Chapter 372

“I am here to end this war.”

Facing everyone’s comments, the red-haired Shanks said with a serious expression and slowly opened his mouth.

As soon as he said this, the entire Marin Vandor fell silent. Whether it was Marine or the pirate, they all looked at him, and were shocked by what he said. The Four Emperors of New World actually said that the war was ended.


Shanks turned his head and looked at Ji Lingyun. He saw that Ji Lingyun’s injuries were not life-threatening, he was slightly relieved, and then said to Ji Lingyun, “Lingyun, this war can be over, don’t fight it.”

Ji Lingyun snorted coldly and said, “It’s the Marine guys who are chasing us, not what we have to fight, and the father’s death in the battle, we can’t swallow it anyway.”

Listening to Ji Lingyun’s angry tone, Shanks sighed slightly, and said, “Why this war happened? I think you should know better than me. If you continue to fight Marine, you will only lose.”

Ji Lingyun said coldly: “The members of the Whitebeard Pirates have never been afraid of death.”

With that said, Ji Lingyun looked back at all the pirates and suddenly shouted: “Brothers of the Whitebeard Pirates, are you afraid of death?”

“Not afraid, not afraid!”

Under Ji Lingyun’s roar, all the pirates roared uncontrollably. They were also very frustrated by the Marine chasing them. Now they finally had a breathing space, and the anger in their hearts was instantly ignited by Ji Lingyun.

Looking at the appearance of the pirates, Shanks frowned slightly. He had already said that he was here to stop the war, but Ji Lingyun’s approach was completely like not giving him face, but instead was agitated. The morale of the pirates was up, which made it very difficult for him to do.(Read more @

“Lingyun, just treat me as a face, how about it?”

For Ji Lingyun, even Shanks can only use a negotiating tone, mainly because the relationship between the two of them is unusual, otherwise he would have turned his face if he changed to another person.

As a friend, Ji Lingyun certainly didn’t really want to make Shanks ugly. He knew that Shanks was here to save them. The reason why he would do it was actually forced to do so. Although Whitebeard appointed him to be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates Captain, but to be honest, apart from the headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, the rest of the pirate captains probably won’t convince him. After all, he’s not Whitebeard, even if Whitebeard personally appoints him. He still knows this truth very well.

So he is doing this now, basically to establish his prestige and improve his prestige in the pirate group, so far, the effect is still good.

This kind of thing can be touched, so after Ji Lingyun heard Shanks’ words, he quickly raised his hand, and then the roar of the pirates slowly lowered until they disappeared.

Ji Lingyun looked at Shanks and said, “Shanks, I know why you came here. We are friends. I can think of us in times of crisis. I am very grateful; I have never failed to give face to my friends. Okay, I’ll leave everything to you today, and I believe you won’t let me suffer.”

Shanks smiled bitterly when he heard Ji Lingyun’s words. Fortunately, he still understood Ji Lingyun. Knowing that Ji Lingyun was only talking about the scene, he was not angry.

“Thank you very much, I will be in charge of this matter today.”

Because of the appearance of the red-haired Shanks, the entire battlefield has calmed down. At this time, Hawkeye, the world’s number one swordsman, also turned and left. Although those Marines were dissatisfied, they did not dare to treat Hawkeye.

Under everyone’s gaze, Shanks walked slowly to the center of the crowd, and at a distance, looked at all the high-levels of Marine, and slowly said: “If we continue to fight like this, command an unlimited increase in the army Loss, if there is still that guy who doesn’t make enough trouble, come on, let us accompany him.”

When Shanks spoke this sentence, I saw that the strongest crew of Red Hair Pirates quickly gathered behind Shanks. There were obviously only a few people, but they exuded an amazing aura, making Marine and the sea on the battlefield. The thieves all showed fear.

“Red Hair Pirates.”

Looking at Shanks and others, Ji Lingyun is also a masterpiece in his eyes. I have to admit that the members of Red Hair Pirates are very strong, and compared to the Whitebeard Pirates, the crew of Red Hair Pirates have their own characteristics.

Shanks looked through the void, staring at Blackbeard coldly, and said coldly, “How about it, Teach, no, Blackbeard.”

Blackbeard’s appearance at this time is also very ugly, with blood on his face and a huge scar on his heart. It was beaten by Shinsō of Ji Lingyun before. Although Dark Fruit’s ability made his body heal, the scar But it stayed.

Looking at the red-haired Shanks, Blackbeard’s eyes were red. He and Shanks had a fight. At the same time, he also regarded Shanks as a lifelong enemy, so when they met, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of war.

“It’s getting more and more masculine, red-haired, it seems that the scar really suits you.”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the Red Hair Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates group instantly changed. The two powerful auras collided fiercely. Although invisible, they made the atmosphere very dignified. The thief group all clenched their weapons, and even the sniper rifle had been aimed at each other.

Shanks and Blackbeard focused their eyes together and were very serious. In the end, Blackbeard laughed first. After several battles, he was injured by Ji Lingyun and Sengoku, so his condition was not very good, but Shanks was just now. When it comes, if there is a fight, he will definitely not have the advantage.

More importantly, this battlefield is very unfavorable for him. His pirate group is now in a three-way gathering of fire. Once the fight starts, no matter if it is the Whitebeard pirate group, Marine headquarters and Red Hair Pirates, none of them will be. Let him go, so he knows exactly how to choose.

“Thieves hahaha, stop it, what I want is already available, and it’s not time to fight them, so let’s go, brothers!”

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