In the underground harbor, large groups of toys are carrying goods, and scattered members of the'Donquixote Pirates' are standing nearby.

The large lifting machinery is operating, making a buzzing noise, and Pirates with different dresses are negotiating the price of weapons with the staff of'Donquixote Pirates'.

Usopp led the troop of villains, and just wanted to be just and honourable into the cadre tower, a team of fully armed guards came around the corner.

Said it was too late and it was fast, everyone unexpectedly hid behind a container with lightning speed.

This is completely an instinctive reaction. After arriving at'Dressrosa', Usopp and Robin became nervous.

The former is simply because of timidity, while the latter is fear of Will.

As for the Little Human Race, because Doffy has been oppressed for a long time before, there is also an instinctive fear of Doffy's troops.

Usopp poked out his head carefully behind the container. After finding that the guard had gone far away, Usopp relaxed.

"It's okay, let's use the previous strategy. It's too dangerous here. We have to have a strategy."

The aggressive imposing manner before squad has disappeared, and we are beginning to be cautious. stand up.

"Then act according to plan."

Leo, the head of Little Human Race, took out a grape-like pill.

Leo is an Ability User, but Little Human Race's intelligence is very backward, and has not been in contact with the outside world for a long time, so he does not know that it is a fruit ability, which is called thaumaturgy.

As for Leo took out the blue grape-like pill, it was made from'Tabasco pepper' and then specially made into a grape-like pill.

'Tabasco pepper' Will has the honor to have eaten once, it is a very expensive and rare pepper.

After Will ate a small piece of'Tabasco Peppers', his feeling at the time was that the sky was spinning. No, it was spinning. He was almost in shock.

Little Human Race also did experiments when making this pepper ball. All the fifty people who participated in the experiment were stunned, and 18 of them almost died.

As for why the hot sauce balls are made into grapes, it is because Little Human Race wants to put this pepper ball in the basket of grapes in the sugar hand without paying attention to the sugar.

As long as granulated sugar eats this pepper ball, granulated sugar will be faint, because granulated sugar is very afraid of spicy.

In fact, Little Human Race estimated something wrong. Not only will the sugar be stunned, but it will definitely die.

I'm afraid that spicyness is the Innate defect of sugar. For this kind of spicy taste, sugar has an allergic reaction.

Will once saw the use of chili by mistake with sugar. Normal people can fully accept the spiciness of sugar, but the sugar has a strong allergic reaction.

For half a month, granulated sugar can walk normally. After a month and a half, granulated sugar returned to normal, but the gastric mucosa was slightly damaged, and no irritating food was allowed.

After that, Will let him go, whoever dared to let sugar eat pepper by mistake, he would peel off the other party's skin!

The servant who delivered the food was shot to death by Baby-5 indiscriminately in front of Will and Doffy.

So, if granulated sugar eats this'Tabasco Pepper Ball', it will definitely die. Even if there is Tusky rescue, it may not be able to save it in time.

Leo hugged the pepper ball and rushed towards the cadre tower with the expectation of everyone.

After the Little Human Race unfolded at full speed, there was a complete afterimage.

If Will is awake now, he must be able to perceive Leo, but he is already asleep.

Will sleeps very heavily, unless someone comes within three meters of him and comes into contact with the electromagnetic barrier he placed in the vicinity, otherwise he will not wake up.

"Whooh~." With a slight air-splitting sound, Leo put the'hot sauce ball' in the basket in the hands of granulated sugar.

That'pepper ball' is no different from other grapes, both in color and shape.

After seeing this scene, Usopp, who was hiding on the side, was a little shocked. He was shocked by the speed of the little Human Race. At the same time, he was delighted that the plan was so smooth.

After Leo put the hot sauce balls into the basket, he also hid in the distance and watched.

Sugar is still eating grapes silently. Although she can't see Little Human Race in her sight, sugar has a feeling. There is an extra grape in the basket in her hand.

Although the body refinement of granulated sugar is very weak, Will has done special training on granulated sugar and used his intuition to perceive super-fast enemies. For this reason, granulated sugar suffered a lot.

So the behavior of Little Human Race has been vaguely guessed by Sugar.

There is an extra'poison' in the basket, and someone wants to kill her.

After this kind of conjecture appeared in Sugar's mind, she immediately thought of the upcoming Little Human Race.

I glanced at Will who was sleeping, Sugar did not wake up Will, and continued to eat grapes sweetly, grape sugar’s favorite food.

Sugar looked down at the extra'poison', picked up the'poison', and took a closer look.

"It's so realistic." He whispered softly, and the sugar threw the poison on the ground.

After throwing out the'poison', the sugar stopped eating grapes, and the finger was contaminated with the'poison'. If you touch the grapes with your fingers and eat it, you may be poisoned.

The'poison' fell to the ground and stopped after a certain distance on the smooth ground.


Leo shouted and walked out from behind the bunker.

The sugar did not eat the chili balls, the Little Human Race plan completely failed, and there is no need to continue hiding.

Usopp, after hearing Leo’s yelling, frightened the soul flew away and scattered, subconsciously wanted to escape, but the situation outside the cadre tower was unknown, Usopp did not dare to run directly.

Leo glanced at the other companions around him, other little Human Race nodded, and agreed with Leo's idea.

A large group of small Human Race rushed out behind the bunker, and Leo picked up the'pepper ball' by the way.

The little Human Race is directly exposed to the sugar, facing the sugar. In the little Human Race’s impression, the sugar’s combat effectiveness is almost non-existent, but this is not the case.

With a monster like Will by his side, will sugar really be completely useless?

"Surrender, sugar, our'Dongtata clan' will never be deceived by you again, and will no longer grow'artificial Devil Fruit'.

And'Sabaody' Archipelago'The high auction price of the small Human Race is also your ghost, we will never be bullied by the big human again, we have to be independent.

Today we are going to make you faint completely. , Obediently surrender, sugar!" Leo’s words let Sugar understand why Little Human Race was rebelled, mainly because'Sabaody Archipelago' acquired Little Human Race at a high price.

"Passed out? Uh~, we didn't buy the'Little Human Race'."

Sugar looked at the little Human Race in front of him in a puzzled manner, with the expression of sugar, and cooperated with her. That immature face is very cute.

"Hey~?? Really?"

Many little Human Race cried out in surprise, looking at the sugar in disbelief.

"If this is the case, then forget it."

The shortcomings of the little Human Race's personality are undoubtedly exposed, and it is too easy to trust others.

"Forget it, don't be fooled by her." Usopp hid in the dark and shouted in a low voice.

"Good risk, I was almost cheated."

Compared with sugar, Little Human Race believes in Usop more. After all, the level of lying between the two is as different as heaven and earth.

The big liar Usopp is completely the natural enemy of the little Human Race. If Usopp is malicious towards the little Human Race, he can wipe out the little Human Race with a single mouth.

The sugar changed one hand to drag the bamboo basket, and the other hand picked up a grape, put it in the mouth, and said in a vague voice:

"Who is pointing you Yes, how stupid you guys would find that you were cheated~, it really surprised me."

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