One Piece Talent System

Chapter 10: Soliciting Robin

Naval headquarters.

Doberman's office.


Doberman slaps on the desk and shakes the hard wooden table out of the cracks. The whole person stands up directly and his face is full of anger.

"He thought he was who?"

"Hurricane! It’s crazy!"

Although there are countless thieves in the sea, he has handled many ferocious pirates as lieutenant generals of the navy, but there are not many rumors about the naval headquarters, and most of them come from the new world.

A small ghost in the West Sea, dare to say so arrogantly, really can't be lawless!

"Lieutenant General Doberman, the strength of this ghost hand Rhodes is no longer the long-term disposal of the branches of the West Sea, how to deal with it?"

Stoloberg stood at Doberman's desk and asked with a cold expression.

If he had some sympathy for Rhodes at the beginning, then his sympathy turned into anger after Rhodes killed Moby and yelled at the Navy’s high-level officials.

Doberman breathed two times and pressed the anger in his heart. The cold road said: "Notify all the branch bases of the West Sea, and list the ghosts of Rhodes as a list of dangerous pirates, and submit them to the branches and bases. deal with!"


Stoloberg nodded quietly.

The base of the various branches of the West Sea is different from the colonel of the branch. The ranks are all majors of the branch, and a large number of branch generals are all delegated to the four seas. The strength is sufficient to suppress the sea area. .


In the face of the behemoth and the world government, all the arguments are in vain. Compared with Rhodes, the people are obviously more likely to believe in the world government and the navy, and believe in the government's news report.

The Navy represents the world government, enough to easily distort the facts and reverse black and white in the world.



That is useless.

So from the moment the Navy Colonel Moby rioted, Rhodes had already made a decision. Since the Navy’s top officials decided to smear him as a pirate, he could not take the name of the pirates and let those navies Disappointed!

In order to quickly defeat the Navy Colonel Moby, Rhodes pointed out the paper in the Navy's six styles. Although it took a little free talent point, the effect was also significant, and quickly killed Moby, did not fall into In the situation surrounded by the navy.

After rushing out of the Navy Division, Rhodes came to the south bank of the island, where his boat was docked.

"I don't know how the navy will declare my crimes."

Rhodes rowed off the coast and looked at the innocent sea and shook his head.

never mind.

From today, he is the captain of the Ghosts and Pirates.

"After today, the Navy will probably improve my reward. I will encircle and hunt down in the West Sea. I may even send a major general and a fleet. If I run around without intelligence, it is easy to fall into ambush and encirclement."

Rhodes was a little addicted.

Since it has become a pirate, it has to face the navy's heavy pursuit. It is obviously impossible to rely on a small boat. He needs a ship of the lowest medium-sized and above, and needs various information.

For him, if you want to become stronger, there are two routes, one is to cultivate yourself, the other is to kill pirates, and the same is needed to hunt pirates.


The first crew member he needed became very clear and clear, hiding in the dark underground world, knowing a lot of intelligence... Nicole Robin.

"Then, go to Geercheng."


Geer City.

Underground intelligence organization base.

Nicole Robin is standing at a desk, sorting out and memorizing the information on the table. She passed the archaeological doctoral exam at the age of eight, and her memory and analytical skills are almost unquestionable.

In the months of working for this intelligence organization, no matter how complicated the information she can quickly remember, and as soon as she asks, she can answer it immediately, almost unforgettable.

"All recorded."

Robin put down the last note, closed his eyes slightly, and then opened it again in a few seconds, and nodded at Troon sitting behind his desk.

Tren picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, go and burn these intelligence documents."

Niko Robin, the devil's son who has a bounty of up to 79 million Pele, is also a small risk to him, but Robin's ability in intelligence processing really makes him extremely satisfied.

Otherwise, he had already thrown Robin to the Navy and received a bounty.

Robin grabbed the piece of paper on the table and walked aside, quickly disposing of the information and then returned to his desk.

"If you remember correctly, you should be sixteen now."

Tronn looked at Robin with a teacup.


Robin nodded.

Telun rested leisurely on the back of the chair, and his mouth slightly raised a slight degree of curvature. He said: "It’s a good age. If it’s not a reward of seventy-nine million Baileys, it’s a perfect assistant.”

Robin was silent.

Tronn looked at Robin's appearance and slowly lowered the teacup. "In addition to organizing the information, what else would you do and dance?"


Robin shook his head.

"That was so boring..." Tronn stood up, his eyes on Robin's body, and slowly walked over, reaching out two rough fingers, trying to greet Robin's chin.

Robin’s face changed slightly and he took a half step back.

Seeing that Robin let go, the fingers couldn't touch it, and Troon's movements were slightly stunned, and his face's interest subsided. He took back his fingers in the air and carried his hands, revealing a glimmer of gaze, saying:

"Take off the clothes, Nicole Robin."


Robin stunned.

Tren saw Robin's hair, slightly a little more tone, said: "I let you take off your clothes, you didn't hear it?"

"This requirement..."

Robin's pupils shrank and took a step back. I didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

She was rewarded from the age of eight and was hiding in the underground world for eight years. She has seen too much darkness for so many years, but this situation is the first time I encountered it today.

"What? You have to defy my orders?"

When Tren saw Robin back, he couldn't help but sink his face. "What can you do? Is this what you said? I took the risk of a huge reward of 79 million Bailey to take over your !"


As soon as Teren mentioned the reward of 79 million Bailey, Robin’s expression changed and his teeth bit his lip.

It is because of such a high amount of bounty that she has been hiding in Tibet for eight years. In order to survive, she has tried her best. If it is not her calmness and wisdom far beyond ordinary people, it is impossible to survive to the present.

In order to survive, she can do her best.

This kind of humiliation can be seen before, but it is her unbearable.

Which is more important for survival and dignity?

She bite harder and harder, her teeth are deeply embedded in her lips, I don’t know when I bit my lip, and the red blood drops slowly.

Turner looked at Robin's look, but revealed a good expression, and for him it was just boring to have some fun.

"Look at your appearance, it seems that you haven't experienced it yet? It's really too bad. Your high bounty can be caught by the Navy at any time. Once caught, there is no chance of experience."


Robin is silent, and it is so difficult for her to survive. Is it difficult to give up the last dignity?

Just in the heart of Robin, there was a sad砰!

The door made of oak suddenly slammed and was forcibly pushed away from the outside. The door lock collapsed directly, and the wood chips splashed around.


Tronn, who was observing the Robin reaction, was suddenly interrupted by this voice, and could not help but reveal the color of anger and turned to look at the door.

Rhodes came in from the door. He arrived half a minute ago. Because the door was locked, he waited a little. He didn't expect to meet the unexpected.

"It's you?"

Troon saw Rhodes and suddenly raised his brow.

"Broken your door, I think you should not mind."

Under the gaze of Robin and Troon, Rhodes went to the field and looked at Robin.

"It’s not very happy to see you here. Would you like to change your status and be my crew?"

Rhodes has always disliked turning around, and Robin is a smart person. In the immediate situation, he only needs to give a choice.

When he heard Rhodes, Robin had not reacted yet, and Troon opened his face with a gloomy face.

"Ghost Hand Rhodes, what do you mean by this, intend to dig my assistant in front of me?"


Rhodes calmly responded, and ‘Yes,’ let Tron sigh in the mouth.

"So, what do you mean? Nicole Robin." Rhodes looked at Robin.

Robin gave a glimpse.

This is the first time that someone took the initiative to pull her into the gang.

Even though Robin is still very young today, the calm and calm mentality is still far more than her peers and ordinary people. She analyzed the current situation in less than a second and then nodded calmly.

"I am honored to do something for you, Captain Rhodes."

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