Sanji leaned on the grass and looked at a few people,

"Do you think Miss Nami really killed that long-nosed?"

"No, Nami is not such a person!"

Doyle looked unloved, and when he heard Sanji's words, he no longer paid attention to Luffy, but responded in a deep voice.

Solon also looked like he had a headache

, "Cut, that woman, but a guy who can't even see death and not save it."

It seemed that the voices of the two carried a magical power, and as the words fell, a cloaked man ran over from a distance.

It wasn't until near that Usopp's long nose was revealed,

"Solon!!" .... Luffy!? ~ You've arrived! "


Looking at the living Usopp, Luffy's face showed a smile:

"Aha~ Usopp, you really are okay!" Johnny that guy also said you were killed by Nami! "

Ah! I can't say wrong, but the truth is, I was saved by Nami

" "Originally, because Solon killed the fellow fishmen, those fishmen had to kill me, Nami stabbed herself with a dagger, pretending to have killed me, so that I escaped!"

"Anyway, I think Nami is here for a reason!"

Listening to Usopp's explanation, several people understood what was happening, and at this time, a figure walked on the path behind him again.

"Since you survived, let's go quickly!"

Seeing the person coming, Usopp was suddenly surprised:


Seeing several people showing puzzled looks, Usopp continued to explain:

"This is Nami's sister, she helped me when we first arrived here!"

It was Nami's sister, who walked over to several people from the path at this time.

"Whatever you want to do? The reign of the evil dragon will not end, and your stay here will only cause trouble for Nami.

It's just that her words didn't have any effect, and several people were indifferent, only Yamaji, and the red heart in her eyes was constantly popping up:

"It's worthy of being Nami's sister~❤, it's really beautiful!"

Nokiko ignored Yamaji, who was a fool, and continued to say out loud:

"Just ask you, don't worry about the affairs on the island anymore, and don't pester Nami anymore!"


Seeing someone ask, Noki Gao breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Doyle, who was tied up in a strange posture:

"I will tell you all the causes of the matter!" You'll naturally leave then! ..... Now I can take you to the village clinic first, and your companions also need serious treatment!


"I'm Daizo of the 16th Division of the Navy, let the sheriff of Kokoa West Village come to see me!"

The villagers looked excited, only to feel that the dark life was finally showing a glimmer of light.

Ah Jian, who had a windmill on his hat, also walked out from the crowd.

"I am, Osa-sama!"

"That's you! Take us to the house of a man named Nami? "

Nami? Is there something going on?

Ah Jian looked at this rat-faced Dazuo suspiciously, if he came to rescue the villagers, why did he just go to Nami's house, although he was uneasy in his heart, but the soldiers lined up in front of him couldn't do it!

"You just have to lead the way!"

With doubts, Jian still led a group of navies to Nami's house.


"I probably won't let me join again!" ....... Why... The more I want to forget, the deeper the memory gets! Wha~"

Nami sat on the chair, thinking about the days spent on the Melly, and tears couldn't stop flowing.

"Fortunately, you can make enough money just one more time! The last 7 million Baileys! It's over soon! Nami

thought that everyone in Kokoa West Village would be able to regain their freedom immediately, and her face unconsciously smiled again.


There were many footsteps in the orange orchard, and Nami walked out with doubts, only to see a group of navies coming under the leadership of Ah Jian!

"You're the thief named Nami, right!?"

"According to the report, all the treasure you stole from the pirates is hidden in this orange orchard! ..... But after all, you stole from the pirates, we won't blame you, but those treasures belong to the victims who were robbed by the pirates, and we have to collect them back! Now, call out all the treasures!

Nami looked at the navy in amazement, not understanding why they would know about this.

Colonel Rat looked at the indifferent Nami and asked aloud,

"How?" Am I not clear? Give all those stolen treasures to the government for safekeeping!

Nami, who reacted, had disdain on her face,

"Cut! I can tell you! I am a cadre of the Evil Dragon Pirates, and if you want to move me, Along will not give up! "

Aaron? , Gee Gee ~, do you think this will stop me? ..... Go, turn this place upside down and find the stolen goods!


Under the order of Colonel Mouse, the soldiers immediately dispersed and took action.

Watching the soldiers approach the place where the treasure is hidden, Nami can't help it anymore, pulls out a few knots of weapons hidden on her body, forms a stick, and knocks several soldiers to the ground.

"Is that how you became a navy? Let the pirates who occupy here leave it alone, let them take their lives, but now they have to come here to find some stolen goods! "

Found it, Daisa!"

Completely ignoring Nami's roar, he was immediately attracted to attention as a navyman's voice came out.

Nami's pupils suddenly widened, and she stepped forward again with her weapon in hand to knock the soldier down.

"Dazuo, that money is to save Coco Yaxi Village! What right do you have to take the money away! Navy!

Ah Jian's suppressed angry voice reached the ears of several people, and Nami froze in place on the spot.

"Hmph... Just a sheriff.. Don't bother, hurry up and take out the stolen goods, that's 100 million Bailey!

Nami's pupils contracted, she looked at them in disbelief, and muttered,

"Why.... Aaron's title, and the amount of money! Could it be..." "

Lay down... Put it down.. Don't touch my money! Nami

rushed towards the colonel with a weapon in hand, but Colonel Rat was undaunted and pulled out a pistol from his clothes and pointed it at Nami.


Ken stood in front of Nami, his arm covered in blood.


village infirmary, Noki explained to several people in a low voice.

"So, you guys get the idea! Nami has been alive since she was very young, carrying the lives of the entire village!

Usopp scratched his nose

, "So, for this only way to save the village, Nami and she..."

Before he finished speaking, Yamaji's eyes were torn and his furious look startled everyone.

"The guys who make my most beloved so miserable, I can't spare them! Noki's

sharp eyes suddenly stopped Sanji's howl!

"I am asking you to understand her difficulties, opening and closing your mouth is a companion, that will make her 8 years of hard work in vain!"

Several people in the room were still talking, but there were panicked shouts outside the door at this time.

"Dr. Take Gao, come out quickly, come and stop the bleeding for Ah Jian!"

The content of the voice attracted the attention of several people, and several people walked out the door, only to see Nami helping Ah Jian to sit on the ground.

It wasn't until the doctor stepped forward that Nami stood up and, ignoring the shouts of Luffy's others, rushed straight out.

'Dragon!! ’

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