One Piece Talent System

Chapter 29: Baoshu Adam

"Several of you stay here to keep the ship."

When the ship docked at the port terminal, Rhodes gave a message to several of the handymen and took them with Robin.

Several handymen did not reveal any embarrassing expressions. Although they have strength, the ghost pirate flag hanging on the sails represents strength. There are not many unopened guys who dare to come to trouble.


Rhodes glanced at the many eyes that he had seen, the calm opening, and took Robin out of the port and headed for the interior of the country of flowers.

Although the country of flowers is a country of pirates, it is not the same as Hankook’s Nine Snake Island. It is not a country that makes a living by looting.

This country is one of the largest timber trading sites in the entire West Sea.

Walking into the interior of the flower country, you can see all kinds of handymen sweating and smashing the wooden logs of different colors and walking through the streets.

“Where is the ship trading?”

Rhodes casually found a short-clothed handyman, took out a silver coin from his arms, and flexed his finger, and the silver coin made a crisp sound, flipped a few laps in the air and fell back into his hand.

The ragsman saw the guns and swords hanging around Lodz's waist a little bit afraid, but when he saw the silver coins in the hands of Rhodes, his eyes immediately lit up and he said:

“The boat trade is on the South Bank, and here is the wood for the house.”


Roz's thumb flicked, and the silver coin flew again, letting it fall to the handyman, then took Robin and turned to the south bank.

Walking on the streets of the country of flowers, although it can not be said that pirates can be seen everywhere, but there are many people carrying guns and swords, but most of them are safe and stable.

Even if they appear in the street, they will soon be stopped by the guards of the country of flowers and brought to the open area for them to solve freely.

The country of flowers does not prevent foreign pirates from killing, but it is not allowed to fight in places where there are residents. It is necessary to fight in empty places and take them for free.

"To build a water force, it should be to maintain order."

Robin walked on the street and looked at the scene of the country of flowers.

The country of flowers is the area where timber is traded. Naturally, there will be a large number of pirates who need to ship the wood to trade here. The ordinary guards cannot survive the fierce pirates, and the establishment of a huge official pirate force is not the same. .

"It seems that it should be like this, so the world is sick, and the government and the navy have nothing to do with this place, let it go."

Rhodes slightly ridiculed the opening.

The pirates are cancers, and the world government and the navy are also cancers. They only maintain order and not justice, and justice and order are completely different.

Along the way, there were not many people who didn’t open their eyes and dared to provoke Rhodes and Robin. The identity of the son of Robin’s devil was recognized by many pirates, but they saw the pirates walking in front of Robin. They have shrunk their necks.

In the rumor, where the ghost hand Rhodes went, no matter whether it is a pirate or a navy, it is one of the most dangerous existences of the West Sea.


Rhodes and Robin came to the South Bank.

The scene here is completely different from the West Bank. The large amount of wood piled up everywhere, many of them are extremely large. It is not something that ordinary people can resist. More than a dozen people can’t move together.

Occasionally, people carry the boat wood, and they are all under the giant wood with wheels and trolleys, and then a group of people push together to the beach.

"It's a ghost hand Rhodes!"

Someone here still recognizes Rhodes, and many pirates are shocked. They are hiding from the side, and no one wants to be killed by the guy who is murdered by Rhodes.

The pirates escaped, but some people took the initiative to rely on them. They were a hunchback old man. He was one of the people who sold the boat here.

"Do you want to have two ships? We have the best boat wood for making keels and masts, and what types are there."

"Take me a look."

Rhodes did not know much about the boat, but Robin learned more about it. He knew a little about the knowledge of the boat and could talk to the old man on the hunchback.

The old man with a hunchback led Rhodes and pointed his finger at a few huge pieces of wood. He said, "That is red oak, there is iron thorn wood, and there is iron sandalwood here..."

"The speed-based ship, what boat wood is best?"

Rhodes looked at a few huge pieces of wood and asked without question.

The hunchback old man heard the words and said without thinking: "If the speed is the main thing, of course, the light sailboat made of iron pear wood is the best. The mast can use iron sandalwood, which can withstand the huge wind."

Rhodes thought a little and looked at Robin next to him and continued to ask: "What kind of wood is needed for a ship of about forty meters."

"Forty meters?"

The old man with a hunchback laughed and said: "That's really great. I just entered a few matching goods. The price is very cheap. Together with the mast, as long as nine million Bailey, do you want to take a look. ?"

"Nine million Bailey?"

Rhodes took a moment and stopped.

The hunchback old man is embarrassed: "This price is already very cheap..."

"No, it's not too expensive, but it's too Rhodes interrupted the hunchback old man, put a hand on his chin, after a little thought, asked: "You are here. Wood, is there a treasure tree Adam? ”

Baoshu Adam should be what he knows. The best wood in the world, the Wanli Sunshine of the original straw hat, is made of Baoshuya as the main material, and its speed and tenacity are almost impeccable.


The hunchback old man is wondering what kind of wood is recommended for Rhodes. When he heard Rhodes, he almost squirted water and squinted:

"Bao Shu Adam? Do you know the price of the wood is so high?"

"I will ask you if you have it?"

Rhodes asked calmly.

The hunchback old man scratched his head and hesitated. Finally, he said: "I don't have it here, but here I got a branch of a treasure tree Adam, the length is forty-one meters. I heard that two days are going to be Auction over there."

"But I can remind you that without a one or two hundred million Bailey, you don't have to think about that stuff, it's just filling out the money..."

The old man on the hunchback saw that Rhodes had completely lost interest in his wood. He couldn't help but mutter a little, seeing Rhodes not responding, shaking his head and walking away.

Rhodes looked at Robin next to him and smiled:

"I didn't expect luck so well, I could meet the branches of a treasure tree Adam."

"And the size is right, but... the money may not be enough."

Robin also heard about the name of Baoshu Adam, an archaeologist who knows this tough wood.

Rhodes smiled and shook his head. "The money will be enough. There are pirates everywhere. Isn't there another two days? Go and find the white bear pirate group first."

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