One Piece: Tale Of An Unparalleled Legend

Chapter 21 - 21 marines are always right

the fleet admiral instantly sent Volta's and SENGOKU to go to sabody and apprehend them ,he also sent 3,000 marines of high rank to them too.

Randey also got ready with all his forces except around 4,000 so there were 319,000 soldiers and they were all marching towards the venue of the auction .

XEBEC looked at Lincoln and calmy said

XEBEC -brat buggle just Said Volta's ,SENGOKU and randy the righteous is coming with it ,oh yeah they have an army of 19,000

Lincoln just looked at his captain in a serious expression and then grinned his battle intent blasting out of him and destroying a part of the hall and seeing the maniac grin askansa and newgate just sighed loudly .

askansa - blondie are you sure he isnt xebecs long lost love child ?


askansa - hopeless fuċks

XEBEC all of a sudden smirked and looked down at the kid and left along with Newgate and askansa they also understood his intentions.

Lincoln was confused at first then he all of a sudden understood .

giant warships were sailing over to the island and the numbers were huge .

there were 20 warships and all of them had decent strength with 2 individuals standing out .while on land a huge amount of marines were heading towards his location with several above average strength people and a single person standing out .

Lincoln waited for everyone to gather and in an instant he blocked a sword with his forearm and pushed it back .

the person who attacked was admiral Volta's and SENGOKU could be seen behind him.

Volta's - surrender or die !!!

Lincoln - oh ? why are you fighting me shouldn't you be destroying the auction hall ?? or are you protecting those weaklings and allowing people to be slaved ? how do you feel about that SENGOKU is that right ?!

Randy - brat the marines are always right !!!

CHEERS (the marines supported him and cheered )

despite all this talk voltas and SENGOKU didn't put Thier guard down .they knew the person before them is a powerhouse that can shake the world and to not underestimate him like randy is doing .

Lincoln didn't take well to Randy's answer and frowned his eyes gained a cold glint and his blue eyes gained a bit of red colour .

Lincoln blasted his haki on the soldiers killing 100,000 of them in one go . with that the weaklings were done

Randy was in rage and he Jumped towards Lincoln and punched him in the gut but Lincoln countered by punching his face and sending him flying back .

voltas charged up gas particles and infused ki and haki in them surrounding his sword and he leapt towards Lincoln ,SENGOKU turned into the bhudda and concentrated a shockwave attack on his palms and infused ki in them .Lincoln ate up both the attacks but before they could retreat used his masamune to cut Thier torso .

then he crouched and let out another attack before they could get too far

it is a pink coloured ki balst that allows concentrated petals of ki on huge scale.this is an instant kill for all people below vice admiral tier 7 .

the attack gave SENGOKU a lot of small wounds but voltas and randy only had a few scratches .but 50,000 marines were killed in that attack and a huge part of the land was in craters

Randy then coated his hand in haki and ki and jumped towards Lincoln ,his hand set on fire and gained a dark look while voltas and SENGOKU also moved voltas went beside and SENGOKU went behind Lincoln and attacked.

Lincoln deflected Randy's attack and it hit SENGOKU and punched voltas in the stomach and redirected his sword over his head and letting it cut off Randy's hand .

randy cried out loud by losing his hand and leapt back so did the others while they leapt back marines who were tier 7 vice admirals came forward and fought with Lincoln .

Lincoln took out his Naginata and swung it again and again every time it swung 5 heads came off .he blocked and swung and when 50 of them came together he pulled out his sword and swung it killing them all .

voltas and randy were done with Thier attacks and they sorued towards Lincoln .randy took out his saber and coated it in ki ,haki and observation haki .randy coated his giant sword in haki ,ki, battle intent and observation haki.




the attack collision completely destroyed all the surroundings and killed around 65,000 soldiers.

randy had lost his life and voltas was hurt very badly his clothes were torn and scars were formed due to the attack his arms were scorched and his body was on the verge of being unconscious.sengoku was in an even dangerous condition his palms ,legs and arms were all scorched and his bones were twisted to a weird angle.

Lincoln had a huge wound on his pelts and on his thɨġh and he was panting heavily but not to be unconscious.

LINCOLN then stood up staright breathed a huge breath and took his fist back and charged his ki on the fist while coating it with all sorts of haki and intent.

L- void filling punch

the punch creates a vaccummin the air and brought the soldiers together into a ball and the vaccum concentrated ki on a point when the Ret of the army was in a ball the ki ball exploded making a hole in the island and killing all the people that came after him except SENGOKU and voltas ,whereas SENGOKU will be fine after a month or two of medication voltas will never get better because he lost his hand and leg in the fight and his eyes were blinded

Lincoln then lost consciousness ,seeing the result from far away was TUNTUN the helmsmen captain . he just sighed and swam over to Lincoln along with the ship doctor GRELLIO using grellios devil fruit called swift swift fruit they brought Lincoln to the ship where the people just looked at Lincoln with gaping mouths and all having the same thought

'remind me not to piss off this motherfucker '

Lincoln woke up the next day itself,if it was someone else it would have taken atleast. a week that's how serious his injuries were.

Lincoln just sat on a barrel and looked towards the sea when TANAR SLARBIN came towards him and nudged him in the shoulder

SLARBIN - hey linc don't say the crazy fuċkers in the crew is getting to your head sasasasasassasa!!!

Lincoln just smiled and then sighed

lincoln - my strength has hit a bar , the maximum potential that I can gain with my current body so I was just thinking of how to better my sword intent as spear intent.

SLARBIN - huh ? dude you want be even stronger ? who will you fight dude you'll just kill everyone with a look SASASASASAASAsa!!

Lincoln just smiled and slrbin left to take care of the drunk crewmates and kill some fuċks

Lincoln looked at the descending sun and realized that he hadn't done his excercises recently and he had been fighting nonstop . so Lincoln decided that he will allow others to take care of the small enemies while he forms his second cycle of ki( when ki is cultivated for 60 years or gains mastery of ki / greater pool and control over a period that in normal circumstances should only take 60 years )

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