So, Will and Kaido Pirates and the others, within cave during the day to drink, really boring to go roam around.

Will be waiting for Huang Jindi, while Kaido is to Warden on the island of gold.

takes great efforts to seize the gold, so if you leave, if that be the other enemies, it would mean that all in vain.

This day, two days soon.

At a time when the morning, Will sleep Masaka, suddenly felt someone shouting his name.

Some hazy opened his eyes, saw the Baccarat nearby.

"Will, wake up, you forget what day it is yet?"

Will somewhat puzzled, confused looked towards Baccarat.

"What day, you the boss two days to come, and even if he is, you can not necessarily rescued, what kind of strength you happy."

Baccarat She sighed, and Will did not argue the fact is true.

"It is not a thing, Do not you forget I told you before, to help you blessing luck is not permanent, only three days, three days after two hours you will have very bad luck . "

Baccarat reminder to let Will remembered, as if there really is such a thing.

But even bad luck but also how? Is nothing more than some trivial little trouble, with his strength, can afford.

"You want to be with the strength to endure it? Useless, it is the power of fate, once my boss is your idea, because he was too confident, almost died."

Will surprised to how bad things, let Huang Jindi nearly died, though the guy's strength is not Peak, but also be not weak.

"how not heard you say before that there are repercussions, you do not really pit me, Baccarat."

Baccarat quickly shook his head.

"No, I am with you in detail said before, really, how I Ganpian you."

Baccarat two steps back, a ready to run looks like.

"really said? When, how I can not remember,"

"Hey ~, that is, before I help you luck blessing, do not care about these things, now most important is, how safe is to spend two hours. "

Will Baccarat and did not pursue the matter, after all, blessing a lot of luck helped him defeat the enemy, the risk of anything is relative.

"There is probably an hour, you have to start trouble, it is best to leave the cave, very safe here."

Will's heart sank again.

"There are really so dangerous even if the whole cave collapse, nor Naiwo it?."

"No," Baccarat urgent voice said; "not your personal other people safe, but will spread to within cave, and in two hours, you go, where will have bad luck, they still find the open points better place. "

this is a blessing not to say, in two hours, he is moving bane?

After Will got up, wash a lot, a lot of the people are cool.

Will wear that long leather coat, usually in the battle, Will will be long leather coat off, he did not want this dress is damaged, this coat very memorable.

"I probably understand, go, we go to Find a spacious place."

saying, Will and went out.

"I want to go?" Baccarat pointed to himself.

"What do you think? Miss Baccarat, if you're not willing, then it would not go."

did not stop, Will continue goes out, do not really like Baccarat care in general.

"No, no, I want, how I will not, be sure to take me."

Baccarat quickly trot to keep up, walking behind Will.

"Pica, and I'm out of a trip."

Will hear the call, the side of the Pica also stood up, silently followed behind Will.

quickly, Will out of the cave, to open on a snow.

"so no problem, right? Does not always have the entire island because I sank it."

Will Kenbunshoku Haki open, began to perceive signs of trouble all around, and his mouth for Baccarat that the power of fate, somewhat dreaded.

"not so exaggerated, but also very dangerous, but with your strength, absolutely safe and sound."

Will mouth twitching, looking at least a few hundred meters from their own Baccarat.

"If you do not really dangerous, I got into the points you give."

Baccarat ridicule or two, some back again.


and Baccarat, Pica had been standing near the Will, as if a stone in general, gives the impression that determination.

"che, let me see the power of the so-called fate it."

Will stood with eyes closed, all around the perception of wind plants move.

ten minutes. 20 minutes or an hour to. After

one hour, Will body starts a little tight, has come to the so-called bad time.

But after ten minutes, all around except the wind blowing snow entrainment of this, there is no exception.

body without any exception, all around there is no danger of feeling heard, whether Kenbunshoku Haki perception, or direct sense, are the same.

Just Will going to ask Baccarat, is not mistaken time, a surge of strong winds blowing around suddenly. After

feel this strong wind, Will body tensing, ready to face danger at any time to come.

strong winds can quickly in the past, in addition to large areas of blowing snow, without any exception.

Will smile soon, because he said the fate of the power of Baccarat, some tension.

Whether it is space, time, or fate, is a very powerful force, so Will is very vigilant.

Will strengthen the perception, but there is nothing unusual, just feel the nose uploaded to wet feeling.

is just strong winds blowing snow fell on his back on his nose, his body temperature was melted.

Will did not think of just subconsciously rubbed his nose.

For some reason, today, his nose is actually a bit uncomfortable, not only outside itchy nose, even inside some itching.

Will quickly suck the cold air a few mouthfuls of a feeling came to sneeze.

"ah ~ ~ ah, ah it!"

hit a sneeze, Will feel comfortable nose a lot.

may be because of sneezing, so he leaned forward a bit.

To his surprise happened, he actually slipped and fell forward away.

Will himself can not believe he would actually slipped in the snow, you know, just snow, not ice.

But this is not right, by virtue of his balance immediately be able to catch herself.

Just when Will was about to make a move, suddenly there came a sharp pain in his chest, because of slipping, he was on the battlefield before the injuries, wounds again crack.

Will pain affects the next action, he actually sprang straight forward.

throws nothing, just a little embarrassed it, but also snow and not get hurt.

During the Will Qianpu in, Kenbunshoku Haki suddenly heard a very dangerous feeling.

snow in front of him, there are a sparkling flash, it is actually a cutting knife's tip, that tip he sprang forward, but also towards the tip of his head !

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