Graduation is less than a month away.

Zefa and Ye Chen's teaching of the students is also coming to an end.

At this time, the wind is howling and the waves are surging on the sea, and the training boat is tossed up and down with the wind and waves like a leaf of duckweed.

On the smooth deck, Zefa and Ye Chen stood in the center.

"I and Teacher Zefa have already taught you all the knowledge and skills to enhance your strength, and the rest is up to your own efforts!" Ye Chen's voice was not affected by the weather, and it clearly reached everyone's ears.

Although he was now in the wind and waves, and the training boat was shaking violently, he stood straight like three spears.

During this time, although he did not teach the surprise genius of learning the six styles of the navy, one and a half moves, his own strength has increased considerably.

In this stormy wave, he also stood as solid as a pile.

And Zefa next to him saw him here, and he was quite satisfied with the performance of the master standing.

However, for these students, this stormy weather is also a good opportunity to destroy the greenhouse flowers.

So after smiling slightly, he walked out and said, "Everyone review yesterday's project today and show me, let me see your progress." "

"Mr. Zefa, I seem to be able to use the Navy Six style shaving!" At this moment, Polusalino suddenly spoke, with lazy steps, and said step by step, "I tried successfully the other day!"

"Oh?" Zefa frowned slightly when he heard this, and there was surprise in his eyes.

In a few months of teaching, no one has learned this skill yet, so he is also looking forward to it.

It was Ye Chen next to him, but he didn't have any surprised expression.

"Then you can show us. Zefa nodded to Polusalino.


Polusalino stood up lazily, then took a slow breath, his eyes closed, as if preparing.

After about ten seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed:



I saw that his footsteps were quickly stepping on the ground.

Then, with a whoosh, it flew out more than ten meters away like an arrow.

"Polusalino did a good job... This is indeed a six-style shaver!" After carefully looking at the confirmation, Zefa nodded faintly, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

I have been teaching all the students for so long, and I have not seen a single student learn to do half a move.

Now that he heard that someone had finally learned the Navy Six style shaving, he was of course happy.

"Is this a compliment?" said Polusalino with some surprise, Zefa had never praised himself before.

"Yes, it's a good idea since you learned to use the speed of the Flash Fruit ability instead of the speed of shaving. At this time, Ye Chen, who was one of the instructors, also praised it.

"Is this the speed of the Flash Fruit?" Zefa also reacted when he heard this.

Before, he had seen the speed of Porusalino's demonstration obviously comparable to the speed of a beginner's shave, and it was also a dozen times of stepping on the floor, but he didn't expect it to be the speed of the Flash Fruit ability.

And shaving is generally a speed beyond the limits of human beings, and if Polusalino used the speed of the Speed Flash Fruit just now, then his physical skills are still a little worse.

"Yes, you can also achieve advanced shaving with practice in the future. "

Next to him, Ye Chen smiled and spoke, nodded slowly, seemed to comment, and continued: "However, although the speed is very good, the power of the fruit ability seems to be a bit average, so it is better to practice physical skills more." "

The speed and power of the Shining Fruit's ability is undeniable, but it is clearly not yet finalized.

Ye Chen, who is a human in two lives, knows that in the original book, Polusalino is a very lazy person, and Zefa often criticizes him for relying too much on fruit ability and neglecting physical training.

What he is talking about now is exactly what he is talking about the shortcomings of Porusalino.

"General?" Hearing this, Porusalino's eyes narrowed slightly, and he seemed to be a little unconvinced, but he didn't show it.

He has always been known as a "monster" among his students, and he has been in the top three of the rankings in every assessment, and these honors are brought by his Shining Fruit ability.

Now Ye Chen actually said that his fruit ability is average?

"Are you not convinced?".

Seeing that he was a little unconvinced, Ye Chen took a step forward, then smiled at him and said, "If you are not convinced, you can use your full strength to attack me." "

Polusalino is the yellow ape, one of the three major generals in the future, and the strength that grows up in the future is naturally extraordinary, and it can be said to be a terrifying existence.

However, although the yellow ape has terrifying strength, it is still too lazy and often paddles in battle.

So he wanted to give this Polusalino a touch of it, so that Polusalino, who had not yet become a yellow ape, could correct his laziness.

Thinking of this, he still really wanted to see what height this yellow ape could reach in the future if he was not lazy.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Polusalino also wanted to try his recent strength, so he agreed: "Okay! Instructor Ye Chen~".

"Then let's get started!" Ye Chen put one hand behind his back and said with a smile.

(Updated!Updated!I've been busy lately!I'm going to reply to a quick update!I don't know if you have a favorite?Give me more support if you like?Everyone vote for me more flowers.Vote for more evaluation!And give me a little reward to support!Thank you for your support!Thank you!)

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