"You nasty fellow!"

Luffy was stunned by several people, and his telescopic punch went straight to the whale's eye.

O'O'o -

Perhaps Luffy's angry blow managed to attract the whale's attention, and after a dull cry, the mountainous whale opened its mouth, and the Melly floated down the current into its mouth.

In the violent shock, Luffy, who was only holding his straw hat, was directly shaken out.

"Abominable... Rubber.. The rubber's

telescopic arm climbed on the corners of the whale's body, but it was mottled scars, new scars covering the old ones, and blood was still leaking outward.

Luffy gritted his teeth and climbed to the top of the whale little by little, looking at the whale at his feet with his eyes lost.

"The guys were all eaten by whales!!"

The frightened Luffy kept kicking on the whale's back, but it was too large for Luffy's small body to be worth mentioning.

In a violent shaking, this behemoth began to dive towards the sea, and if the Devil Fruit Ability fell into the sea... Luffy didn't want to try that again, and ran all the way to the top.

In the end, there was no way to avoid it, Luffy looked around in a panic, and a manhole-like entrance came into view.


on the Melly at this time, several people shuttled through a dark tunnel-like passage, and a light appeared in the distance.

"That is!?"

After passing through the dark tunnel, there was a huge sea in front of it, and the white light above the head exuded, making everyone feel as if they were on a calm sea.

Doyle looked at the white clouds above his head suspiciously, everything here seemed paradoxical, as if it was a dreamy sea.

"What do you think?"

"What do you think!?"

Sanji frowned and nodded, then pointed ahead.

A small island stands in front of the Melly, a humble house with a few clothes drying on a hanger in addition to a chaise longue.

"No matter how you look at it, there are people living here."

At this moment, between the Melly and the island, several huge tentacles stretched out of the sea, and then an oversized squid's head was exposed, and huge eyes looked at several people on the ship.

Doyle gripped the hilt of the knife at his waist and prepared to attack.


The door of the house on the island suddenly opened, and several whale forks connected to ropes were right on the squid's head.

The struggling squid just turned over the waves, and then was weakly dragged towards the island by the fork.

In the shadows of the hut, a man with an unreadable face was holding the reins in his hand and withdrew inward until he pulled the squid to the shore, then fixed the rope and walked out.

The bare head has a few feathers on it, and the gray beard indicates that the person is not young, but the figure under the colorful shirt and green shorts is still strong.

I saw that this person's pupils under his glasses were constricted, and his sharp eyes were staring at several people, and the momentum exuding from his body made several people on the Melly sweat on their foreheads, and they did not dare to act rashly for a while.


man went all the way to the recliner and lay down.

Under the strong pressure, Usopp was the first to endure, only to see him running to the cabin with trembling legs only half of his body, stretching out his finger and shouting at the old man:

"Are you going to fight?" Let the horses come! We have cannons! The

words of lack of qi reached the old man's ears, and I saw that he did not move, but stared closely at the few people in the boat with fierce eyes, and the tense atmosphere seemed to make the air freeze, and a deep voice finally came:

"It's better not to do this, it will die!"

The cold sweat on Doyle's forehead was even worse, as if it was not safe, and the fingers holding the knife tightened and tightened.

The caution in his heart did not come from this person's fierce gaze, it was not threatening, only one thing was certain, there was a mysterious aura that seemed to be watching several people with a scrutinizing posture.

Yamaji looked at the old man with a little caution and asked aloud,

"Who will die!?"


The old man's eyes returned to calm, and his casual tone suddenly made Sanji crazy, and his master's demeanor was undoubtedly revealed, and it was the old man himself who would die in the end!?

Solon reached out to stop the angry Yamaji and signaled to himself.

"Excuse me, where is this? Who are you!? I

saw that the old man's eyes were fierce again, and he stared at Solon viciously and said:

"Before asking people, shouldn't you report your home?"

Photographed by the old man's spirit, Solon said with an embarrassed face:

"That's what I said, I'm sorry..."

"My name is Kulokas, the administrator of the Twin Gorge lighthouse, 71 years old this year, I like to eat roast king squid......" Before

Solon's words were finished, the old man (Kulokas) muttered in his mouth and began to report to his home, if he didn't stop it, his height and blood type would be spoken.

Solon blushed on his forehead, grabbed the knife in his hand, and muttered to himself...'I want to cut him'

"You ask where this is.... This is my private holiday center! .... Uninvited people, find out the situation first! .... Do you think you got into the stomach of a rat?

These words made Nami panic again

, "Sure enough, it entered the whale's belly.... We won't be digested! "

Hey~ This old man isn't okay! It's okay! "

Doyle waved his hand next to Nami, softly soothing, at this moment, the energy in his body produced a slight fluctuation, a feeling of being seen through welled up in his heart, Doyle's head broke out in a cold sweat, turned his head, the old man's gaze was flashing from himself....'Sure enough, it's him'.

As if unaware, the companions continued to ask the old man:

"How to get out here!"

"If the door is there, isn't that"

Following the hand of Kurokas, a huge iron gate stood in mid-air behind everyone, and it was now tightly closed.

"This.... This is a painting, right!! "

I saw a group of seagulls soaring next to the iron gate, but under the bright white light, the soaring posture was unchanged, and you could only see it when you looked closely, which was completely painted.

At this moment, the sea suddenly began to roll, and the Melly and the island were bumping in the sea.

"It's not an island, it's an iron ship carrying dirt!"

"The sea here is not a sea, it should be the stomach acid of the whale!!"

Several people stabilized themselves on the Melly, looked at Kurokas on the island, and Usopp shouted vigorously:

"What's going on here!" Give me an explanation, hey!

Kulokas stared intently, his eyes flashing with remembrance, and then said:

"This whale has begun to hit the Red Earth Continent with its head again!"

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