While Minister Zuo was discussing how to deal with Will with Neptune, Will had already entered Dragon Palace.

Leaving Nami on Fishman Island, Will enters Dragon Palace alone.

Relying on the ability of "Zhuying", Will enters and exits Dragon Palace, just like his own back garden. Those Fishman guards can't find Will at all.

Kenbunshoku Haki envelops Dragon Palace. The details of Dragon Palace are investigated by Will.

"Are you there."

This time in Dragon Palace, Will did not come to Neptune to settle accounts. Time is running out. He will ignore the Fishman for the time being. His goal is Shirahoshi. .

In Kenbunshoku Haki's perception, Shirahoshi is like a firefly in the night sky.

The cyan breath of the sea represents a powerful weapon,'Sea King Poseidon'.

However, Shirahoshi didn't meet Luffy, nor did he encounter what happened afterwards, so'Sea King' was still half asleep.

Will went straight to the hard shell tower. After arriving at the hard shell tower, he caught the sight of him, and then he browsed frowned.

All kinds of weapons, inserted near the hard shell tower, on the door, and on the nearby walls, are riddled with holes.

Furthermore, Shirahoshi is still hiding in the hard shell tower, which also means that Van der Deyken IX is not dead. If that is the case, things will be a little troublesome.

Vander Deyken IX Will doesn’t care, but if Shirahoshi’s ability is still half-awakened and he can’t actively summon the giant Sea King class, his plan will also fall through.

But I still see Shirahoshi first. Besides, if the other party really doesn't wake up'Sea King', then Will will help Shirahoshi'force' wake up.


The sound of Will pushing open the door of the hard shell tower surprised the guard at the door.

'Jueying' can only shield the perception of others, and cannot be invisible, so the guard found Will.

"Who, stop..."

The guard's words were not finished yet, Will stared slightly, Haoshoku Haki let out, and the two guards turned white and collapsed to the ground.

Will’s Haoshoku Haki can already be used skillfully, but he can only use this trick to deal with miscellaneous fish.

In the hard shell tower, it is pitch black, and only even breathing sounds and a faint fragrance can be heard.

Shirahoshi is sleeping soundly in the bed with long pale pink hair and long fish tail.

Will leaped up and jumped directly onto Shirahoshi's body.

There was a soft touch under the feet, and it turned out that Will jumped on Shirahoshi's chest.

"Get up."

An icy voice spread through the hard shell tower, and Shirahoshi, who was sleeping, suddenly opened those big eyes.

"pa." The light was turned on, and the inside of the hard shell tower was bright.

"Who is on him."

A slight trembling sound came from under Will.

Although the location where Will stood was very sensitive to Shirahoshi, Shirahoshi did not dare to move at all.

Natural enemies!

Shirahoshi can feel that the creatures on her give her the feeling of a natural enemy.

"Who the hell are you, please don't stand on them, they are so scared."

Will standing on Shirahoshi's body clearly felt Shirahoshi's body trembling.

"Don’t be nervous, I’m not here to kill you and answer a few questions."

Will’s tone is relatively calm, like Shirahoshi, a cowardly soft girl, as long as she can be satisfied He will not embarrass the other party for his request.

Bullying such a "little demon" is not what Will wants to do. If Shirahoshi had not been the Sea King, Will would not even come to see him.

Is Shirahoshi really beautiful? For Fishman, perhaps Shirahoshi is very beautiful.

For Will, he doesn't feel that way at all.

It's not that Shirahoshi is not beautiful. Shirahoshi is naturally beautiful, but it is too huge. This hugeness makes Will not interested in Shirahoshi.

Will is not a giant, he only likes women of the same size, Shirahoshi is not his type at all.

"Can you summon the giant Sea King class now."

Shirahoshi hesitated, maybe Will gave her the feeling too terrifying, so Shirahoshi immediately answered Will’s question .

"What kind of summon Sea King, I don't have that ability."

I heard Shirahoshi's answer, Will brows tightly knit.

"Try to remember, you used to summon when you were young."

Shirahoshi shook the head, saying that he didn't understand what Will said.

"I really don't know how to summon Sea King, I won't lie to people."

"Is that right, then I will help you."

Scarlet mist, spouting out of Will, he no longer hides his breath.

Shirahoshi was enveloped by immense fear, Shirahoshi opened his eyes wide and let out a scream.


It may be because of excessive fear, a strange wavelength radiated in Shirahoshi's body.

"Sure enough, it is the same as imagined."

Shirahoshi's Sea King ability has actually been awakened, but Shirahoshi has been hiding in the hard shell tower and has no chance to use this ability. .


The whistling sound came from a distance. It was a giant Sea King type nearby, which was coming by Shirahoshi summon.

Although summon has come to the giant Sea King category, Will did not hunt directly.

Will needs a lot of life force. If only a small amount of Sea King is used for summon, it is impossible to get too much life force, so you need to bring Shirahoshi.

As for whether Shirahoshi is obedient, Will has never considered, Shirahoshi must be obedient!

"Stop yelling."

Will breaks for a while, Shirahoshi quickly covers his mouth.

"wu wu ~~."

The tearful Shirahoshi is very pitiful.

"Remember the feeling just now, follow me out, in the vicinity Sea Territory summon Sea King category."

Will jumped off Shirahoshi and prepared to take Shirahoshi out of the hard shell tower.

"No way, if I leave the hard shell tower, I will die immediately."

The naive Shirahoshi is still afraid of Van der Deyken IX.

"Don't talk nonsense, follow me."

Shirahoshi was crying, because he was so afraid of Will that he could only follow Will.

At this moment, a short-handled double-edged axe flew quickly from a distance. The double-edged axe drew an arc in the air and flew into the hard shell tower in the crack of the door.

Shirahoshi was frightened by the sudden flying double-edged axe, and stood still.

Lightning flashed, and Will's silhouette disappeared from Shirahoshi's sight.

When Will reappeared, there was already a double-edged axe in his hand.

All of this is just blue light flashed in Shirahoshi's eyes.

"First solve the guy who hides his head and reveals his tail."

Will injected lightning on the double-edged axe, then his arm muscles slightly bulged, stepped on his waist, and threw the double-edged axe with all his strength. out.

While high-speed rotation, the double-edged axe turned into a blue shadow, penetrated the hard shell tower directly, and flew in one direction.


Everything that blocked the double-edged axe was chopped apart, the buildings of the Dragon Palace, the seabed corals, and even some unlucky marine creatures. .

The double-edged axe flew out from Will’s direction in a straight line and flew straight to Van der Deyken IX.

The location of Van der Deyken IX is not too far away from Dragon Palace, so it was locked by Will’s Kenbunshoku Haki.

Vander Deyken IX, who was originally proud, is preparing his next weapon and wants to continue his attack on Shirahoshi.

But Van der Deeken IX suddenly felt something wrong, and a terrifying whistling sound hit his residence.

"pu chi."

The double-edged axe directly split Van der Deyken IX into two, with internal organs scattered all over the floor.

The Van der Deyken IX, who had harassed Shirahoshi for ten years, died today. He was so embarrassed that he did not even know who killed him.

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