"Where the hell are you taking me?"

Solon helplessly looked at the woman walking with his head buried in front of him, he could obviously give money and leave, but thinking of the woman's appearance, the ghost made a god follow like this, and he didn't know where to go.

"I don't see that you look rich, and there seems to be something hidden!"

"Ah! ~.. I really don't have much money!

The woman holding the knife, because of the broken glasses, leaned in front of Solon and looked carefully:

"Just look at the wrinkles between your eyebrows, like hungry eyes that haven't eaten for a long time... Do you have a mother who is sick at home, or a wife who runs away and needs to raise 5 children who are waiting to be nursed! ... I won't ask too much, but please come with me!

As she spoke, the woman led the way again, until...

“... Navy?

"Please come in with me! ... The old man who cleans here has just resigned, and he just needs someone, and if you work here, you don't have to worry about money!

"What a joke! Why should I work in the Navy!

Looking at Solon with opposition written on his face, the woman gave him a stern look and lectured him,

"Hey! Do you want to run away? What does this take the kindness of others for? "

Sergeant Dusty... Colonel Smogg asked me to come to you before!

"Is it? I'll go right away! .... Hey~ You can work here with peace of mind! Don't worry about the rest, I'll take care of it for you. Solon

was relieved when a non-commissioned officer appeared in time to call Dusty away, but looking at the tools and dirty floor in the utility room, he once again ghostly cleaned up.


"Madam, you look so good in this!"

Nami, who was praised by the clerk, did not have joy on her face, but after trying on a lot of clothes, she turned her head and walked out in the helpless look of the clerk.

"Abominable... Doyle, that guy, where the hell did he go? "


" Hey: Sure enough, you are 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Solon! .... According to intelligence, you have joined the Straw Hat Pirates! As a pirate, he dared to enter the naval branch ... Lay down your arms and you're arrested!

Solon took a broom in his hand, looked at the two soldiers in front of him, raised his eyebrows heavily, and then, with just a casual effort, knocked the two soldiers to the ground.

"Nobody told you, do words die quickly? .... Cut, really shouldn't stay here! Saying

that, he took out a few bills and put them on the two of them, found the banknotes from the utility room again, left the money to return the glasses, and turned away.


"Hey~ Do you know how to get out?"

Solon looked at the man in the cell helplessly, and saw a man in a beige coat sitting there calmly, this person had a grass-green chicken crown head, eye lines painted under his right eye, and a nose ring on his nose, and at a glance he looked like a devil, he heard Solon's voice, and his face was full of excitement:

"Hey hahaha, brother, are you here to save me?"



"Hey hahaha, if something happens in the future, report my Bartolomeo's name!" ... Nearby towns pick me up!

Bartolomeo led Solon out of the naval branch secretly, still laughing and saying before parting, but the smile was on this face, but it was hideous.

"Oh~ thank you!"

However, in order to successfully walk out of the naval branch, Bartolomeo's words Solon did not take to heart, and after the two separated, they set off again to the weapons store just now.

Jingle Bell -

Just stepped into it, the boss, who was shocked by the sound, looked like a financial fan, rubbed his hands and said enthusiastically:

"Welcome, there are all kinds of excellent katanas for guests to choose from!"


Solon pulled out a handful of money and put it on the table:

"I have 100,000, please sell me two knives!"

Hearing Solon's words, the boss's enthusiastic attitude immediately changed, and he said impatiently:

"100,000? 100,000 can only buy two rotten knives!

"Ah, just make do with it first! .... Well? I

saw that the boss's gaze was firmly fixed on the only knife left on Solon's waist, as if he could no longer move away.

"Could it be that the knife is....'Wado One Text'? , boy, show me the knife!

"Why are you so nervous?"

After getting it in his hand, he immediately pulled out the knife and unsheathed, a cold light flashed through his eyes, and the boss's shocked eyeballs were about to burst out of his sockets, and he looked at Solon who was like a layman, and the boss immediately made up his mind.

"Hey~ It's not a good knife either... So be it~ sell me this knife, I'll give you 200,000 berry.. No, 300,000 berry, so that you can buy three knives for 100,000, how about it?

"Excuse me! ... Please ask how my 'Shiyu' polishing, because there is an urgent matter to gather in a while, so I must take it in advance! .... You? It's great that you're okay!

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Solon's forehead, and he looked helplessly at this woman with big nerves.

"The naval garrison should have been sneaked in by some gangsters before, and after that, I couldn't find your figure, and I thought something happened to you!" .... However, since you are safe and sound, you still live up to people's good intentions! Really.

"The money you left behind will be returned to you, so that I will not take the money of the ruthless!" ... If you have glasses, I have already bought them myself!

As if talking to herself, Dusty took out the money on her body, shoved it into Solon's hand, and then turned to look at the boss, ignoring Solon.

"Wow~ Is the boss in his hand the text of Hedao?"

Dusty looked at the knife in the boss's hand in disbelief, took out a famous knife directory from his body and flipped through it.

"One of the twenty-one works of the Great Quick Dao, sure enough, this is a treasure knife worth more than 10 million berry!"

Listening to Dusty's words, the boss's expression became more and more ugly.

"Damn, I actually said it all, I want to sue you for obstructing business!"

Dusty froze for a moment, looking at the boss blankly, not knowing what happened.

"Don't worry, no matter how much this knife is worth, I won't sell it!"

"Hmph: Navy, your time rain has already been sharpened, take it and hurry up, boy, count yourself lucky, there are 50,000 knives in the barrel over there, if you want, pick it yourself! "

Throwing Dusty's Shiyu over, missing an opportunity to get a good knife, the boss suddenly felt sullen.


Solon didn't say a word, turned around and went to look through the barrel!

"Hug: I'm sorry.. You love knives! Seeing that you are going to wear three knives, it is quite similar to Roronoa, a bounty hunter in the East China Sea, but I heard that he actually ran away to be some kind of pirate! ... It's really abominable to use a knife as a tool for robbery, and one day I will take back all the famous knives in the hands of the bad guys!


A beastly chuckle appeared at the corner of Solon's mouth, as if he had found his desired target, and in one fell swoop he pulled the knife he was holding out of the barrel.

"Demon knife!?"

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