Hahahaha, I am in darkness because of him!

If there really is a demon king, come and kill me, come and kill me!"

The cage made a noise, and these former pirates were not dead yet.

A figure in the corner slowly stood up.

"There will always be monsters that dominate the sea.

Whitebeard, Garp, etc.

It's a bygone era."

He has developed muscles, and the chains make crazy noises when he stands up.

It seems that these seastone chains have not brought much effect on him.

"Hey, weren't you beaten badly by Garp?

Have your ears recovered?

I remember you didn't wear earmuffs back then!"

Soon, there was a cheerful laughter on the sixth floor.

One figure after another stood up.

San Juan Wolf and others stared at him without saying a word.

The tall man didn't say anything, just grinned.

Magellan's figure gradually went away and finally disappeared on the sixth floor.

He didn't want to care about these prisoners.

As for Ye Zhuo, he wanted to lock him up here.

If the people on the sixth floor died, it would be too easy for them. Only in this dark torture can they be in agony.


The man raised his head, and his blood-red skin burst out with a powerful domineering aura.

Soon, one figure after another fell to the ground.

They spit out white foam, rolled their eyes, and lost consciousness one by one.

"Damn it! How come you are like a monster even though you are also a fruit power user ?" The pirate who barely managed to stay standing cursed angrily

"What's the point of shouting here?

Pushing forward the city, can you escape?


Someone held his head and insisted.

Facing these doubts.

The man called Barrett in the corner remained silent.


Barrett, the Devil's descendant, I've heard of you for a long time!

Why don't we go out together?"

Doflamingo laughed and saw him

"Not interested, I don't need a partner."

Barrett exerted all his strength.

He is indeed a devil fruit, but he is also a terrifying domineering and physical master!

"So why do you want to go out?"

"Because there is someone worthy of my challenge!"

Barrett grinned and threw a punch while he was talking.

The flying pirate Golden Lion escaped back then.

So can he!


Three days later.

The whole world is waiting to see.

A one-on-one fight with the strongest creature in the world, Kaido!

A group fight with the strongest boss in the new world, Demon King Ye Zhuo!

Who will dominate the new world and rule the world!

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