After some time, Domino regained consciousness.

After regaining consciousness, she felt a little numb in her body and a little fuzzy in her vision.

"Wake up."

In the blur, Domino felt a hand patted her cheek several times, which shocked her body and immediately thought of the previous situation.

After Domino regained consciousness, he found that he was actually lifted and all the clothes on his body were stripped off, including his eyes and hat.

This made Domino's heart start to panic.

What happened, what was going on in her current state of shame, and then she looked towards the man in front of her.

This man looks ordinary, but those cold eyes make her shudder.

She is familiar with this gaze. Her good friend Sadi used this gaze when she pressed the prisoner for information, and this man's gaze was colder than Sadi.

Just being stared at by the other party, she has a vellus hair straight tree, and her back feels cold.

"Who are you and what you want to do, I am Impel Down Vice Warden: Domino, if you kill me, wait for Marine to hunt.

But if you can now Let me go, I can take no blame for your kidnapping me, and you can also say your request. If I can do it, I will help you complete it."

Domino is very smart Woman, what she said just now was well thought out.

First, he threatened Will, said his identity, and then let the other party know the fate that he would face after hurting himself.

And at the end, I'll give Will a reward.

Just these words, let me take a high look, really a smart woman.

Will walked up to Domino and looked at the sexy beauty who had been stripped|naked by him.

Taking off the other party’s clothes is not to peek into the other party’s body.

Will intends to ask her where the target is. Most people will feel much more vulnerable in their hearts when they are completely naked.

Will's fingers slowly slid across Domino's body, from the white face to the lower abdomen.

And Domino's body began to tremble, she began to fear without personnel, the man in front of her might want to do something bad to her, thinking of this, Domino's eyes appeared humiliating tears.

"You only need to answer me one question, I will release you tomorrow."

Will adjusted the mask on his face.

This is an abandoned warehouse, the ventilation is not very good, so it is a bit hot.

Domino's heart began to sink. After hearing Will's words, she already understood the other party's purpose of catching her.

"What is the problem, if it is not very confidential information, I will tell you."

In this case, pretending to be tough is stupid, even more how she is still a woman.

"You just need to tell me where Lopez is, what a simple question, as long as you are willing to tell me, I will let you down immediately, and then you can put on your clothes and stay here for a day , You’re free, and you can continue to return to Impel Down to be Vice Warden."

Will smiled and looked at Chi in front of him|****He didn’t lie to him, as long as he answered his own question, It won't hurt her, but if she refuses, she will suffer today.

"haha, it turns out you want to know about this, come here, I will tell you quietly."

Domino’s charming Issho, charming eyes were like silk looking at Will .

"It seems that the negotiation has failed. Then, let's warm up first."

Will's tone barely fell, a ball of lightning appeared in his hand, and then the ball of lightning The ball is thrown to Domino.

After the lightning ball touched Domino's flat abdomen, it disappeared. Just when the beauty was a little confused, she suddenly felt unbearable pain everywhere in her body.


Domino let out a scream, if it weren't for the scarcity of people here, it would definitely attract the civilians on the island.

"I used to use the tools given to me by Senior Sister to torture others, but recently I discovered that that is not my style. That method is too direct.

All human senses are conducted by nerves, and one day I discovered that lightning can replace the human body’s original sensory transmission.

It probably means that although you don’t have any Injury, but the lightning that I entered into your body deceived your nervous system and brought you great pain.

This way of torture is my style. You are the first to experience it. , So enjoy it slowly."

Will while speaking, has already taken off the mask from his face, since the other party does not intend to tell the whereabouts of the target, Will does not intend to let the other party leave alive.

The most important thing is that this warehouse is so hot.

The lights on the roof of the warehouse illuminate the warehouse like daylight, so Domino sees Will's true face.

"You, you are a thunderbolt swordsman, why, why did you appear here, and why did you look for Lopez."

The tears flowed down Domino’s white face. After that, she didn't suffer any physical harm, but the severe pain made her almost fainted.

"Oh? It seems that you know me. You don't want to continue to suffer this kind of pain. Just tell me where Lopez is."

Although the pain is already streaming down my face , But Domino's stubborn shook the head, resolutely answered Will.

"I am an officer of Impel Down, I will never compromise with you."

Will didn't expect this seemingly weak girl to be so stubborn, but not It means he has no other way.

"Really, let's experiment with my other tricks. The lightning ball just now is just the most basic torture method. The pain is not the most unbearable feeling."

Will gathered several fine needles formed by lightning in his hand, and then pierced these lightning needles in several specific locations on Domino's body.

In the beginning, Domino didn't feel any abnormality, but felt a bit numb in the position where he was stabbed.

But then, a strange feeling began to spread in the body, soreness, numbness and pain, several uncomfortable feelings echoed each other, at that moment, Domino almost collapsed.

"It’s not good. I’ve tried this thing myself. I don’t want to experience that feeling anymore. If you can hold on for five minutes, I will let you go, so come on."

Will pulled a chair and sat in front of Domino.

Thirty seconds later, a puff of pale-yellow liquid was left on Domino’s white thighs, and dripping on the ground ticked. The ticking sound of water droplets was especially obvious in the silent warehouse.

One minute later, Domino tried to bite his tongue, but was stopped by Will.

Two minutes later, Domino gave in.

"Wu~, please kill me, I will tell you everything, as long as you kill me, pull those things out of my body, please."

Will played with the long dagger in his hand, then looked at Domino in front of him.

This is his torture method, which is different from the bloody method of Senior Sister. That method is to torture the enemy physically, and the styles that Will invented are to make the opponent mentally yield.

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