The pain of shattering bones made Yamaji unbearable, and he screamed for a while.

"Rubber: Pistol"

Luffy was furious, reached out and hit, but saw that the evil dragon just rolled over and dodged the attack.

Solon hurriedly ran to Sanji's side to check, a pair of sharp teeth still on his leg at the moment.

"Frightened hahaha, this is the best proof of the higher race! You inferior humans! Man rebelling against fish man is defying the laws of nature! The

dragon's scarlet eyes stared at several people, and the teeth in its mouth were regenerated in just a moment, and he was laughing loudly at this moment.

"You abominable bastard! Rubber.. Rubber.. Scythe"

Luffy reached out and grabbed the stone behind the dragon, then raised his arm and threw it towards the dragon.

Bang -

the dragon was thrown to the ground again, its 'slash' had been thrown aside when it was attacked, at this time he only thought a little, and then a hand removed the sharp teeth in his mouth, relying on the regeneration ability of the teeth, he could obtain sharp weapons at any time.

"S. ON Tooth Car

" "Three Blade Flow"

saw the evil dragon's figure flip like a wheel, and it turned straight towards Luffy, and Solon caught up with the front knife to resist.

The three knives were right in the mouth of the evil dragon, and under the huge bite force, it was impossible to draw the knife for a while.

"Shark bite"

As long as the teeth blocked Sauron's slash, the evil dragon's free hand, a pair of teeth, directly bit into Solon's shoulder, and the sharp teeth instantly pierced into it.


"Rubber: Rubber.. Rocket artillery"

two-handed attack blasted the dragon backwards again.

"Gun Fight"

chased after him, swinging a continuous fist shadow to continuously hit the evil dragon, and it could be seen that the injuries of his companions made Luffy's anger in his heart reach its peak.

Constant attacks came, even if the dragon's body was extremely strong, he only felt dizzy, and after being constantly bombarded by Luffy, he saw Luffy grab one hand on his collar, instantly dragged in front of him, and then was thrown to the ground.

"The last blow! Rubber..... Battle-axe!

Luffy's pupils contracted, stretched his foot into the sky to reach the apex, and then kicked down.

Boom -

After a loud roar, a huge depression appeared in the ground, and half of the foundation of the building was destroyed and collapsed with the roar.

At this time, the evil dragon's eyes were white, and he had long lost consciousness.

Everyone looked at the unrecognizable Evil Dragon Realm in a daze.

"Dragon Realm.... Is it ruined?

Seeing that there was no more fishman standing in the courtyard, Usopp jumped up excitedly and shouted

, "The evil dragon is defeated, we... Win! The

cheerful words immediately infected every villager, and their faces finally showed smiles.

Perhaps the heavens felt the joy of the people, and the darkness that originally shrouded the earth now shot a ray of light from the clouds, and with the sunlight, a large area of dark clouds began to slowly dissipate.

Ah Jian was the first to wake up and commanded to the crowd who were still cheering.

"Quick: Send them to the infirmary first! ... Well? Navy? What are you doing at this time?

Before Ah Jian's words were finished, a group of navies came from behind everyone, led by a colonel who looked like a mouse.

"Squeak—I really didn't expect to watch such a good show!"

Ah Jian asked angrily:

"Navy! What do you want to do when you appear here at this time?

"Naturally, I came to catch the pirates!" Two gangs of pirates fight each other, and the heroic Colonel Mouse takes the opportunity to annihilate them in one fell swoop! What a rare opportunity! Thank you so much!

"All the treasures hidden in the Dragon Realm must be handed over to the Navy for safekeeping!" No one is allowed to interfere! Colonel

Mouse, with a colorful face, led a group of navies to show his might in front of the villagers, did not notice that a young man in a red vest with a gloomy face had approached them more and more.

"Hear no, you guys..... Not!! Without

saying a word, the colonel was grabbed by the back of his neck, then pressed to the ground and punched and kicked.

The navy subordinates, looking nervously at Luffy, who was beating his commander, raised the gun in his hand and aimed over.

The next moment, even the soldiers were dragged over.

"The treasures here belong to the villagers, and no one is allowed to touch them!"


"Hello? Is it the headquarters of the Navy? I am Colonel Mouse of the Tokai 16th Division!

"Now report to the headquarters, there is a pirate named Luffy with a straw hat, and five of his subordinates are actually against the government!"

"These people are very dangerous, they have just defeated the supposedly invincible Evil Dragon Pirates, including the leader of the Evil Dragon, a group of fish people, in view of their level of danger, I hereby ask the headquarters to set a heavy reward for their heads!" .... The only picture is now passed!

"After the Ministry has received it, after confirming the situation, it will designate him as a world-wanted criminal with a heavy reward!"

Colonel Rat angrily hung up the phone worm, still muttering to himself.

"These hateful guys, wait!"

No one in the navy noticed that under the moving warship, a huge black shadow followed below.


"Hahaha, this person is so delicious!"

"Yes, he has already eaten a few servings of meat just now..." Outside

the window, a noisy laughter came into the room, Doyle slowly opened

his eyes, Nami was sitting on the side, still cutting fruit in her hand, and the shape of Sanji's ❤ eyes next to him was about to burst out of his eyes.

"I can eat the fruit that Miss Nami personally cut, I am already happy and dying!"

"Isn't that something you can't eat?"

Doyle didn't hold back for a while, and complained.


Nami suddenly showed her face, and her bright smile made Doyle look stunned for a while.

"You guy, shut up if you can't speak!"

Sanji looked at the two of them and roared madly, but with his roar, there was a scream outside the house.

"Stinky old man, I'm just traumatized! Just bandage it yourself!

"Less verbose, I really don't understand, are you pirates in the end, don't you have a ship doctor on board?" Such a serious wound was treated indiscriminately by himself.

Solon gritted his teeth in hatred under the high stitch needle of Dr. Takao.

After a while, Dr. Nagao walked into the ward, looked at Doyle, who had woken up, and said loudly:

"Just wake up, I really don't know what's wrong with you, the loss of vitality is so serious, you are still alive!"

Doyle looked at the doctor weakly, and the longing in his eyes made anyone feel extremely sincere when he saw it.

"It's useless to look at me, the trauma has been dealt with for you, but your body is too weak now, you can only slowly heal yourself!"

Ignoring Doyle's expression, Dr. Nagao turned his gaze to Sanji again.

"Hey! You get up, let that guy outside come in and lie down for a while, he hurts more than you!

Sanji looked at his wrapped leg and said to the doctor frantically:

"My bones are broken, how can I be less injured than that guy outside!" Are you a doctor! Dr

. took a tool like a small hammer in his hand and knocked it directly on Yamaji's leg without speaking.

Sanji was stunned and felt the touch on his leg, and he didn't know what to think of for a while, and then he didn't say anything.

"Meat... Meat...! Where else is meat!

Luffy's figure flashed outside the window, the meat in his hand had not yet eaten, and he was running around in a hurry, eating everywhere.

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