The next day.

"If you follow me again, I will cut off your leg."

After fighting with Quein, this woman has been following him not far and near, looked His gaze is getting hotter and hotter.

"Kaido, take care of your subordinates."

Kaido looks like he hasn't heard, each minding their own business drinking.

"Will, bear with me, Quine will be extremely obsessed with the man who defeated her. The side effects of that fruit are too strong.

The fruit may sound very strong.

It is strong, but in terms of side effects, it is the strongest fruit I have ever seen. This may be a kind of balance. If there are no side effects of fruit, the cause must be stronger than it is now."

Will pushes away gradually. The Quinn who was approaching was a bit speechless.

"How long she will stick to me, I can't help but kill her, even if I take a bath and sleep, she will follow."

Will went to bed last night, This electromagnetic barrier was all around him, and Quein suddenly approached him and directly caused him to draw his sword.

Tillman gave a dry cough, smiled awkwardly, and stretched out a finger.

Seeing Tillman's outstretched finger, Will held the last trace of luck in his heart.

"One day?"

Tillman laughed more embarrassed, lightly coughed.

"One month."

Will directly pulled out the'Blood of Interest', trying to kill the cause.

"Will, calm down, must be calm, although the chief cause will always stick to you, it will not hurt you, and she is also a pitiful person, forget it."

Till Man grabbed Will and pulled Will aside.

Queen restrained the desire in his body and wanted to move forward again, but was caught by Jack.

"Let go of me, I want to go."

Jack remain unmoved, just catch the cause.

"Will, when do you plan to go to the country of Won The country's vigilant."

Will thought about it and decided to go to the country of Wazuno now. This is his character, and he will do what he wants, and he will not drag himself.

"Lila, where is Lila."

Lisa in a maid costume ran out of the kitchen.

"Master Will, I am here."

"I asked you to make the clothes, are you ready?"

Lila as Kaido and the The chefs of others must of course also follow. Although she does not need to fight, she needs Lila's help to solve the food on the sea, and Lila's cooking skills are not to be picky.

"It's done, Lord Will, I will get it now."

Lila ran back to the bedroom and quickly took out a piece of clothing.

Will commissioned Lila to customize the clothes, which is a white long trench coat.

Receiving the long windbreaker that Lila handed over, Will took off his clothes, threw it aside, and put on the long white windbreaker.

This long trench coat can be considered very stylish, with several criss-crossed brown stripes on the edges of the sleeves and the hem.

The sleeves are also very loose, and you can tell at a glance that this is a piece of clothing worn in battle.

The style of this dress is not what Will imagined out of thin air, but based on his previous life, Pirate's original work, Ryoma wears clothes when terrifying the three-masted sailboat.

This is exactly the service in front of Ryoma, and Will specially asked Lila to help make it by hand.

After Will put on this white windbreaker, Lila took out a blue belt and wrapped it around his waist.

Holding the'Yixue' in his hand, Will cannot sneak into the Kingdom of Harmony with the'Yixue'.'Yixue' is a sword, and it should be very eye-catching in the'Country of Harmony'.

After appeasing the'Yixue', Will put the'Yixue' into the pocket watch and took out another famous knife from the pocket watch.

black blade ·limpid autumn water!

Putting the limpid autumn water in the belt around his waist, Will moved a bit and felt that the clothes were comfortable.

"Many thanks, Lila."

Lila's craftsmanship is very superb, and she did not help Will measure, so she made such a fitting garment.

"No, it's nothing."

When Lila spoke, her face was slightly red. Will glanced at Lila strangely. Lila found Will’s gaze and changed confusion. Ran away.

"Will, the boat is ready, when will you leave.

Where did you get the clothes, it’s really good."

Tyle Man looked at Will up and down, and seemed to be very optimistic about Will's clothes.

"This is the service of Ryoma, the swordsman of Dragon Slasher. I want to stand in front of Kozuki Oden in my current image and ask what happened back then."

Will is not wearing this suit because of his handsome clothes. He wants to replace the master and go to the country to seek justice.

For the fact that the ancestor is Ryoma, it has always been the pride of his master, so Will also cares about this, and chooses Ryoma's clothes.

"It always feels like something is missing."

Tillman looked up Will up and down, and finally stared at Will's scattered hair, only to realize Will's hairstyle was wrong.

"Will, you'd better tie your hair up. It’s easier to sneak in with that kind of image."

Will feels that Tillman makes sense. The master’s hair has always It is tied into a ponytail.

I found a black rope casually and tied up my hair.

If you have seen the image of Ryoma, you will surely criticize out in surprise if you see the image of Will now.

"It's okay now."

Tillman took another look, shook the head.

"Shoes won’t work, I’ll help you prepare them."

Soon, Tillman brought two pairs of wooden slippers, one pair of flip-flops with a wooden bottom. The other pair is at the foot, with two planks.

Will glanced at these weird shoes, feeling that they might not wear well, so he picked up the wooden flip-flops on the side, which seemed to be the same slippers as Luffy.

In this way, Will's appearance has changed drastically.

"My current appearance will not be recognized in the'Country of Harmony', right."

Will is not unreasonably worried, the'Country of Harmony' is indeed closed. But there is a kind of bird in the world called news bird.

Even if'Hanoguchi' is closed again, it will not block the entry of news birds. If even the news is closed, it is an act of courting death.

Some major events, "Wano Country" are learned through newspapers.

Will is also considered a celebrity in the world because he often participates in big and small wars.

"This may be true. After all, according to our intelligence, although the'Kuni of Won' is backward, it also has the habit of reading newspapers, and your face may be very famous."

Others may still need makeup, but Will doesn’t use it. He takes out the transparent mask made by Tusky and puts it on the lower half of his face.

Will's appearance immediately changed slightly, as long as he was not very familiar with him, he could not be recognized at all.

"Will, I have always been curious about what is in your pocket watch, including famous knives, good wines, potions, and even tools for disguising. This kind of storage equipment is really enviable. ."

This is also true. Although Will’s pocket watch has some flaws, it can be regarded as a Pirate version of the storage space.

This is not mysticism, but the result of science plus Devil Fruit. Although Will doesn’t know whether Devil Fruit is mystic or not.

"If you get a large frog Devil Fruit, I can help you make the same tool in the future. This is the Devil Fruit item.

Starting, I should also go to'和之The country is now."

Will looked at the faintly discernible island in the distance. There is the country of harmony, the hometown of the master.

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