One Piece: Tale Of An Unparalleled Legend


it was a bright and lovely day and every one would have. a normal day of not for the clash that was about to happen between the marines and the notorious rocks pirates .

the fleet admiral tried Thier best to prevent the celestial dragons from going to the god valley but they were insistent even after learning of the rocks pirates are nearby .

so a thousand celestial dragons in Thier ships representating Thier houses were guarded by 63,000 humungous warships and the other ships numbered almost 200,000 warships of the same size were in formation for extra peecaution ,there were 125 marines on every ship and there were 31,500 ,000 marines in total 10 million were to split and wait as back up for the rest .

the 21 houses had 21 humungous ships decked out with all the gold and luxurious money can buy and beneath the deck and cabins were slaves pushing the motor to steer the ship and go faster ,these were celestial dragons slaves and marines also had them they were the marine corp voluntary help corporate but in reality they were slaves bought in bulk from islands that were buster called .

All these troops were headed to gods valley to protect the celestial dragons while they fight the rocks pirates .

at the nearest ships to the C.Ds are the admirals and the tier 10 vice admiral .

Kong the gorilla

Jennings the hunter

and the previous tier 10 vice admiral Shansi elinior of the unbreakable.

the tier 10 vice admiral are

2.BO HALFDAN -. a 90 meter giant who ate the slime slime fruit , a logia .uses a spiked ball and a shield as weapons

3.hangman Darjil - a talk lanky man with baggy eyes and pale skin he ate the hang hang fruit which can make a while crowd of people suffocate and die and upon dying a rope mark will form on Thier neck , because he awakened it he can stop oxygen from flowing from one part to the other by stopping certain viens by roping them.

4.leather weaver Maria - she is a old woman in her late 60s but her strength hasn't diminished .she ate the leather leather paramecia fruit .

5.paper maker femdie - ate the paper paper special paramecia fruit can turn into a paper man and can control trees and turn land into paper due to awakening it.

6. rocky Ginny - ate the rock rock fruit can control all types of rocks except poneglyhs which aren't exactly rocks . he is 18 feet tall with a long beard and rugged body .

7.zerry jel - ate the leaf leaf fruit expert in ki and observation haki and armament haki.

8. saathim sarkil - from a fallen sect that preches absolute power over all and is one of the strongeat among the vice admirals of tier 10 master of ki attacks and user of the earth tearer hammer .

9. red sabretooth Leia - ate the ancient Zoan fruit of sabretooth ,she turns into a red sabretooth standing 50 feet tall and is swift as a snake .uses claws and sound to detroy enemies and opponents.

10. tin kevna - ate the tin tin fruit and master of ki and haki attacks .

the journey towards to the god valley island takes a month and this moment the rocks pirates are going through Thier final preparations.

a month later

the huge armada of ships were seen defending a set of 21 ships and on the opposing side were around 17,000 ships and on both sides were imposing people on the front of Thier ships ,on one side were tall buff marines with a serious face .while on the other side were people grinning like madmen and getting ready for the fight .

on the marines side were the roger pirates , lighting dragon pirates and the pristine pirates .lead by gol .d.roger , lernado fornachi and Micheal .d.kristine with Thier armies too .

kong : shiki and the ones who accepted change sides. !!!

all of them looked at shiki , while he grinned and appeared on the marines side along with John , wang zhi , kaido and linlin along with Thier division cutting off almost 15,000 people from the count

XEBEC just looked at the ones who betrayed and laughed maniacally .at that time all the ones let off Thier haki making the sky tremble and seas shake .


before the marines could do anything Thier view started to change the ship's started going upward and sideways and was about to turn over ,the reason was because Newgate changes the waves and did his latitude attack.

he occupied fornachi and Kristine while killing massive amounts of marines .

Newgate fought roger ,garp and SENGOKU

rocks fought all the admirals and the tier 10 vice admirals some Also joined to fight against Newgate


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