On a peaceful island, a little girl is walking with her mother on the beach.

If you look at it from a high altitude, the shape of this island is very similar to a guitar, and its name also fits its shape. People call him Nochi Island.

In the old local proverb, Noch Island symbolizes the meaning of this musical instrument. If there is no one who has heard of Noch Island, then there is another name here. Outsiders call it the capital of music.

"Mama, when will Baba come back."

The little girl who is walking with her mother on the beach, looked towards her Mama with expectant eyes, and can see that she misses father .

The little girl’s mother is a gentle-looking woman, with pale red hair that makes this young woman look more virtuous.

The young woman fondly touched the little girl's head, and thoughts also appeared in her eyes.

"It's father, not Baba, and don’t eat so much sugar, it will cause tooth decay."

The young woman took the lollipop from the child’s hand, and then stretched it out. A finger roughly means that you can only eat one lollipop a day.

The little girl was a little unhappy, pursed her mouth, and turned her head angrily.

But the little girl who turned her head looked at the sea blankly, as if she had found something.

"Mama, there seems to be a person in the sea."

The young woman didn't pay much attention to what the little girl said, just laughed.

"Last time we went to a concert on Monte Island, you said that you saw a long-legged bird. This time you said there were people in the sea.

Then tell me, What bird doesn't have legs? It's normal for people in the sea, maybe who is swimming and what~."

The young woman stopped here and looked at the nearby sea with a little surprise.

Because she also saw someone, and she can be sure that the other person is not swimming, who swims will keep his head in the sea?

"This is, is there a shipwreck, Lisa Chan, you wait for me here first, I will save people."

Although the young woman hesitated, in the age of sailing , Most of the victims at sea were not good people, but she could not die.

Although the young woman looks weak, her footsteps are very light, and she can run freely in the waist-deep water.

Be aware that it is different in water and on land, and the resistance to travel in this water will be very high.

The young woman dragged the victim to the beach without expending much effort.

The little girl also came over, looking curiously at the shirtless victim.

"Mama, is he dead? Do you want to give him artificial respiration."

After the young woman heard her daughter's words, the corners of her mouth twitched, secretly sighed now Child knows so much.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's take a look at his situation first."

While speaking, the young woman turned over the victim who was fished out of the sea.

But at this moment, the victim directly pinched the young woman's throat, and the young woman almost fainted by the victim's pinch.

However, this young woman is not an ordinary people either. Leg raised kicked the victim into the air, and then began to gasp for breath.

Suddenly, the little girl on the side was startled, and she ran to her Mama's side, looking at her with worry on her face.

"Mama, are you okay, let's not save him, that big brother is so fierce."

The young woman gasped for a while, her eyes full of solemnity.

At that moment, the unconscious man pinched her throat in an instant. If the other party hadn't lost consciousness, she might have died.

"It seems that we came across a great character by chance, and even the instinctive reaction is terrifying, Lisa, you go home first, and Mama will take care of the next thing."

While speaking, the young woman walked towards the victim who had just been kicked off by her, and then she covered her slender arm with a layer of Busoshoku Haki!


Boom, boom, boom, the constant knocking sound makes Will a little bored, and then slowly Opened his eyes.

After opening his eyes, Will looked a little confused towards all around. This is one of his shortcomings. When he first wakes up, he will be a little confused.

Just when Will was a little confused, the sharp pain in his chest immediately awoke him.

"I~, I'm not dead?"

At this time Will is lying on a clean bed, looking around all around, this is not too big But a very cozy bedroom.

Thinking of the battle with Kaido before, and then sinking into the sea after being shot, he lost consciousness after sinking into the sea.

Will subconsciously looked towards the wrist, but the pocket watch on the wrist has disappeared, which surprised him.

But the sharp pain in his chest made Will unable to move, so he could only lie on the bed honestly.

The shot in the end didn’t matter much. Before, Will had used his instinct to avoid the vital point. Although he was punched through the chest, it was only a penetrating injury and did not hurt the internal organs. A strong physique is nothing.

The real fatal thing was the punch that Kaido had hit before. That punch almost broke all the ribs on Will's chest, and a lot of internal organs were damaged.

If Will hadn't used the'Thunder Stab Method' tempering body for many years, he might have died in Yellow Springs.

But the situation right now is also very bad. Most of his internal organs have suffered serious injuries.

From the bandages wrapped around his chest, it can be seen that he should have been rescued, and the other party helped him correct his broken ribs and gave him some medicine, but for his injuries at this time , Those medicines can only be regarded as an utterly inadequate measure.

"You woke up, what a powerful physique, you survived for so long when your lungs were full of seawater."

A gentle female voice came, Will Shun Looking into the voice, I saw a beautiful woman with pale red hair. Although this beautiful woman is already getting older, her beauty is not diminished.

"Did you save me, many thanks, did you see the pocket watch in my hand? It is a Devil Fruit item. Except for the Two Swords in it, everything else is given to you. Reward for saving me.

After I recover, you can find me if you encounter any trouble. I will never refuse, many thanks to life-saving grace."

Will’s She has a very sincere attitude and thanked this long-haired beauty many times.

This is life-saving grace, and Will of course will not forget, he is not the kind of thankless wretch that takes a bite back.

The young woman was taken aback when she heard Will's words, because the man in front of her didn't expect to be so sincere and polite.

She knows the other party, and she thought that the other party would say some rude words when she was sober, because the other party's reputation is not very good.

But what was different from what she imagined was that besides wanting to get back his double swords, this man actually gave her all the precious items in his pocket watch.

She has checked the items in the pocket watch. To be honest, after seeing those things, she was shocked. Beli alone has billions, let alone other precious items.

"I didn’t expect that you, the great swordsman who killed you, was so polite. It really surprised me.

I haven’t moved the contents, I’m the one Woman, what do you want so much money for, give it back to you."

After speaking, the young woman walked up to Will and put his pocket watch on the bedside.

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