One Piece: Strongest King System

Chapter 68: You Should Never Disturb A King's Relaxation Time

"Shyarly, I knew there was a group of humans inside your cafe! Bring them out right now! I'm gonna slaughter them all here, proving to you that your prediction of the future is wrong!"

The shout resounded from outside the cafe. One of the Mermaids went out to check, she then rushed back in, informing Shyarly that the Mermaid Cafe had been surrounded. Thousands of Fishman Pirates had spread all around the cafe, led by a great white shark fishman.

Shyarly knew who they were. They are the group who had been spreading around the hatred of the humans. They are also the believers of the ideal which believe the Fishman Race is the supreme race. This group of troubles are led by Hody Jones, the great white shark fishman.

Shyarly who just got the information, bowed her head towards Narmi's group and went out of the cafe in a hurried manner. Like what she had been informed, she saw their cafe had been surrounded. Hody Jones had bring all of his crew members there.

"Hody, Why are you surrounding my cafe like this?"

"You know why, Shyarly. I want that humans are in there. The one who you had predicted about. Get them out here. I'm going to show these Fishman that humans are nothing in front of us Fishman."

"You! Did you ever think of the consequences if you provoked him!? You need to see the bigger picture here, Hody! My predictions always comes out right!" Shyarly stated.

"What consequences will we face!? It is just puny humans. We are of the supreme race! I am looking at the bigger picture here! Your predictions? I will prove them wrong! That's why get them out here! NOW!" Hody replied, with a threatening tone.

"Then, I'll have you dead!"

Hody then proceed to use Fishman Karate. He hurled a water droplets in a swift manner towards Shyarly. Despite her bravery, Shyarly didn't possess powerful combative abilities. And so, she couldn't react much when the water droplets came into her direction.

She closed her eyes, preparing herself to brace for the attack. But, she still didn't feel any attack to come through. When she opened her eyes, she saw some kind of transparent wall was blocking the attack from coming to her.

Hody Jones, the one who initiated the attack, also stopped in track. He didn't expect that his attack would be blocked. He then focused his attention to the entrance of Mermaid Cafe. There, he saw a young man came out with his group in tow.

"'Madam Shyarly, you don't need to protect us. Just sit back and enjoy the show. Don't worry, I knew that this man wasn't a representative of Fishman Race. His actions are his own." Narmi said while smiling gently.

He then turned his attention towards Hody Jones and the other Fishman Pirates.

"Hody Jones was it? I'm giving you chances to strengthen yourselves by whatever means you got. You better take this chance. Why? Because when I start, you better pray that I would show mercy even by leaving a single strand of your hair intact." Narmi said, while started to release his power slowly.

"And the other Fishman Pirates, I'm also giving you guys chances. Whoever don't want to die, leave this place, or else my crew would kill all of you." Narmi added

By this time, Hody Jones had feel the intense pressure coming from Narmi. Even the small fry Fishman pirates noticed the pressure. Their instincts force them to run away as far away as possible from there. They could tell that right now, they had provoked something that should be left as is.

Hody Jones who saw that some of his subordinates running away, clicked his tongue in displeasure. He thought to himself that he would deal with them later. Right now, he focused on Narmi. He eats a load of Energy Steroids to enhance his power. He left some so that he could eat it whenever he reached a critical condition.

"I will show you the power of Fishman Race!" Hody Jones moved from his position, intending to deal the first blow to Narmi. When he had reached near Narmi, he thought that this Narmi wasn't that powerful, as he didn't made any move at all. He smirked thinking of his impending victories.

But then, he noticed the angry expression on Narmi's face. When he saw that expression, his instincts ringing loudly, informing him of the danger that is coming. Unfortunately, he couldn't stop his motion in track.

Narmi who just stand there, started to coat his arm in Haki. Then, in a swift motion, he slapped Hody Jones away from him. Hody Jones' body flies further away from there, crashing some of the buildings along the way. It only took a second for Narmi to make his move.

Due to the swift action, the others only saw a flash before Hody Jones flies away. Heck, they even thought that Narmi didn't do anything as he didn't move from his place. But, they knew it was his doing as they saw his right arm that were coated in black.

"You shouldn't have disturbed a King who was having his relaxation time. Now, I'll show you the consequences of it."

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