After going through the science popularization of Tusky, Will generally understands.

What kind of'theromania'? Isn't this the rabies of the previous life? Judging from the appearance of Pony, it has reached the most serious stage.

"Then this is dead?"

Life and death are fateful. It is an exception that Will will save Pony. Since there is no cure, let her be happy. Pawnee was like a wild beast, and finally died in a dirty stinking ditch.

"If I'm there,'zoemania' can be cured very easily."

For Tusky, who treats terminal illnesses like he treats colds, there is no cure at all. The concept of disease.

Will suspects that even the cancer in the previous life or other types of violent diseases can be easily cured by Tusky.

"But from Al’s description, some of the woman’s symptoms were too strong, and even her canine teeth began to protrude. This may be some kind of feline or canine Zoan Ability User, developed I don’t know if Kairosaki is effective. As long as he can restore his mind, he can relieve the toxin with No. 7 antidote."

Tusky helped Will point out a way, and No. 7 antidote for him There are also pocket watches.

"I will experiment in a while, but Tusky, where have you sailed now, how long will you have to return to the New World?"

Tusky was silent for a while.

"Al, I have just entered the Grand Line recently, and I am on a small island with a plague outbreak. When the problem on the island is resolved, I will continue to move forward. It will take about a year. Time, I will be able to return to New World."

Don’t even think about it. Tuski’s adventures are absolutely the opposite of Will. They may save tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives. .

In One Piece World, if a plague breaks out on an island, he can only wait to die, because the transportation on each island is not well developed, and all medical conditions are very different.

When Will was in the first half of the Grand Line, there were two islands not far away.

One of them has perfect medical conditions, while the other one has to rely on Witch Doctor for bleeding. The gap is so big.

"Return to New World to contact me, or come directly to Dressrosa, I will wait for you here."

Farewell to Tuski, Will hang up Den Den Mushi.

Pony is still biting on Will's palm, but it is useless except for the biting ka ka.

"Then, let me see if your life is hard enough, Joelie Bonnie."

Will took out the Kairosaki collar that Bonnie had worn for half a year, even though it was on. There is a code lock, but Will didn't set a code, but copied it directly.

"ka-cha." The collar was copied to Bonnie's neck.

Pawnee is an Ability User, so he immediately felt weak and soft to the ground.

Will signaled Trebol to remove the mucus, then picked up Pony and walked to his room.

After throwing Pawnee on the bed, Will began to wait silently. If Pawnee can recover his mind, there is still a rescue. If not, then he can give Pawnee a happy life.

Half an hour later, Pony, who was lying on the bed, let out a hum.

"Where is this."

Pony sat up a little drowsy, some dim eyes looked towards all around, because of wearing a Kairosaki collar, Pony’s neck A little itchy, so Pony subconsciously wanted to scratch his neck.

The cold and smooth touch, and the feeling of weakness throughout the body, this familiar feeling made Pony a chill, his legs tightly together.

This feeling reminded Pony some bad things.

"Didn't expect your life is pretty big, I think you are dead."

Will looked away from the pocket watch in his hand, Tusky once told Will , If Pony can't wake up within forty minutes, then the chance of being sober is slim.

"It seems that I successfully arrived at Dressrosa and took this damn collar away. I won't run away this time. I like to talk to you."

"No Lock, you can unlock it yourself."

Pony didn't believe it, and lightly pressed the collar on his neck.

"ka-cha." The lock inside the collar popped open, which surprised Pony.

"If you want to die, you can take off that collar at any time."

Will, stop Pony's hand movement.

"What do you mean by this? Does this collar keep me alive? Stop the bullshit, you hateful man."

Although his tone is strong, Pony Did not take off the collar directly.

"You can try to take off the collar to see if I'm lying to you."

Pony held the collar with both hands, and started to struggle inside. This collar gave her too much Humiliating memories, just by wearing this collar, Pony has already begun to have a physiological reaction.

Poor Pony, there is already a sign that Will has been playing badly.

"You should be in the style of Zoan Fruit Ability User, or some toxin. This Kairoseki collar can suppress that toxin, so this collar is your life-saving straw."

Hearing Will's explanation, Pony almost fainted with a breathless breath. Is she going to wear this damn collar in the future?

Seeing Pony struggling, Will feels very interesting.

"You should have Kairoseki handcuffs, I choose to wear that."

Pony is not stupid either. Since Kairoseki can suppress the toxins in her body, it is not a must-collar.

"With your physique, if you wear high-purity Kairoseki handcuffs, you will immediately limp, so give up struggling. You need to wear this thing for a long time, and slowly you will get used to it, like It used to be the same."

Will took out an injection from his pocket watch and approached Pony.

"Wait, wait, what are you going to do, at least let me take a bath first."

Will looks strange, what is this woman thinking? He just wanted to inject the antidote.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Will pressed Pawnee on the bed| to prevent Pawnee from moving, he didn't even ride on it.

"ka-cha." Will first tortured the Kairoseki collar to death, then pulled the collar aside, exposing Bonnie's white neck.

On Pawnee’s white neck, some scarlet blood vessels appeared. Pawnee’s skin is very delicate, so these scarlet blood vessels are very dazzling.

Don't think about it, this should be caused by that toxin.

The needle in his hand is inserted into Pony’s vein. Will moves very carefully and his hand is steady.

The sudden tingling makes Pony lightly snorted.

“Don’t move, if you don’t want to die.”

Will is not threatening Pawnee. The injection is now the No. 7 antidote invented by Tusky. Although medicine is powerful, But there is a fatal flaw.

No. 7 antidote is actually a very strong poison, but after Tusky's improvement, this toxin will have a special fusion reaction with the blood after it enters the vein.

After being transported to the heart by the blood, the nature of Antidote No. 7 is completely changed and becomes a kind of microorganism similar to a parasitic virus.

This parasitic virus splits crazily after entering the bloodstream, but it requires energy to split, and this parasitic virus will swallow all kinds of toxins deposited in the human body.

The most surprising thing is that this parasitic virus begins to age, die shortly after it exists, and is finally excreted from the body through the normal metabolism of the human body.

What a genius invention, Tusky’s inventions in pharmacy and medicine are definitely not inferior to Bergapunk, and even more.

But this No. 7 antidote has a fatal flaw, that is, it must be injected intravenously. If it is accidentally injected into the muscle, it will immediately become a very deadly toxin. It can be said that the blood seals the throat. .

So Will didn't mean to threaten Pawnee just now.

If you don't want to die, don't move.

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