One Piece Talent System

Chapter 4: Pot comes from heaven

"Lay seafood noodles."

When I came to a small restaurant in the town, Rhodes found a place to sit down and greeted the owner of the restaurant.

The restaurant owner naturally knew Rhodes. After grinning, he poured a glass of water into Rhodes, then walked into the back hall and tied his apron to his hand.

Rhodes drank water while thinking about the next direction of practice.


A riot on the street interrupted Rhodes's thoughts. He looked up and saw a large group of naval hands holding fire and standard steel swords, walking through the streets, and searching around.

"What are you doing?"

Rhodes showed a strange color, is there a pirate mixed into the town?

Just as he sat there and watched the Navy search around, suddenly a navy saw him sitting in the restaurant.

"it's here!"

The navy was a glimpse first, then immediately screamed and took the fire in his hand, directly at Rhodes.

Almost for a moment, the navy on the entire street rushed over, surrounded the restaurant, surrounded Rhodes in the center, and numerous fires were directed at Rhodes.

"Sinner Rhodes, surrender quickly!"

"Don't try to resist, it's surrounded by us!"

A major Navy rushed to the front, holding a long sword in his hand and screaming at Lodz with a serious face.

Rhodes still held a cup of drinking water in his hand and looked at the scene of sudden changes in his eyes.

"What are you doing...!"

He looked around and there was only one person in the whole restaurant. The brows gradually wrinkled and put down the teacup and asked the many navies.


The head of the Navy’s brow wrinkled, but immediately shouted with a cold-faced expression: “Don’t pretend to be stupid! The sin that is committed cannot be lost, let’s get rid of it!”

"I? Crime?"

Rhodes's face is strange, annoyed, doubtful and other expressions flashing, when a pirate hunter, hunting a pirate, will be guilty? what the hell?

The Navy Major saw that Rhodes was still ‘supplely filled with swearing’, and could not help but scream: “Slow out and surrender, otherwise we will start!”


Rhodes's expression gradually turned cold.

He chose the career of the pirate hunter. On the one hand, the talent system needs to hunt the pirates. On the other hand, he does not want to be chased by the navy and clash with the navy.

But not wanting to clash with the navy does not mean that he is afraid of the navy. He has inexplicably said that he is a criminal and wants him to surrender and wear handcuffs. What is this? !

"Can you tell me first, what crimes have I committed?"

Rhodes looked coldly at the navy outside.

The Navy Major heard the words and showed an expression of anger: "When you are judged, you know what sin you have committed!"

After the voice fell, he made a direct order, and many navies pulled the trigger. For a time, the fire and the snakes flew, and countless bullets flew toward Rhodes.


Almost every moment when many navies fired, the ground squatting under the feet of Rhodes was broken like a spider web. The table in front of him was also broken at the same time. The whole person was like a ghost, and rushed out of the restaurant.

"What about people? Where are you going?!"

The Navy major was shocked first, slashing his sword, but he did not cut anything, and Rhodes had disappeared from the air, and he did not know where to go.

On the roof not far away, Rhodes stood behind the chimney and glanced at the town below. He found that the whole town had been surrounded by naval groups. On the far side of the coast, two warships were docked, and they could not help but frown. .

Such a big move...

In addition to hunting the pirates, I have not done anything to alarm the navy. Now it seems that something has happened and the charges have been thrown into his head.

Rhodes was annoyed at the bottom of his heart, his eyes were showing a trace of anger, no matter who let him take a sip of black pot, this is not over!

First figure out what is going on.

Rhodes came down from the roof and went to a roadway. He took the navy of the team and pulled the last navy of the navy into the lane.

"If you dare to scream, beware of your head."

Rhodes took a dagger from his pocket, pressed against the seaman's neck, looked at him coldly, and slowly let go of his hand.

The seaman’s face was frightened and he wanted to call out loud, but the sharp, cold dagger on his neck made him feel like he was pinching his neck.

Rhodes asked coldly:

"The first question, what is your purpose?"


The sea soldier looked at Rhodes with trepidation, fearing that Rhodes would be cut off by shaking his neck.

Rhodes put the dagger a little farther away, and said coldly: "Come on!"

"Catch... arrest the ghost hand Rhodes..."

The sea soldier saw the dagger move away, and he breathed a sigh of relief, but it was still a look of fear and a stuttering opening.

After Rhodes nodded, he stared at the sea soldier's eyes and asked coldly:

"The second question, why should I arrest me?"

The seaman took a nap and didn't expect Rhodes to ask such a question. The strange and confused eyes in his eyes flashed past, but he still answered the stuttering mouth under the threat of the dagger.

"Yes... is the tragedy of Tarot Town... You are the Hearing here, Rhodes frowned, and he was going to ask what the Tarot town tragedy was, and suddenly there was a big noise outside the lane. .

"He's here!"

Seeing that he had been discovered by the Navy, Rhodes was too lazy to ask again. He apparently was inexplicably carrying a black pot of the Tarot town tragedy. As for the tragedy in the Tarot town, it is estimated that you can find a place to ask.


Rhodes once again shaved, and the whole person flashed and disappeared into the laneway, leaving the sea corps who survived the rest of the robbery, leaning against the wall with a look of sorrow and doubt.

"He, don't know why we are arresting him?"


The navy of the West Sea is very different from the navy of the Middle East.

In the East China Sea in the original book, catching a sea thief with a reward of 15 million Baileys can be directly raised from the **** to the colonel, because the highest pirates in the East China Sea have only 20 million Baileys.

In the West Sea, the highest bounty pirates, up to 50 million Bailey, even in this sea area, the highest reward is more than 30 million Bailey.

Therefore, the navy of the West Sea is much more difficult to promote than the East China Sea. That is to say, the overall strength of the West Sea Navy is much stronger than that of the East China Sea, and even the highest among the four seas, second only to the great route!

A reward of 20 million pirates, met the navy colonel here, basically turned around and ran away, the possibility of escape is very large, it is almost impossible to win, because each colonel has at least arrested the bounty three Tens of sea thieves.


After Rhodes pointed out the talent of 'shaving', the strength is enough to override the general 30 million Bailey pirates.

So under the encirclement of many navies, Rhodes left the town without spending too much energy to get rid of the navy.

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