On a shabby boat

, "The Pirates are finally going to set sail" Luffy, the straw hat kid, pressed the straw hat with one hand, and said excitedly.

"There seems to be a thrilling adventure waiting for us!" It seemed that Luffy's emotions rendered the boat, causing a faint smile on Solon's face as well.

"Then in the next days, take care of the two more!" Doyle laughed softly and said this inadvertently.

"I think you have to be One Piece, is there some reason?" Solon asked, listening to Luffy's words like an oath.

"No, for no reason, it's just: I once vowed to a man that in the future I would gather powerful companions, find the best treasure in the world, and become One Piece!

"This straw hat knows everything!"

--- ---

"Today is also a bumper harvest"

"If you grab so much treasure, you should not be scolded by Lord Bucky"

At this time, on the sea, a ship with a pirate flag with a red-nosed skull was sailing on the sea, and three pirates with sinister faces were sitting around the boat, looking at the treasure chest that had just been snatched and were secretly happy.

"What do you think of that?"

"What's going on, that boat." Looking at the boat slowly approaching them, a girl with orange hair was lying on the side of the boat, one of the pirates said.

"Hey, woman, what's wrong with you?" The pirate asked with malice.

"I'm not dreaming that I can meet someone on this vast sea, although I don't know who you are? But can't... Can you give me a glass of water, and if you ask for money, I can give it all to you," the orange-haired girl said weakly, pointing to a treasure chest on her boat.

"Okay, let's save you, but we have to confirm your treasure first

" "We're coming"

The three pirates smiled maliciously, and when they saw the treasure box, they couldn't care less, and ran directly to the treasure box on the girl's ship.

The three of them were dazzled by the low-hanging fruit in front of them, and they did not notice at this time, and the girl who had just shown weakness had already stepped over the side of the ship and arrived on their ship while the three were trying to open the treasure chest.

"It's about to be

opened" "Ah, ah, wow"

The three pirates finally opened the treasure box, but it was better as if they had opened a fright box, and they were startled by the panda that suddenly popped out, and there was a silver bell-like laughter behind them.

"If you like it, I'll give it to you, including my ship" The girl had a happy smile on her face, and her cheerful voice reached the ears of the three pirates.

"Stinky ladies, dare to deceive us

" "The southern sky has found a cold front accompanied by low clouds, I am afraid that it will soon blow a violent wind and rain, that small boat can not resist it, so thank you, be careful!"

The girl looked at the weather in the south and was about to arrive here, and drove the ship of three pirates away quickly.

"Goodbye, pirates, I will take your treasure," the girl said happily as she watched as the boat that had been surrounded by the storm was quickly overturned.

The three pirates who were blown over and fell into the sea, looking at the girl who was driving away from here, behaved weak and pitiful and helpless in the rain.

--- ---

a small shabby boat

"hungry", Doyle leaned on the edge of the boat and watched the movement in the sea, and after listening to Luffy talk about the origin of his hat for a long time, this time had already passed for a long time.

After all, there was no food left on this ship, and he wanted to see if he could meet a big fish so that the three of them could have a full meal.

"It's a bird," Solon's words caught the attention of the Doyle.

Looking at the big bird flying leisurely in the sky, getting closer and closer to them

, "Fly so high, look so big, this bird... Well? Before

Doyle finished sighing, he heard Luffy's excited voice come over....

"Let's eat it, eraser. [Rocket] "I saw Luffy grabbing the log on the sail with both hands, rushing straight towards the big bird in the sky.

Doyle wanted to sigh that the bird was so big, but in an instant, Luffy had already flown out, and the next behavior obviously made both Doyle and Solon dumbfounded.

"Help! ~~~" is Luffy, rushing to the sky, he originally wanted to catch a big bird and make a tooth sacrifice, but he obviously misestimated the size of the big bird, and his head was directly bitten by the big bird, and the miserable Luffy was directly taken farther and farther by the big bird.

"Idiot..."What kind of plane"

Doyle looked at Luffy who was flying farther and farther, the green tendons on his head all came out, and he and Solon gritted their teeth and rowed the boat towards Luffy.

--- After a long

while, --- "Stop, you bastard

" "Female thief, return the chart!"

At this time, on the streets of Orange Town, a young girl was holding a sea chart, and she was being chased by a group of vicious pirates behind her, but a sudden sound from the sky made everyone stop.

"Ah~~~ Bang!"

The girl saw a figure fall from the sky, and it happened to be smashed between the two people, looking at this person unscathed, although the girl was particularly surprised in her heart, but she was being hunted obviously did not have much time to think about it, her dexterous eyes turned slightly, and she thought about how to get out of the predicament in front of her.

"Boss: You came to save me

" The girl looked at her words and successfully shifted the attention of a group of pirates to the person in front of her, she smiled proudly and turned and ran, shouting as she

ran, "Sorry, I'll leave it to you next

" "Hey, that woman

ran "Pirate A" ran and ran, anyway, her boss here

"Pirate B" also said "Pirate C

." The three pirates looked at the woman's boss with a confused look and leaned over to him with bad intentions.

Who is this boss?

Of course, it was Luffy, the captain of our Straw Hat Pirates, who was originally taken away by Big Bird, and finally saw the island, and immediately broke free, but forgot that he was in mid-air, and immediately fell down, which startled him.

Luffy, who was nervous, only felt that this adventure made his stomach hungrier, and he didn't realize that he had just been used as a gun by a girl, and he rushed to a group of pirates walking towards him and asked

, "I said, do you know where to eat?"

"No kidding, bastard, go die" One of the pirates punched Luffy in the head, knocking his straw hat out.

Seeing that his straw hat was beaten away, Luffy punched the pirate in the face directly in a hurry.

"Don't touch my baby" said Luffy after punching down the pirate in front of him, taking his straw hat.

"You bastard" left two pirates, seeing that their companions were knocked down, they were fierce, raised their knives and slashed at Luffy, "

Rubber [pistol]" was just a stretch punch, and both pirates were knocked to the ground.

A moment later, Luffy hadn't even reacted, but at this moment another voice came from above

, "So powerful, you are so strong" It was the girl who had just arrived, it turned out that she was not far from here, but just hid on the roof to watch the situation.

"Win with your bare hands, use your knife to win your opponent," the girl said to Luffy as she jumped off the eaves.

"You were the one just now.... Who is it? Luffy blinked, remembering that he had just met, but he didn't know him at all.

"I'm a thief who specializes in pirates, my name is Nami, do you want to join forces with me?" The girl looked at Luffy and asked excitedly.

"No, I don't want to join forces with you," Luffy said, turning around and leaving, only to be interrupted two steps before he suddenly remembered something.

"Ah, ~ I'm so hungry~" Luffy sat down weakly.

The girl chased after her, hearing Luffy speak, her eyes rolled and she had an idea,

"Then shall I invite you to dinner?"

Just hearing that he was going to eat, Luffy immediately jumped up with excitement.

--- On the other side of town, under

a banner with a red-nosed skull hanging from ---, like a circus tent, with a clown with a red nose, a gloomy face slowly asked,

"Haven't you caught the thief yet?"

"Now: Captain Bucky," one pirate replied

, "Besides, why are charts so easily stolen, huh?.. We're ready to sail the great route. Not only the red nose, except for the captain's cape, but also dressed like a clown, Captain Bucky asked his men.

"Since the keys to the Chart's hut have been hanging unlocked..." replied Bucky with cold sweat under the pirate's hand, gritting his teeth.

"Who do you say is the round nose?" came an angry voice, and Bucky walked directly to his hand.

"Do you think my nose is ridiculous, like a fool?" Bucky was so angry that he questioned his men.

"Do you dislike me for having a big, round nose?" Bucky's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

"Ah! ~Appeared... Devil Fruit has power," Bucky's men exclaimed in fear.

I saw that the subordinate who angered Bucky was as if he was stuck in the neck by an inexplicable force, and was slowly lifted into the air.

"Dare to disobey me, do you want to die gorgeously?"

--- Sea ---

"Why are there so many idiots? Don't you see me with a knife?

Doyle leaned on the side of the ship, covering his face and looking at the three pirates, originally he and Solon were struggling to row the boat to the direction where Luffy was taken, and halfway found that three rare pirates asked them for help, in order to be a good person, Doyle pulled the three up.

It is possible to look at Doyle's slightly immature face, the three pirates did not feel at all saved, bluntly said that they were going to grab the ship, and then there was the next scene.

Solon commanded the three pirates with blue noses and swollen faces and continued flattery.

"Keep up the hard work, if you can't find our companions, I want you to look good!"

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