One Piece Talent System

Vol 2 Chapter 410: The beginning of the defeat

boom! boom! boom!

A burst of roaring in the country and the top of the four kings pirates, the whole country and the country seems to have collapsed and collapsed, countless people shunned under the horror, but there is no retreat.

Many civilians in the country are even more frightened.

The foxfire Jinweimen and Guangyue Taozhi, which are hiding in the remote areas of the country, are also shocked by the violent earthquake.

Under the panic, the mountain suddenly collapsed by the earthquake. Jinweimen smashed the stone that collapsed, but the Taozhizhu next to it was still buried by countless stones.

And in the country of the nine miles.

On the entire battlefield, the most powerful ones will undoubtedly belong to the battle between Rhodes and the beast of Kato. It can be said that each strike is like an earthquake, and the aftermath of horror.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if it is a tens of millions of pirates, in this level of battlefield, even the aftermath is difficult to resist.

no doubt.

Rhodes only carries the elite of the Ghosts and Pirates. It is a choice without any problems, because the so-called elites except the captain and the vice captain can only send some cannon fodder on this level of battlefield. Just what it takes.

boom! boom! boom!

Every time Rhodes fell, he blew the body of the beast, and even the half-body that was directly bombarded was buried in the ground.

The last time he played against Kay, he could only fight against the beast Kay by virtue of the special ability of speed and distorted space. This time, he only relied on the positive explosion of the simple twisting force, and he would already have Kaido. Fully suppressed!

There is no need to use forces such as distorted space.

"That guy... how could it be so outrageous..."

The pirates of the Beast Pirates, in the fight, the battles of far-sighted observers Rhodes and Kayto are all fearful and unbelievable.

Many of the old people who followed the beast Kayto a long time ago were also shocked. The fists were used to fight Kaydo. Even if it was the white beard of the year, I am afraid I could not do it!


The beast Kaydo also did not expect that Rhodes' strength would reach such a degree, and this growth has far exceeded his expectations.

In this world, the growth of strength is limited, or when it comes to the world-class combat power of the Navy general, it is difficult to upgrade even if it is.


The devil fruit can't do it either.

Otherwise, Karp eats a Momo fruit that can increase the speed of power by a hundred times. Isn't it a direct punch to explode the entire great route? !

However, the fact is that at the level of Karp, the devil's fruit has had little effect on him, and it has not improved much.


The existence of Rhodes seems to break this common sense!

In just a few years, the beast Kaydo felt that he was not an opponent of Rhodes at all. Maybe Rhodes might not have played two of them, but on a one-on-one basis, he almost did not have any odds!


Rhodes was another twisted fist, hitting Kaido's arm, and the twisting force bombarded his body through the defense of Kaduo, making him snoring and overflowing with blood on his lips.

Today's Rhodes, this kind of twisting fist of the frontal wave, the pain caused to him, but also on the shock of the white beard!

Kaddo was beaten without any help, and Rhodes was playing with his heart. He has not been so comfortable for a long time, and his combat power has been fully unfolded.


Kedo’s body is strong enough to hold his beat.

Otherwise, the battle will be like the previous battles, and they will not be able to force themselves, and the opponent will be completely defeated.

The stronger the strength, the harder it is to find the blood and passion in the battle. It has to be said that it is a kind of regret for those who love fighting.

Rhodes vaguely realized the feeling of a bald head in a certain world.


Another punch fell.

Kaydo crossed his arms and blocked it above his head. The armed color domineering was already pushed to the limit, and the two forces confronted each other in the void.

Rhodes's arm shook a little, and with a big bang, his fist slammed down and slammed.


Kedot’s resistance was defeated.

The ground under the feet of the whole person collapsed in a fragmented shape, and the square was directly turned into a pit, and the whole person of Kaiduo also fell into the ground, and the mud stones splashed around.


Kato's mouth and nose are all overflowing with blood.

"Kedo adults!"

Dr. Jack, one of the three disasters, is closest to the position of Kaiduo. He looked at this scene and could see a few bloodshots in his eyes.

In his eyes, he was almost invincible, Kaiduo. No one can make a lot of Kato in the one-on-one battle. It was so badly played by Rhodes!

"You are distracted."

At this time, Fujiko’s voice was uploaded from Jack’s head.

I saw that Fujiwa closed his eyes, and the sword in his hand did not know when it had already reached Jack’s head. A terrible gravity slammed down.

Jack's face changed dramatically, and he screamed and tried to resist it, but it was too late. He only felt that the whole head had been hit hard, and it suddenly became groggy and his neck was screaming.

When the force of the gravity knife dissipated.

Jack struggled out of the collapsed earth crater. He only felt that everything in front of him was spinning around. After two steps, he finally couldn't hold it, his eyes turned and he passed out.

One of the three disasters of the Beast Pirates, Dr. Jack... defeated!


Jack's defeat also triggered a series of chain reactions, another three disasters not far from here, watching this scene change.

His tricks quickly became flawed.

The person who played against him is the captain of the second team, Yu Zhixi, and the strength of Yu Zhixi’s stay now is really the level of the generals. It is almost the same as Fujio, and there is a flaw in front of him. There is only one nature.


The blade runs through his An extremely cold force spreads out from the blade, from the internal organs to the fleshy skin, rubbing his eyes to freeze the whole person into an ice sculpture, the face is horrified and Unwilling expression, so permanently fixed in there.

"I didn't expect you to solve it faster than me."

Yu Zhixi left the blade and turned to look at the rattan and spit out a smog.

Fujio also put the stick knife into the stick and gently put it down. He touched the back of his head and smiled slyly. He said, "I am lucky."


Yu Zhixi snorted in his heart. He knew the character of Fujio, and he was humble on the surface. He also had his arrogance inside. Otherwise, he would not have been pressing him until now.

In today's tens of thousands of countries, he has no idea of ​​the status of Rhodes, but he has hope to grab it.

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