
Will drank the juice in one sip, then squatted the cup on the table.

Doffy Ramingo, who was reading the newspaper on the side, lifted his head after hearing the sound and saw Will returning to the villa area. He saw that Will's face was a bit wrong.

"What's the matter Will, if anyone in Dressrosa dares to offend you, we will kill him, but with your strength, it seems that I don't need to act."

Will is half lying on the sofa in the living room, relaxed and exhaled.

"Don't mention it, I was in a good mood today, but as soon as I went out, I met someone else assassinated me."

The smile on Doffy Ramingo's face immediately disappeared and his face changed. It doesn't look good.

"Who is it that actually assassinated you on my site."

The sugar eating grapes also stopped his movements and raised his ears.

She has been under the protection of Donquixote Pirates. The assassination is completely legendary, so she became curious.

"Is a very powerful assassin, he almost killed me, he he he, it was really exciting at the time. If I react slowly for a second, I might get a hole in my head by her."

Doffy's eyes narrowed under his sunglasses. What Will said just now made him very concerned.

"Almost killed your assassin? There shouldn’t be many such guys? Dead?"

"Dead, it’s the fruit Ability User, what exactly is the fruit? It’s not very clear. Kenbunshoku Haki's perception is completely shielded. Only when she takes the shot, can she feel some breath. If I didn’t react fast enough, she would definitely succeed.

Forget it, anyway, she She's dead. It doesn't make much sense to say this, but what I have to say is that she is really a beautiful woman. It's a shame to die."

After speaking, Will lay on the sand and didn’t say much. Began to close his eyes and rest.

Doffy Ramingo saw Will’s reaction and stopped asking.

In the living room of the villa, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the distance, and then a Pirate from Donquixote Pirates walked up.

This Pirate came to Doffy Ramingo, and after a few words with Doffy Ramingo, he stepped back.

After hearing the Pirate report, Doffy Ramingo's face was very calm and did not show much emotion.

"Will, I have something to go out. If you have any needs, just talk to sugar."

Will did not answer, it was nodded to indicate that he was clear. Doffy Ramingo left the living room.

Sugar's eyes flashed slightly, she knew what his Young Master was doing, and her purpose of coming here today is to haunt Will.

"Brother Will, I heard that you wanted to see me before. Is there something to do with me?"

Will's body shook obviously.

"What the hell do you call, Brother Will? It sounds familiar.

This is not a member of your family, Will Ge, you can call me Will from now on, don’t call me Such a strange name.

And don't be cute with me, you 21-year-old expired little loli~."

Sugar's eyes widened and looked towards Will very unexpectedly.

"Why, I am surprised that I know your real age?"

The innocent expression on Sugar's face disappeared.

“Indeed, few people know my true age. The fruit of childlike fun not only gives me the ability, but also fixes my appearance at ten years old. Sometimes the identity of this little child is really very Convenient."

"Really? You~, do you regret eating that fruit."

Sugar's head lowered, staring at the ground in front of him, recalling that he had eaten the child. The moment of interesting fruit.


Will interrupted her before she finished speaking.

"Go around and see the scenery of Dressrosa."

Sugar, who was in the memory, hurriedly lifted his head, subconsciously grabbing the corner of Will's clothes.

Will also turned his head and looked towards Granulated Sugar, this cute girl wearing a red bear-shaped shawl with some anxious faces on her face.

"he he he, sure enough, I felt a little strange when Doffy went out just now. Although he pretended to be very good, his breath was unstable for a moment after hearing his report. .

Then sugar, do you want to turn me into a toy and stay here."

Of course, sugar did not dare to turn Will into a toy, because that was completely impossible. .

"We didn't hide your meaning, but there was someone on the island. We were afraid that you two would fight after meeting."

Sugar's little face became more and more bitter, she knew Now he can't keep Will with lies, he can only speak frankly.

"he he he, I am even more interested when you say that."

"Wow wu~~~, I don’t care, I don’t care, Young Master has confessed to me, Let me take care of you, Young Master's mission must be completed."

After realizing that she couldn't keep Will, Granulated Sugar actually sat on the ground and burst into tears.

"Hey, what's the situation with you, don't be a rascal, sugar, the 21-year-old who speaks, give me a bit of adult dignity."

Will's persuasion Without any effect, the sugar cried louder.

"I don't care, I am ten years old now, and I am a beautiful girl who will always be ten years old."

Will burst out laughing when she heard the sugar.

"He he he, you are so funny, forget it, let go of my clothes, I won't go out."

"Really?" There is something on the sugar face Do not believe.

"Really, how could I lie to a ten-year-old child."

After thinking for a while, the sugar released Will’s clothes, and then Will disappeared in front of her, again Appeared already ten meters away.

Seeing this scene, Sugar was stunned. Didn't it mean that the Thunderbolt swordsman had a promise? How did it go? The dignity of the swordsman.

"Hey, what you say doesn't count, you don't want to go out."

Will didn't look back, just waved his hand at the sugar.

"I did say that I would not lie to a ten-year-old child, but unfortunately, you are a 21-year-old expired little loli, so goodbye."

After Will walked out of the villa, Sugar did not chase it out. She knew very well that the strength of the two was not in the same dimension at all.

I have only been able to keep Will for so long because of her cuteness.

"Hey, what an unreliable man, how can I tell Young Master."

Sugar was lying on the sand where Will was sitting, his face covered Unlovable expression.


At this time, Doffy Ramingo has come to the underground port, he came to handle this personally The handover of the man-made Devil Fruit, because the other party is also a great character.

And he has heard of this guy before, and it is said that he has some brain problems.

But even if, he still came to meet him personally, because the other party is very strong.

Thinking of very strong people, Doffy Ramingo couldn’t help but think of Will who was still in the villa area, and prayed secretly in his heart, sugar must comfort each other, don’t let these two guys touch each other .

Fortunately, Will said that it was an ally he had cooperated with many times, and it could give him some face, but Jack would not be able to deal with it.

What Doffy Ramingo didn't know was that the sugar he had given high hopes did not complete his mission. At this time, Will had already left the highlands of kings.

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