Will withdrew'Yi Xie' from his waist, looking at the robots on the ground that had been chopped up by himself, his complexion became a little ugly.

There is a big gap between these robots in terms of speed and strength, but through the battle just now, Will discovered something that shocked him very much.

Each of these robots is a body refinement expert. Whether it is the timing or the cooperation of various attacks, they have shown amazing accuracy.

However, the routines of these robots are roughly the same, and it should be a certain kind of programmed program.

But compared with Marine's Peace Pacifista, the fighting ability of these robots is completely higher than that of Peace Pacifista by one dimension.

If it is not because of the material and power gap, these robots should be quite powerful.

Will also inspected the mechanical animals and found that these mechanical animals are not the same as those robots.

Robots are entirely made of metal, and those mechanical animals are modified by living creatures.

Seeing these mechanical creatures, Will couldn't help but think about it. This Tongtian Tower should have a very long history. So what is this advanced technology?

It seems that if you want to know all this, you can only go to the place where the alarm was issued just now.

It didn't take long before Will and the others arrived at their destination. From a distance, they saw a dark steel fortress.

There is no doubt that it was this huge monster made of steel that sounded the alarm just now.

I glanced around Will and felt a little difficult. Except for a giant metal door at the front entrance of this steel fortress, the other locations were barely ventilated.

"It seems that I can only break through, I will test it first, you are here waiting for me."

After Will finished speaking, he slowly approached the steel fortress. , While Tusky and Anita waited in place.

After Will approached the steel fortress not far away, the steel fortress once again sounded a harsh alarm, and then a row of slender gun barrels with black holes quickly appeared on the city wall of the steel fortress. All pointed to Will.

Will was also targeted by so many guns for the first time. For some reason, he actually felt like have one's hair stand on end.

"Tzzzzzzz ~."

First, it was a charging sound, and then in those barrels, one after another blue laser was shot out.

These lasers arrived in front of Will almost instantly after leaving the muzzle.

However, Will's reaction speed can barely avoid these lasers and turn on the'lightning mode' mode, and Will rushes directly to the city of this steel fortress.


That steel giant gate, Will Will cut open with a single sword. Just when Will was about to rush into this steel fortress, a large amount of Mechanical biology.

This makes Will a little embarrassed. There are those terrible lasers on his head, and there are so many mechanical creatures in front of him.

If you fight with these mechanical creatures, you will probably be shot by those lasers. From the feeling from Kenbunshoku Haki just now, if he is really hit by those lasers, even if he uses Busoshoku Haki for defense, It won't be very pleasant.

Not to mention hundreds of lasers, if they hit at the same time, it shouldn't be his end.

The enemies on Heavenspan Pagoda are not powerful, but the weird climate here and this powerful technology pose a considerable threat to him.

So Will plans to stop trying hard, that is, to retreat strategically.

Swish, a laser flashed by Will, and then disappeared into the ground beside him, leaving a black hole in the ground, and the nearby soil began to slowly smoke.

This strengthened Will's retreat. The "Iron King Ba" in front of him is almost full of thorns. It's better to find a way to sneak in secretly.

The blue light flashed, and soon Will moved away from the steel fortress, looking at the steel fortress from a distance.

As Will's retreat, Iron and Steel stopped attacking. The mechanical creatures just stared at Will from a distance. Red's electronic eyes stared coldly at the retreating enemy, and did not continue chasing.

After returning to the place where the two of them were waiting before, Will looked at a creature that was unexpected to him, just the blue mist before.

At this time, the blue mist was floating above the two of them, not changing into various shapes, as if observing the two below.

"How did this thing keep up? Isn't it in First Layer?"

Hearing Will's voice, Anita turned and looked towards Will.

"I don’t know, it didn’t take long for you to leave. It floated above us. It hasn’t been close. It just floats so far away.

What’s inside that steel fortress? Did you go in?"

"I don’t want to fight back. The fortress is very well-defended, and there is a laser weapon there. If it is hit directly, even I may be opened. Hole."

Anita was a little surprised when she heard Will's words. She knew Will's strength very well.

"Really, what should we do? The technology item Tusky wanted is probably there. Now it seems hopeless, you can't get in."

Tusky Hearing the conversation between the two, I was a little bit disappointed, but didn't say anything.

"If I try hard, I might be able to smash the laser-emitting weapons, but in the meantime, I won’t be able to deal with the robots.

And we don’t have to fight hard. Judging from the style of those robots, if I had really forced in just now, after they found out that they were invincible, they would probably self-destruct with the steel fortress. They should have no feelings or fears. ”

Just as Will was talking, the blue mist floating in the sky leaned close to Will, began to change shape, and finally lined up rows of mist words.

"I can take you in without being discovered."

Will was a little surprised when he saw this line of text. Does this mist have self-awareness?

"Can you understand what I'm saying? How are you going to take us in?"

The blue mist changed shape again.

"Yes, I was originally a creature created by humans, but for some reason, I split into two states.

I can fool the guards' perception."

Will thought a little bit, wondering if he should believe this blue mist.

The blue mist drifted to the position of Will's head, and after a flash of electric light, Will disappeared in front of Anita and Tusky.

"Will, where are you?"

Anita is a little anxious, and she also doesn't trust the blue mist.

Will was a little strange when he heard Anita's words.

"I'm here, what's wrong with Anita." But as soon as Will finished speaking, he noticed Anita's body was shaking, as if frightened.

"You, how did you disappear."

Will knows, he knows how this cloud of blue mist brought them into the steel fortress.

"I was invisible by this blue mist. This should be an optical stealth technology. It seems that we can indeed sneak into that steel fortress."

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