Chapter 346

Garp and Zephyr were very happy, but Sora didn’t even look at them. They just rowed the boat quietly and slowly stopped on the shore. Look ▆ hair ▆ line ▆ small ▆ talk

Seeing Kong’s serious look, Chen Yu raised a vigilance in his heart.

Although being empty is not necessarily a threat to yourself, but adding Garp and Zephyr is not necessarily. If you play off here, you will lose your face.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu has activated the space-time anchor model and can freeze the space here at any time.

Stepping out of the boat, Zephyr and Garp leaned in too.

“Commander Kong! Now the world zf is looking for you! Please come back with us!”

“Yes, Commander Kong, at least find a Marine branch to report the situation…”

Kong gave them a faint look at the words of the two.

Then, he smiled and said, “Zephyr, Garp, you two, please help Sengoku well in the future. He is a man who can lead Marine to glory. I am relieved to have him.”

Upon hearing Kong’s words, both Garp and Zephyr showed puzzled expressions.

Why does this sound so wrong?

“Commander Kong, are you…?” Garp frowned.

Zephyr couldn’t help taking a step back.

Chen Yu also showed a look of surprise in his eyes.

I turned my head to look at Chen Yu.

“Chen Yu, you saved the old man at the time. The treatment fee was 100 million Baileys, but the old man did not have 100 million Baileys. Therefore, starting from today, the old man will accomplish three things for you. After the three things are done, the old man is free. The body will no longer belong to any forces.”


Zephyr and Garp were both stunned, not knowing what to say.

The former Naval Headquarters marshal, the current world zf commander, actually claimed to leave the world zf?

Not only that, he has to help the big pirate, the pirate emperor Chen Yu, accomplish three things!

This kind of thing…(Read more @

“Commander Kong, this kind of thing can’t be a joke ~.” Garp said solemnly.

“The decision made by the old man does not need to be questioned by others.” Kong waved his hand, and then threw a phone bug to Chen Yu. After all this, he turned and left.

Garp and Zephyr’s faces were very ugly, they also left here soon, they must report this matter to Sengoku in time, and then let Sengoku decide what to do with this matter.

Chen Yu didn’t stop a single one, all the ones that should go were let go, and the province stayed here to be an eye-catcher.

After getting rid of these annoying Marines, he continued to ponder the movement of the magic tower.

If the magic tower were to be moved, the chance of being exposed to others’ eyes would be greatly increased. Unlike the present, hidden in the sea fog around Faust Island, ordinary people can’t get close at all.

So Chen Yu had to get a new defensive counterattack method for the magic tower itself.

When the magic tower is just built, it comes with a shot of thunder and a new star.

The shooting laser is shot from four magic slabs rotating around the top of the tower. The power is almost equivalent to a condensed arcane explosion. The intensity is very good. After one hour of charging, each slab can emit three shots. Thunder.

The new star technique is emitted from the magic tower itself, and is charged by the weak current wandering in the air on weekdays. After the charge is completed, a 180-degree plane current circle with a radius of 10 kilometers can be released.

The intensity is not easy to say, anyway, there is no pressure to put down a small soldier with no rank.

It is a pity that these face the real top powerhouses, they are still a little bit close.

Chen Yu took out a stone from the portable space.

Stone shimmering with lavender cold light.

Hailou Jingshi!

“If you use this thing, you should be able to make a truly powerful puppet. I don’t know if I can fight Admiral Marine.”

Chen Yu’s mood is very good.

For people in this world, it is impossible to understand the power of man-made objects. After all, Begapunk, the world’s strongest scientist, has not been able to create man-made objects that are stronger than humans.

But for Chen Yu, this is nothing strange.

Magicians are actually very fragile when they are at the elementary and intermediate levels, and their resistance to death magic is also very low, so they often create some puppets that can compete with the intermediate magicians to help them fight.

Many people have said that without puppets, there would be no growth of so many mages, which actually makes sense.

Chen Yu is going to use this sea tower fine stone to create a powerful and memorable puppet.

The puppets this time are not necessarily human-shaped, they can be in various forms.

He searched in the great magician system for a while and found a suitable one.

【Demon Sea Monster Puppet】

Using bionics technology, a powerful eight-clawed puppet researched from the form of a deep-sea monster is characterized by super defensive power and super insight.

The puppet can record five intermediate magic, or thirteen elementary magic, and the charging time depends on the environment.

The sea monster has eight powerful tentacles, each of which can use a weapon. This is very important and directly determines its strong melee strength.

Finally, there is one attribute that Chen Yu likes very much.

This kind of puppet can display 120% of its combat power in the ocean. It seems that it was originally developed for naval battles or to resist the creatures in the ocean. (Of)

At present, the resources Chen Yu has on hand should be enough to develop three to five puppets.

Of course, if there is a failure on the way, it may not be able to produce much, maybe this large sea tower essence stone is used up, and one cannot be produced, then maybe it is.

Chen Yu decided that this puppet would do it himself!

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Recently, the state is completely dysfunctional. If I can be more or less, I am more and less. I don’t ask for anything. I just need to give some book reviews to my favorite friends….Others are really casual.

Tomorrow’s fifth watch will do it desperately, because I promised Mr. zyt4141 to help him celebrate his birthday.

That’s all…….

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