"The ship board is going to collapse!"

"After retreating!"

The people of the Babao Shuijun looked at the cracks in the ship's slabs under their feet, spreading their panic colors, and rushing back toward the rear. Some people even hugged the guardrails at the edge of the deck.

Abu, who was distorted by an arm, looked at the aftermath of Rhodes and Lao Cai’s fight, and could not help but shake the heart. On the one hand, it was unexpected that the strength of Rhodes could be positive with Lao Cai. On the other hand, it was unexpected. The aftermath of the confrontation between the two is so intense.


Finally, in a roar, the power of twisting and the power of the impact burst completely, and Rhodes’s fist swayed and stepped back a small step.

I haven't waited for the many crew members of Abu and Babao Shuijun to be happy. Lao Cai, who is standing there, has a twisted squeak of the bones. The whole person has turned over and fell to three meters.


The ship's board was finally unable to support anymore. With Rhodes and Lao Cai as the center, it suddenly collapsed and collapsed. Rhodes jumped back and retreated to the guardrail on the edge of the deck. Lao Cai also jumped on one leg and jumped to the same. On the other side of the guardrail.

Lao Cai’s expression was extremely serious. Obviously, his leg that collided with Rhodes was very inflexible, and there was some faint jitter. Although it was not broken in the previous collision, it was obviously twisted. a bit.

"The eight-chong boxing that the Babao Shuijun passed down from generation to generation seems to be no different."

The muscles on Rhodes's arm were a little bit sour, and he calmly looked at the old Cai, and the arm slammed hard and forced to dissipate the feeling of numbness.


After bearing the impact of the eight-punch punch, Rhodes jumped and the whole person turned into a residual image, rushing to Lao Cai.

"This guy……"

Lao Cai didn't think that Rhodes had to bear the aftermath of his eight punches so easily. His own leg still can't use his strength until now.

He sank his face and stared at Rhodes, who was rushing, his right fist clenching his power and slamming in the direction of Rhodes.


The double boxing collision, Lao Cai's boxing method is obviously weaker than the leg strength, and the impact force is not as good as the previous one. Under the punch of Rhodes, the ship's guardrail on the sole of the foot directly collapses and collapses, and the whole person is embedded in the wood. in.


Lao Cai struggled to earn a profit, broke free from the wood, and leaped backwards, trying to avoid the edge, but Rhodes did not give the opportunity, and rushed straight up.


Rhodes punched out, but it suddenly hit the phantom of countless fists, like a thousand hands, and fell to the face of Lao Cai.

Lao Cai was shocked. Although he immediately captured the body of Rhodes with a weak sense of domineering, but he couldn’t wait for a punch, he could only put his arms on his chest and struggle to spur the armed color to resist.


Rhodes punched between Lao Cai's arms.

Even when the twisted light is applied, the twisting power on his fist will be weaker, but this punch is a real hit, and it is the old Cai who has not had time to display the eight punches!

His faint armed color domineering is obviously not enough to withstand the twisting power of Rhodes. The muscles and muscles of his arms are all twisted by a force twist.


Lao Cai took a breath of cold air, even if he was desperately tightening his muscles and bones, and retreating backwards, the muscles on his arm still had severe sprains and contusions under the attack, and his arms were swollen directly. ring.

The horror of twisting the fruit is undoubted.

Once the body and domineering are not enough to completely smash the twisting power, each time you take a punch, you will be damaged. Under the superposition of the fists, no one can stop it, which is very similar to the shocking fruit of the white beard.


Abu, who was in the distance, looked at the scene with a wounded arm. He screamed in a bad voice, and yelled at the many members of the Eight Treasures who were next to him:

"Give me all! Kill the kid!"


The members of the Babao Shuijun were shocked by the scene of Luoz’s positive suppression of Lao Cai, but when he heard Abu’s order, although his forehead was overflowing with cold sweat, he still bit his teeth and rushed his head with a variety of swords and artillery.

boom! boom! boom!

A mess of bullets flew over to Rhodes, and some portable artillery squirted a fire tongue, fired a shell and slammed into Rhodes.

In the face of the bullets and shells hit by the sky, Rhodes did not retreat, but instead his eyes flashed slightly, his arms opened and he made a hug.


All the bullets and shells that were fired, under the body of Rhodes, the flight path produced a strange twist, and the face of the skull was turned to Lao Cai.


Lao Cai’s hole shrinks and tries to retreat, but one of his legs has not recovered yet, and his arms have swollen a large circle. The flexibility has already fallen to the bottom, even though he will use a little bit of domineering, but he can’t completely avoid those. Bullets and artillery.

In a burst of blood, Lao Cai squinted and held the guardrail of the deck, barely standing.


"Give you a dignified death."

Rhodes calmly looked at Lao Cai, who was still struggling and still standing there, taking out the famous knife spring music at the waist and stepping forward.


The blood spewed out, and Lao Cai’s body slowly fell to the ground.

A silence.

Holding the knife and gun artillery, the members of the Babao Water Army who were going to rush up were all in the same place, and all the guns in their hands stopped vomiting.

This moment seems to stop. Everyone looks at this scene, and almost all of them have a look of horror and disbelief.

Lao Cai is dead.

Even the great route has been rushed. I thought it was just an ordinary expedition. No one thought of Lao Cai, the deputy pillar of the Babao Shuijun, who would die here and die in the West Sea!

"You... you actually killed the deputy pillar..."

"This, if this is known by the person..."

In the silence ~www.readwn.com~ I don't know who is the voice of the opening.

There are many descendants of the leader green pepper, but the most outstanding one, and the most concerned about the green pepper is Lao Cai. It has long been planned to cultivate Lao Cai into the thirteenth generation.

Seeing that Lao Cai was so young and served as the position of the thirteenth generation of the pillars, he knew his position in the heart of the leader, and no one knew that the green pepper knew what would happen to this thing.

Perhaps that person has not gone out to sea for many years, and has gradually been forgotten by the world, but how can they not know the members of these Babao Sailors?

Cone green pepper!

Before the era of the sea thief, the existence of the sea has been, the bounty is ... 500 million Bailey!

"How could this be."

On the other hand, Abu looked at the body of Lao Cai fell to the ground, but also the breathing was almost stagnant, and one heart almost stopped beating.

Thinking of the scene of his father's anger and madness, the cold sweat of his forehead is constantly dripping, I am afraid that even he may be torn into pieces by the angry old man!

Abu looked at Rhodes's eyes, and his eyes were horrified, fearful, and unbelievable.

"You are finished..."

"Even if you hide into a great route, it doesn't work."

"You will be chased to the ends of the earth, but he is a master..."


A sword flashed, and Abu’s voice stopped.

"If you are willing to kill, come on."

Rhodes was calm and gently pulled out the tip of the sword, and the blood sprang out with the sword.

He looked straight ahead and didn't look at the body of Abu.

"How can people who are not even afraid of the navy and the world government be afraid of an old man who has been eliminated by the times?"

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