One Piece Talent System

Vol 2 Chapter 152: Escape


There was a roar on the ground, the golden light burst, and several buildings were smashed.

After hammering the scorpion from the sky, Rhodes did not hesitate, twisting the light and twisting the sound at the same time, and the whole person disappeared silently into the sky, and the head did not return to the distance.

Hello, Huang Hao, see you again.

"Cough! Cough!!"

In a burst of golden light, Huang Qi recovered his form, and he coughed violently, and his mouth was still overflowing with a trace of blood. He was completely angry.

Even if he had dealt with the Four Emperors, he had never suffered such a loss.

I noticed that Rhodes had escaped, and Huang Yan was immersed in an old face. The whole person suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed to the sky, and rushed to Rhodes.

"Is such a bad thing, do you want to leave it?"

Hey! Hey!

Huang Wei's speed is extremely fast, even if Rhodes has already flown far away in advance, but it is still being quickly caught up, but Rhodes is not afraid, pulling out the famous knife spring music at the waist, a sword out.

"Twisted Sword!"

On the top of the sword, a force of distortion visible to the naked eye was condensed, and then under the sword of Rhodes, it suddenly appeared in a line and slanted toward the jaundice.

The golden light of Huang Qi’s body was slightly swayed, his hands trembled, and a golden sword was turned into a sneak peek at Rhodes.

"Heavens from Yunjian!"


Distorted with the laser colliding in the air, another violent explosion.

Rhodes faced the jaundice, holding Spring Music in both hands, rushing to the jaundice, and at the same time, the body continued to retreat under the force of twisting gravity and the moon.

Huang Wei flashed in a staggered twist and sniper. In the end, he was able to break through Rhodes's block and came to Rhodes with a stronger than Rhodes' ability and domineering.


The golden sky slammed from the Yunjian and collided with the spring music in the hands of Rhodes. After a stalemate in the air for a second, Rhodes’s twisting power collapsed and the whole person fell to the bottom.

In midair, Rhodes turned to traverse.


Huang Wei turned into a golden light to catch up and kicked hard.

Rhodes kicked back with a punch.

During the collision between the fists and kicks, Rhodes flew out again, in the air, he used the twisted gravity to shift direction, and continued to fly toward the coast, while holding the spring music in his right hand.

"Eight feet Qionggou jade."

In the face of the sniper that Rhodes slashed in front of him, his hands were in front of him, and the sky clumps of clouds became golden photons disappeared. At the same time, his arms were interlaced, and countless lasers were turned into a laser.

Boom! boom! boom! !

The laser of Bajiong Qiongyu directly included all the large areas in the attack range. Every laser fell on the earth, and a roar broke out like a heavy artillery.

In the constant bombing, Rhodes's figure was slightly embarrassed and rushed out of the smoke. His cross sword was in front of him, and the clothes on his shoulders and legs were damaged.

"Twisted Strike!"

With both hands clasped in spring music, Rhodes swung a sword.

The twisting power of this sword directly appears in the form of a wide range of attacks, like the invisible tornado wind, where the void seems to be distorted.

Hey! Hey!

Huang Wei did not have a hard hit with Rhodes. Instead, he relied on speed and a rapid ascent. After avoiding a move by Rhodes, he paused for a moment in midair and turned to dive again.

The two chased one and fled, and soon they hit the coast.

"Yellow is coming, be prepared!"

Lafitte has returned to the ship. At this time, everyone has already noticed the battle between Rhodes and Huang Wei. Seeing that Jin Guang and Rhodes are getting closer and closer, they are all holding their breath.


Just as Rhodes arrived on the coast and Huang Qi was also in the range of Robin's flowering fruit, Robin broke his hand and his arms were staggered in front of him.

"Thirty rounds of flowers! Hooks!"

The flower fruit is the ability to morph the arm directly on all objects within a certain range. Although the speed of the jaundice is fast enough, the flowering of the flower fruit is ignoring the moving speed of the object.


The body of Astragalus instantly collapsed into golden light, and although the breath was not restored, the wrinkles on the old face became a little more.

In the hands of the childish, Robin was frozen in the ice, but the battle still made her armed color domineering a lot, although still weak, can not cause any substantial damage to Huang Wei , but still can play a little bit of effect.


Just as Robin interfered with the jaundice, Luo also mobilized his ability. The translucent cover instantly expanded, and Rhodes was enveloped in the cover, followed by a finger.


Rhodes' figure disappeared in the sky, and when he reappeared, he came to the ship, and the original Lodz was in a position where a bomb made by Lafitte appeared.

Huang Wei still maintains a horizontal kick position, and the bomb exploded in front of him.

"You don't have to send it away, Huang Wei."

Rhodes waved at the scorpion, and the twisting force was launched. The sea at the bottom of the ship splashed a huge wave, and the whole ship slammed into the sea.

In the face of youthfulness, it is almost useless to escape to the sea. The other party can freeze the sea in an instant, and even chase it down all the so it can only go up, but in the face of Huang Wei, the opposite is true. Running in the sky, will be killed all the way to death, to escape to the bottom of the sea is the right way.

Those who have the ability to sparkle fruit can't get to the sea, nor can they freeze the sea.

Huang Wei turned into golden light and rushed out of the explosion. It was also unexpected that Rhodes actually sank into the sea with a boat, but this was completely beyond his expectations.

The boat was not coated. Second, Rhodes used the twisting force to sink into the sea. It was much faster than the coating into the sea. Coupled with the interference of Robin and Luo and Lafitte, he failed. Blocked the first time.

He is not young and can't freeze the sea.

"Eight feet Qionggou jade!"

Looking at the sea, Huang Yan's old face is full of wrinkles, and his brow is completely squeezed together. In desperation, he can only intertwined his arms, releasing a wide range of attacks against the shipwreck into the sea, trying to I waited for someone to blast from the sea.

He was allowed to slam for nearly half a minute, and almost bombarded the nearby seawater, and he never saw any traces. He didn’t even find a boat.

The ability to enter the sea is self-seeking, but Rhodes is not an idiot and a fool. Since you choose to sink into the sea, it is definitely a way to survive under the sea.


Huang Yu turned into a golden light and returned to the shore, looking at the sea, his face showed an unprecedented distress.

He did not do anything at this time. He couldn't stop Rhodes from killing the dragons. He couldn't leave Rhodes, and even the crew of a ghost pirate group didn't catch it.

"This is... can't really explain it."

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